197 research outputs found

    Optimal jammer placement in wireless localization networks

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    The optimal jammer placement problem is proposed for a wireless localization network, where the aim is to degrade the accuracy of locating target nodes as much as possible. In particular, the optimal location of a jammer node is obtained in order to maximize the minimum of the Cramér-Rao lower bounds for a number of target nodes under location related constraints for the jammer node. Theoretical results are derived to specify scenarios in which the jammer node should be located as close to a certain target node as possible, or the optimal location of the jammer node is determined by two or three of the target nodes. In addition, explicit expressions for the optimal location of the jammer node are derived in the presence of two target nodes. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the theoretical results. © 2015 IEEE

    Optimal Jammer Placement in UAV-assisted Relay Networks

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    We consider the relaying application of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), in which UAVs are placed between two transceivers (TRs) to increase the throughput of the system. Instead of studying the placement of UAVs as pursued in existing literature, we focus on investigating the placement of a jammer or a major source of interference on the ground to effectively degrade the performance of the system, which is measured by the maximum achievable data rate of transmission between the TRs. We demonstrate that the optimal placement of the jammer is in general a non-convex optimization problem, for which obtaining the solution directly is intractable. Afterward, using the inherent characteristics of the signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) expressions, we propose a tractable approach to find the optimal position of the jammer. Based on the proposed approach, we investigate the optimal positioning of the jammer in both dual-hop and multi-hop UAV relaying settings. Numerical simulations are provided to evaluate the performance of our proposed method.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Exploiting Sparse Structures in Source Localization and Tracking

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    This thesis deals with the modeling of structured signals under different sparsity constraints. Many phenomena exhibit an inherent structure that may be exploited when setting up models, examples include audio waves, radar, sonar, and image objects. These structures allow us to model, identify, and classify the processes, enabling parameter estimation for, e.g., identification, localisation, and tracking.In this work, such structures are exploited, with the goal to achieve efficient localisation and tracking of a structured source signal. Specifically, two scenarios are considered. In papers A and B, the aim is to find a sparse subset of a structured signal such that the signal parameters and source locations maybe estimated in an optimal way. For the sparse subset selection, a combinatorial optimization problem is approximately solved by means of convex relaxation, with the results of allowing for different types of a priori information to be incorporated in the optimization. In paper C, a sparse subset of data is provided, and a generative model is used to find the location of an unknown number of jammers in a wireless network, with the jammers’ movement in the network being tracked as additional observations become available

    Robust multiple frequency multiple power localization schemes in the presence of multiple jamming attacks

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    Localization of the wireless sensor network is a vital area acquiring an impressive research concern and called upon to expand more with the rising of its applications. As localization is gaining prominence in wireless sensor network, it is vulnerable to jamming attacks. Jamming attacks disrupt communication opportunity among the sender and receiver and deeply impact the localization process, leading to a huge error of the estimated sensor node position. Therefore, detection and elimination of jamming influence are absolutely indispensable. Range-based techniques especially Received Signal Strength (RSS) is facing severe impact of these attacks. This paper proposes algorithms based on Combination Multiple Frequency Multiple Power Localization (C-MFMPL) and Step Function Multiple Frequency Multiple Power Localization (SF-MFMPL). The algorithms have been tested in the presence of multiple types of jamming attacks including capture and replay, random and constant jammers over a log normal shadow fading propagation model. In order to overcome the impact of random and constant jammers, the proposed method uses two sets of frequencies shared by the implemented anchor nodes to obtain the averaged RSS readings all over the transmitted frequencies successfully. In addition, three stages of filters have been used to cope with the replayed beacons caused by the capture and replay jammers. In this paper the localization performance of the proposed algorithms for the ideal case which is defined by without the existence of the jamming attack are compared with the case of jamming attacks. The main contribution of this paper is to achieve robust localization performance in the presence of multiple jamming attacks under log normal shadow fading environment with a different simulation conditions and scenarios

    Enabling Self-healing Smart Grid Through Jamming Resilient Local Controller Switching

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    A key component of a smart grid is its ability to collect useful information from a power grid for enabling control centers to estimate the current states of the power grid. Such information can be delivered to the control centers via wireless or wired networks. It is envisioned that wireless technology will be widely used for local-area communication subsystems in the smart grid (e.g., in distribution networks). However, various attacks with serious impact can be launched in wireless networks such as channel jamming attacks and denial-of-service attacks. In particular, jamming attacks can cause significant damages to power grids, e.g., delayed delivery of time-critical messages can prevent control centers from properly controlling the outputs of generators to match load demands. In this paper, a communication subsystem with enhanced self-healing capability in the presence of jamming is designed via intelligent local controller switching while integrating a retransmission mechanism. The proposed framework allows sufficient readings from smart meters to be continuously collected by various local controllers to estimate the states of a power grid under various attack scenarios. The jamming probability is also analyzed considering the impact of jammer power and shadowing effects. In addition, guidelines on optimal placement of local controllers to ensure effective switching of smart meters under jamming are provided. Via theoretical, experimental and simulation studies, it is demonstrated that our proposed system is effective in maintaining communications between smart meters and local controllers even when multiple jammers are present in the network

    Optimal Jammer Placement in Wireless Localization Systems

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    In this study, the optimal jammer placement problem is proposed and analyzed for wireless localization systems. In particular, the optimal location of a jammer node is obtained by maximizing the minimum of the Cramér-Rao lower bounds (CRLBs) for a number of target nodes under location related constraints for the jammer node. For scenarios with more than two target nodes, theoretical results are derived to specify conditions under which the jammer node is located as close to a certain target node as possible, or the optimal location of the jammer node is determined by two of the target nodes. Also, explicit expressions are provided for the optimal location of the jammer node in the presence of two target nodes. In addition, in the absence of distance constraints for the jammer node, it is proved, for scenarios with more than two target nodes, that the optimal jammer location lies on the convex hull formed by the locations of the target nodes and is determined by two or three of the target nodes, which have equalized CRLBs. Numerical examples are presented to provide illustrations of the theoretical results in different scenarios. © 1991-2012 IEEE

    A Mixed-Integer Programming Approach for Jammer Placement Problems for Flow-Jamming Attacks on Wireless Communication Networks

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    In this dissertation, we study an important problem of security in wireless networks. We study different attacks and defense strategies in general and more specifically jamming attacks. We begin the dissertation by providing a tutorial introducing the operations research community to the various types of attacks and defense strategies in wireless networks. In this tutorial, we give examples of mathematical programming models to model jamming attacks and defense against jamming attacks in wireless networks. Later we provide a comprehensive taxonomic classification of the various types of jamming attacks and defense against jamming attacks. The classification scheme will provide a one stop location for future researchers on various jamming attack and defense strategies studied in literature. This classification scheme also highlights the areas of research in jamming attack and defense against jamming attacks which have received less attention and could be a good area of focus for future research. In the next chapter, we provide a bi-level mathematical programming model to study jamming attack and defense strategy. We solve this using a game-theoretic approach and also study the impact of power level, location of jamming device, and the number of transmission channels available to transmit data on the attack and defense against jamming attacks. We show that by increasing the number of jamming devices the throughput of the network drops by at least 7%. Finally we study a special type of jamming attack, flow-jamming attack. We provide a mathematical programming model to solve the location of jamming devices to increase the impact of flow-jamming attacks on wireless networks. We provide a Benders decomposition algorithm along with some acceleration techniques to solve large problem instances in reasonable amount of time. We draw some insights about the impact of power, location and size of the network on the impact of flow-jamming attacks in wireless networks

    A Mixed-Integer Programming Approach for Jammer Placement Problems for Flow-Jamming Attacks on Wireless Communication Networks

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    In this dissertation, we study an important problem of security in wireless networks. We study different attacks and defense strategies in general and more specifically jamming attacks. We begin the dissertation by providing a tutorial introducing the operations research community to the various types of attacks and defense strategies in wireless networks. In this tutorial, we give examples of mathematical programming models to model jamming attacks and defense against jamming attacks in wireless networks. Later we provide a comprehensive taxonomic classification of the various types of jamming attacks and defense against jamming attacks. The classification scheme will provide a one stop location for future researchers on various jamming attack and defense strategies studied in literature. This classification scheme also highlights the areas of research in jamming attack and defense against jamming attacks which have received less attention and could be a good area of focus for future research. In the next chapter, we provide a bi-level mathematical programming model to study jamming attack and defense strategy. We solve this using a game-theoretic approach and also study the impact of power level, location of jamming device, and the number of transmission channels available to transmit data on the attack and defense against jamming attacks. We show that by increasing the number of jamming devices the throughput of the network drops by at least 7%. Finally we study a special type of jamming attack, flow-jamming attack. We provide a mathematical programming model to solve the location of jamming devices to increase the impact of flow-jamming attacks on wireless networks. We provide a Benders decomposition algorithm along with some acceleration techniques to solve large problem instances in reasonable amount of time. We draw some insights about the impact of power, location and size of the network on the impact of flow-jamming attacks in wireless networks