1,665 research outputs found

    Learning-based position control of a closed-kinematic chain robot end-effector

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    A trajectory control scheme whose design is based on learning theory, for a six-degree-of-freedom (DOF) robot end-effector built to study robotic assembly of NASA hardwares in space is presented. The control scheme consists of two control systems: the feedback control system and the learning control system. The feedback control system is designed using the concept of linearization about a selected operating point, and the method of pole placement so that the closed-loop linearized system is stabilized. The learning control scheme consisting of PD-type learning controllers, provides additional inputs to improve the end-effector performance after each trial. Experimental studies performed on a 2 DOF end-effector built at CUA, for three tracking cases show that actual trajectories approach desired trajectories as the number of trials increases. The tracking errors are substantially reduced after only five trials

    Mathematical modeling and control of redundant robotic manipulators using biological analog

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    U ovom radu razmatran je problem realizacije novih matematičkih modela redudantnih sistema kao i upravljanja korišćenjem pogodnih bioloških analogona. Ideja je bila u tome da se imitira ljudsko ponašanje i to je posebno značajno za zadatke koji su slični onim zadacima karakterističnim za ljude. Prvo, može se primeniti biološki koncept distribuiranog pozicioniranja (DP) koji je zasnovan na inercijalnim osobinama i aktuatorskim mogućnostima zglobova redudantnih sistema. Drugo, predloženo je korišćenje biološkog analogona - sinergije koja je posledica postojanja invarijantnih osobina u izvršavanju funkcionalnih kretanja. Na kraju predloženo je korišćenje drugih bioloških principa kao što su: princip minimuma interakcije koji ima važnu ulogu u hijerarhijskoj strukturi upravljanja i principa samopodešavanja, koji dozvoljava efikasnu realizaciju upravljanja koje je zasnovano na iterativnom prirodnom učenju. .In this paper it is considered problem of realization new mathematical models of redundant systems as well as control using suitable biological analog. The idea was to try to imitate human behavior and this is specially convenient for tasks which are similar to those characteristic for humans (e.g., assembling in industry, different jobs at home and in health service). If we consider speed, accuracy and stability of motion then the overall performance (taking into account all three of parameters) with machines is still far behind human reaching and grasping. Human arm movements are considered to be stable, fast and accurate due to properties of muscles, musculo-skeletal structures and hierarchical control. It was observed in the execution of functional motions that certain trajectories are preferred from the infinite number of options. Such behavior of organisms can be only explained by the existence of inherent optimization laws in self-organized systems governing the acquisition of motor skills. Existence of invariant features in the execution of functional motions points out that central nervous system (CNS) uses synergy [Bernstein, 1967](i.e. rule(s) that can be developed by the CNS based on some principles). The control of arm movement in humans relies very much on distributed usage of different joints, and inherent optimization of muscles which are active. Analysis of multi joint coordination in humans is an important source of information for synthesis of dynamic patterns in machines. In that way, model of redundant system is obtained using biomechanical principle - synergy i.e. introducing linear or nonlinear relations between independent parameters or their first derivatives which uniquely define redundant system. Moreover, one can introduced hypothetical control using joint actuator synergy approach as suggested [Bernstein, 1967] •which imposes a specific constraints) on the control variables. Also, it can be applied biological concept called distributed positioning (DP) which is based on the inertial properties and actuation capabilities of joints of redundant system. The redundancy and DP concept [Potkonjak 1990] could be used for solving the trajectory that has problems with increased dynamic requirements. The concept of DP allows us to separate the smooth and accelerated components of required motions applying appropriate smoothing technique. The inverse kinematics of redundant robot has been solved at the coordination level via (DP) concept. Moreover, it is here proposed using other biological principles such as: principle of minimum interaction which takes a main role in hierarchical structure of control and self-adjusting principle, which allows efficiently realization of control based on iterative natural learning. Motor control is organized as a multilevel structure, is generally accepted. In assistive system involves man as the decision maker, a hierarchical control structure can be proposed with three levels from the left to right: -voluntary level, coordination level, actuator level. This imposes the system is decomposed into several sybsystems with strong coupling between subsystems. Explanation of previous can be understood using the principle of maximum autonomy or minimum information exchange [Tomović, Bellman, 1970]. According to this principle, the optimal solution is to delegate the execution of functional motions to the coordination level and local regulators once the task and the task parameters have been selected. Learning control for controlling dynamics systems, a class of tracking systems is applied where it is required to repeat a given task to desired precision. The common observation that human beings can learn perfect skills trough repeated trials motivations the idea of iterative learning control for systems performing repetitive tasks. Therefore, iterative learning control requires less a priori knowledge about the controlled system in the controller design phase and also less computational effort than many other kinds of control. For improving the properties of tracking is proposed applying biological analog -principle of self-adaptability, [Grujuc,1989 ] which introduce local negative feedback on control with great amplifying.

    Mathematical modeling and control of redundant robotic manipulators using biological analog

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    U ovom radu razmatran je problem realizacije novih matematičkih modela redudantnih sistema kao i upravljanja korišćenjem pogodnih bioloških analogona. Ideja je bila u tome da se imitira ljudsko ponašanje i to je posebno značajno za zadatke koji su slični onim zadacima karakterističnim za ljude. Prvo, može se primeniti biološki koncept distribuiranog pozicioniranja (DP) koji je zasnovan na inercijalnim osobinama i aktuatorskim mogućnostima zglobova redudantnih sistema. Drugo, predloženo je korišćenje biološkog analogona - sinergije koja je posledica postojanja invarijantnih osobina u izvršavanju funkcionalnih kretanja. Na kraju predloženo je korišćenje drugih bioloških principa kao što su: princip minimuma interakcije koji ima važnu ulogu u hijerarhijskoj strukturi upravljanja i principa samopodešavanja, koji dozvoljava efikasnu realizaciju upravljanja koje je zasnovano na iterativnom prirodnom učenju. .In this paper it is considered problem of realization new mathematical models of redundant systems as well as control using suitable biological analog. The idea was to try to imitate human behavior and this is specially convenient for tasks which are similar to those characteristic for humans (e.g., assembling in industry, different jobs at home and in health service). If we consider speed, accuracy and stability of motion then the overall performance (taking into account all three of parameters) with machines is still far behind human reaching and grasping. Human arm movements are considered to be stable, fast and accurate due to properties of muscles, musculo-skeletal structures and hierarchical control. It was observed in the execution of functional motions that certain trajectories are preferred from the infinite number of options. Such behavior of organisms can be only explained by the existence of inherent optimization laws in self-organized systems governing the acquisition of motor skills. Existence of invariant features in the execution of functional motions points out that central nervous system (CNS) uses synergy [Bernstein, 1967](i.e. rule(s) that can be developed by the CNS based on some principles). The control of arm movement in humans relies very much on distributed usage of different joints, and inherent optimization of muscles which are active. Analysis of multi joint coordination in humans is an important source of information for synthesis of dynamic patterns in machines. In that way, model of redundant system is obtained using biomechanical principle - synergy i.e. introducing linear or nonlinear relations between independent parameters or their first derivatives which uniquely define redundant system. Moreover, one can introduced hypothetical control using joint actuator synergy approach as suggested [Bernstein, 1967] •which imposes a specific constraints) on the control variables. Also, it can be applied biological concept called distributed positioning (DP) which is based on the inertial properties and actuation capabilities of joints of redundant system. The redundancy and DP concept [Potkonjak 1990] could be used for solving the trajectory that has problems with increased dynamic requirements. The concept of DP allows us to separate the smooth and accelerated components of required motions applying appropriate smoothing technique. The inverse kinematics of redundant robot has been solved at the coordination level via (DP) concept. Moreover, it is here proposed using other biological principles such as: principle of minimum interaction which takes a main role in hierarchical structure of control and self-adjusting principle, which allows efficiently realization of control based on iterative natural learning. Motor control is organized as a multilevel structure, is generally accepted. In assistive system involves man as the decision maker, a hierarchical control structure can be proposed with three levels from the left to right: -voluntary level, coordination level, actuator level. This imposes the system is decomposed into several sybsystems with strong coupling between subsystems. Explanation of previous can be understood using the principle of maximum autonomy or minimum information exchange [Tomović, Bellman, 1970]. According to this principle, the optimal solution is to delegate the execution of functional motions to the coordination level and local regulators once the task and the task parameters have been selected. Learning control for controlling dynamics systems, a class of tracking systems is applied where it is required to repeat a given task to desired precision. The common observation that human beings can learn perfect skills trough repeated trials motivations the idea of iterative learning control for systems performing repetitive tasks. Therefore, iterative learning control requires less a priori knowledge about the controlled system in the controller design phase and also less computational effort than many other kinds of control. For improving the properties of tracking is proposed applying biological analog -principle of self-adaptability, [Grujuc,1989 ] which introduce local negative feedback on control with great amplifying.

    Model-Based Iterative Learning Control Applied to an Industrial Robot with Elasticity

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    In this paper model-based Iterative Learning Control (ILC) is applied to improve the tracking accuracy of an industrial robot with elasticity. The ILC algorithm iteratively updates the reference trajectory for the robot such that the predicted tracking error in the next iteration is minimised. The tracking error is predicted by a model of the closed-loop dynamics of the robot. The model includes the servo resonance frequency, the first resonance frequency caused by elasticity in the mechanism and the variation of both frequencies along the trajectory. Experimental results show that the tracking error of the robot can be reduced, even at frequencies beyond the first elastic resonance frequency

    Natural Motion for Energy Saving in Robotic and Mechatronic Systems

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    Energy saving in robotic and mechatronic systems is becoming an evermore important topic in both industry and academia. One strategy to reduce the energy consumption, especially for cyclic tasks, is exploiting natural motion. We define natural motion as the system response caused by the conversion of potential elastic energy into kinetic energy. This motion can be both a forced response assisted by a motor or a free response. The application of the natural motion concepts allows for energy saving in tasks characterized by repetitive or cyclic motion. This review paper proposes a classification of several approaches to natural motion, starting from the compliant elements and the actuators needed for its implementation. Then several approaches to natural motion are discussed based on the trajectory followed by the system, providing useful information to the researchers dealing with natural motion

    Practice Makes Perfect: an iterative approach to achieve precise tracking for legged robots

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    Precise trajectory tracking for legged robots can be challenging due to their high degrees of freedom, unmodeled nonlinear dynamics, or random disturbances from the environment. A commonly adopted solution to overcome these challenges is to use optimization-based algorithms and approximate the system with a simplified, reduced-order model. Additionally, deep neural networks are becoming a more promising option for achieving agile and robust legged locomotion. These approaches, however, either require large amounts of onboard calculations or the collection of millions of data points from a single robot. To address these problems and improve tracking performance, this paper proposes a method based on iterative learning control. This method lets a robot learn from its own mistakes by exploiting the repetitive nature of legged locomotion within only a few trials. Then, a torque library is created as a lookup table so that the robot does not need to repeat calculations or learn the same skill over and over again. This process resembles how animals learn their muscle memories in nature. The proposed method is tested on the A1 robot in a simulated environment, and it allows the robot to pronk at different speeds while precisely following the reference trajectories without heavy calculations.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Human factors in space telepresence

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    The problems of interfacing a human with a teleoperation system, for work in space are discussed. Much of the information presented here is the result of experience gained by the M.I.T. Space Systems Laboratory during the past two years of work on the ARAMIS (Automation, Robotics, and Machine Intelligence Systems) project. Many factors impact the design of the man-machine interface for a teleoperator. The effects of each are described in turn. An annotated bibliography gives the key references that were used. No conclusions are presented as a best design, since much depends on the particular application desired, and the relevant technology is swiftly changing

    Biologically inspired control and modeling of (bio)robotic systems and some applications of fractional calculus in mechanics

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    U ovom radu, prezentovane su primene biološki inspirisanog modeliranja i upravljanja (bio)mehaničkim (ne)redundantnim mehanizmima, kao i novodobijeni rezultati autora u oblasti primenjene mehanike koji su zasnovani na primeni računa necelobrojnog reda. Prvo, predloženo je korišćenje biološkog analogona-sinergije zahvaljujući postojanju nepromenljivih odlika u izvršavanju funkcionalnih pokreta. Drugo, model (bio)mehaničkog sistema može se dobiti primenom drugog biološkog koncepta poznatim pod nazivom distribuirano pozicioniranje (DP), koji je zasnovan na inercijalnim svojstva i pokretanju zglobova razmatranog mehaničkog sistema. Takođe,predlaže se korišćenje drugih bioloških principa kao što su: princip minimalne interakcije, koji ima glavnu ulogu u hijerarhijskoj strukturi upravljanja i princip samopodešavanja (uvodi lokalne pozitivnu/negativnu povratnu spregu u upravljačkoj petlji i to sa velikim pojačanjem), koji omogućava efikasno ostvarivanje upravljanja na bazi iterativnog prirodnog učenja. Takođe, novi, nedavno publikovani rezultati autora su takođe predstavljeni u oblasti stabilnosti, elektro-viskoelastičnosti i teoriji upravljanja a koji su zasnovani na korišćenju računa necelobrojnog reda.In this paper, the applications of biologically inspired modeling and control of (bio)mechanical (non)redundant mechanisms are presented, as well as newly obtained results of author in mechanics which are based on using fractional calculus. First, it is proposed to use biological analog-synergy due to existence of invariant features in the execution of functional motion. Second, the model of (bio)mechanical system may be obtained using another biological concept called distributed positioning (DP), which is based on the inertial properties and actuation of joints of considered mechanical system. In addition, it is proposed to use other biological principles such as: principle of minimum interaction, which takes a main role in hierarchical structure of control and self-adjusting principle (introduce local positive/negative feedback on control with great amplifying), which allows efficiently realization of control based on iterative natural learning. Also, new, recently obtained results of the author in the fields of stability, electroviscoelasticity, and control theory are presented which are based on using fractional calculus (FC)