15,490 research outputs found

    A search algorithm for a class of optimal finite-precision controller realization problems with saddle points

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    With game theory, we review the optimal digital controller realization problems that maximize a finite word length (FWL) closed-loop stability measure. For a large class of these optimal FWL controller realization problems which have saddle points, a minimax-based search algorithm is derived for finding a global optimal solution. The algorithm consists of two stages. In the first stage, the closed form of a transformation set is constructed which contains global optimal solutions. In the second stage, a subgradient approach searches this transformation set to obtain a global optimal solution. This algorithm does not suffer from the usual drawbacks associated with using direct numerical optimization methods to tackle these FWL realization problems. Furthermore, for a small class of optimal FWL controller realization problems which have no saddle point, the proposed algorithm also provides useful information to help solve them

    Delay-Based Controller Design for Continuous-Time and Hybrid Applications

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    Motivated by the availability of different types of delays in embedded systems and biological circuits, the objective of this work is to study the benefits that delay can provide in simplifying the implementation of controllers for continuous-time systems. Given a continuous-time linear time-invariant (LTI) controller, we propose three methods to approximate this controller arbitrarily precisely by a simple controller composed of delay blocks, a few integrators and possibly a unity feedback. Different problems associated with the approximation procedures, such as finding the optimal number of delay blocks or studying the robustness of the designed controller with respect to delay values, are then investigated. We also study the design of an LTI continuous-time controller satisfying given control objectives whose delay-based implementation needs the least number of delay blocks. A direct application of this work is in the sampled-data control of a real-time embedded system, where the sampling frequency is relatively high and/or the output of the system is sampled irregularly. Based on our results on delay-based controller design, we propose a digital-control scheme that can implement every continuous-time stabilizing (LTI) controller. Unlike a typical sampled-data controller, the hybrid controller introduced here -— consisting of an ideal sampler, a digital controller, a number of modified second-order holds and possibly a unity feedback -— is robust to sampling jitter and can operate at arbitrarily high sampling frequencies without requiring expensive, high-precision computation

    Linear Control Theory with an ℋ∞ Optimality Criterion

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    This expository paper sets out the principal results in ℋ∞ control theory in the context of continuous-time linear systems. The focus is on the mathematical theory rather than computational methods

    A receding horizon generalization of pointwise min-norm controllers

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    Control Lyapunov functions (CLFs) are used in conjunction with receding horizon control to develop a new class of receding horizon control schemes. In the process, strong connections between the seemingly disparate approaches are revealed, leading to a unified picture that ties together the notions of pointwise min-norm, receding horizon, and optimal control. This framework is used to develop a CLF based receding horizon scheme, of which a special case provides an appropriate extension of Sontag's formula. The scheme is first presented as an idealized continuous-time receding horizon control law. The issue of implementation under discrete-time sampling is then discussed as a modification. These schemes are shown to possess a number of desirable theoretical and implementation properties. An example is provided, demonstrating their application to a nonlinear control problem. Finally, stronger connections to both optimal and pointwise min-norm control are proved

    An internal model approach to (optimal) frequency regulation in power grids with time-varying voltages

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    This paper studies the problem of frequency regulation in power grids under unknown and possible time-varying load changes, while minimizing the generation costs. We formulate this problem as an output agreement problem for distribution networks and address it using incremental passivity and distributed internal-model-based controllers. Incremental passivity enables a systematic approach to study convergence to the steady state with zero frequency deviation and to design the controller in the presence of time-varying voltages, whereas the internal-model principle is applied to tackle the uncertain nature of the loads.Comment: 16 pages. Abridged version appeared in the Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, MTNS 2014, Groningen, the Netherlands. Submitted in December 201

    Convex inner approximations of nonconvex semialgebraic sets applied to fixed-order controller design

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    We describe an elementary algorithm to build convex inner approximations of nonconvex sets. Both input and output sets are basic semialgebraic sets given as lists of defining multivariate polynomials. Even though no optimality guarantees can be given (e.g. in terms of volume maximization for bounded sets), the algorithm is designed to preserve convex boundaries as much as possible, while removing regions with concave boundaries. In particular, the algorithm leaves invariant a given convex set. The algorithm is based on Gloptipoly 3, a public-domain Matlab package solving nonconvex polynomial optimization problems with the help of convex semidefinite programming (optimization over linear matrix inequalities, or LMIs). We illustrate how the algorithm can be used to design fixed-order controllers for linear systems, following a polynomial approach