2 research outputs found

    Evaluaci贸n de la vulnerabilidad de sistemas el茅ctricos por medio de programaci贸n multinivel: una revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica

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    Vulnerability studies can identify critical elements in electric power systems in order to take protective measures against possible scenarios that may result in load shedding, which can be caused by natural events or deliberate attacks. This article is a literature review on the latter kind, i.e., the interdiction problem, which assumes there is a disruptive agent whose objective is to maximize the damage to the system, while the network operator acts as a defensive agent. The non-simultaneous interaction of these two agents creates a multilevel optimization problem, and the literature has reported several interdiction models and solution methods to address it. The main contribution of this paper is presenting the considerations that should be taken into account to analyze, model, and solve the interdiction problem, including the most common solution techniques, applied methodologies, and future studies. This literature review found that most research in this area is focused on the analysis of transmission systems considering linear approximations of the network, and a few interdiction studies use an AC model of the network or directly treat distribution networks from a multilevel standpoint. Future challenges in this field include modeling and incorporating new defense options for the network operator, such as distributed generation, demand response, and the topological reconfiguration of the system.f the system.Los estudios de vulnerabilidad pueden identificar elementos cr铆ticos en los sistemas de distribuci贸n de potencia el茅ctrica con el fin de tomar medidas de protecci贸n contra posibles escenarios que pueden resultar en desconexi贸n de carga (tambi茅n llamado deslastre de carga), que puede ser ocasionada por eventos naturales o ataques deliberados. Este art铆culo es una rese帽a bibliogr谩fica sobre el segundo tipo de casos, es decir, los del problema de interdicci贸n, en el que se asume la existencia de un agente disruptivo cuyo objetivo es maximizar los da帽os ocasionados al sistema mientras el operador de red act煤a como agente de defensa del mismo. La interacci贸n no simult谩nea de estos dos agentes crea un problema de optimizaci贸n multinivel y en la bibliograf铆a se reportan varios modelos de interdicci贸n y soluciones para abordar el problema. La contribuci贸n principal de este art铆culo es la presentaci贸n de consideraciones que deben tomarse en cuenta para analizar, modelar y resolver el problema de la interdicci贸n, incluyendo las soluciones, m茅todos y t茅cnicas m谩s comunes para solucionarlo, as铆 como futuros estudios al respecto. Esta revisi贸n encontr贸 que la mayor铆a de la investigaci贸n en el tema se enfoca en el an谩lisis de los sistemas de transmisi贸n, considerando las aproximaciones lineales de la red; algunos estudios en interdicci贸n usan un modelo AC de la red o tratan las redes de distribuci贸n directamente desde un enfoque multinivel. Algunos retos en este campo son el modelado y la inclusi贸n de nuevas opciones de defensa para el operador de la red, como la generaci贸n distribuida, la respuesta a la demanda y la reconfiguraci贸n topol贸gica del sistema.&nbsp

    Prevention of terrorism : an assessment of prior POM work and future potentials

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    漏 2020 Production and Operations Management Society In this study, we review POM-based research related to prevention of terrorism. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) terrorist attacks have the potential to be prevented. Consequently, the focus of this study is on security enhancement and improving the resiliency of a nation to prevent terrorist attacks. Accordingly, we review articles from the 25 top journals, [following procedures developed by Gupta et al. (2016)], in the fields of Production and Operations Management, Operations Research, Management Science, and Supply Chain Management. In addition, we searched some selected journals in the fields of Information Sciences, Political Science, and Economics. This literature is organized and reviewed under the following seven core capabilities defined by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS): (1) Intelligence and Information Sharing, (2) Planning, (3) Interdiction and Disruption, (4) Screening, Search, and Detection, (5) Forensics and Attribution, (6) Public Information and Warning, and (7) Operational Coordination. We found that POM research on terrorism is primarily driven by the type of information that a defending country and a terrorist have about each other. Game theory is the main technique that is used in most research papers. Possible directions for future research are discussed