19 research outputs found

    Optimal Motion of an Articulated Body in a Perfect Fluid

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    An articulated body can propel and steer itself in a perfect fluid by changing its shape only. Our strategy for motion planning for the submerged body is based on finding the optimal shape changes that produce a desired net locomotion; that is, motion planning is formulated as a nonlinear optimization problem

    A Discrete Geometric Optimal Control Framework for Systems with Symmetries

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    This paper studies the optimal motion control of mechanical systems through a discrete geometric approach. At the core of our formulation is a discrete Lagrange-d’Alembert- Pontryagin variational principle, from which are derived discrete equations of motion that serve as constraints in our optimization framework. We apply this discrete mechanical approach to holonomic systems with symmetries and, as a result, geometric structure and motion invariants are preserved. We illustrate our method by computing optimal trajectories for a simple model of an air vehicle flying through a digital terrain elevation map, and point out some of the numerical benefits that ensue

    Dynamics and Generation of Gaits for a Planar Rollerblader

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    We develop the dynamic model for a planar ROLLERBLADER. The robot consists of a rigid platform and two planar, two degree-of-freedom legs with in-line skates at the foot. The dynamic model consists of two unicycles coupled through the rigid body dynamics of the planar platform. We derive the Lagrangian reduction for the ROLLERBLADING robot. We show the generation of some simple gaits that allow the platform to move forward and rotate by using cyclic motions of the two legs

    Poisson reduction for nonholonomic mechanical systems with symmetry

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    This paper continues the work of Koon and Marsden [1997b] that began the comparison of the Hamiltonian and Lagrangian formulations of nonholonomic systems. Because of the necessary replacement of conservation laws with the momentum equation, it is natural to let the value of momentum be a variable and for this reason it is natural to take a Poisson viewpoint. Some of this theory has been started in van der Schaft and Maschke [1994]. We build on their work, further develop the theory of nonholonomic Poisson reduction, and tie this theory to other work in the area. We use this reduction procedure to organize nonholonomic dynamics into a reconstruction equation, a nonholonomic momentum equation and the reduced Lagrange d’Alembert equations in Hamiltonian form. We also show that these equations are equivalent to those given by the Lagrangian reduction methods of Bloch, Krishnaprasad, Marsden and Murray [1996]. Because of the results of Koon and Marsden [1997b], this is also equivalent to the results of Bates and Sniatycki [1993], obtained by nonholonomic symplectic reduction. Two interesting complications make this effort especially interesting. First of all, as we have mentioned, symmetry need not lead to conservation laws but rather to a momentum equation. Second, the natural Poisson bracket fails to satisfy the Jacobi identity. In fact, the so-called Jacobiizer (the cyclic sum that vanishes when the Jacobi identity holds), or equivalently, the Schouten bracket, is an interesting expression involving the curvature of the underlying distribution describing the nonholonomic constraints. The Poisson reduction results in this paper are important for the future development of the stability theory for nonholonomic mechanical systems with symmetry, as begun by Zenkov, Bloch and Marsden [1997]. In particular, they should be useful for the development of the powerful block diagonalization properties of the energy-momentum method developed by Simo, Lewis and Marsden [1991]

    Тележка с омниколесами на плоскости и сфере

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    Вработе рассматривается динамика тележки с омниколесами на плоскости и сфере в модельной неголономной постановке. Приведен элементарный вывод уравнений, исследуется динамика свободной системы, указана связь с проблемами управления

    Steering for a Class of Dynamic Nonholonomic Systems

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    In this paper we derive control algorithms for a class of dynamic nonholonomic steering problems, characterized as mechanical systems with nonholonomic constraints and symmetries. Recent research in geometric mechanics has led to a single, simplified framework that describes this class of systems, which includes examples such as wheeled mobile robots; undulatory robotic and biological locomotion systems, such as paramecia, inchworms, and snakes; and the reorientation of satellites and underwater vehicles. This geometric framework has also been applied to more unusual examples, such as the snakeboard robot, bicycles, the wobblestone, and the reorientation of a falling cat. We use this geometric framework as a basis for developing two types of control algorithms for such systems. The first is geared towards local controllability, using a perturbation approach to establish results similar to steering using sinusoids. The second method utilizes these results in applying more traditional steering algorithms for mobile robots, and is directed towards generating more non-local control methods of steering for this class of systems

    A Discrete Geometric Optimal Control Framework for Systems with Symmetries

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    This paper studies the optimal motion control of mechanical systems through a discrete geometric approach. At the core of our formulation is a discrete Lagrange-d’Alembert- Pontryagin variational principle, from which are derived discrete equations of motion that serve as constraints in our optimization framework. We apply this discrete mechanical approach to holonomic systems with symmetries and, as a result, geometric structure and motion invariants are preserved. We illustrate our method by computing optimal trajectories for a simple model of an air vehicle flying through a digital terrain elevation map, and point out some of the numerical benefits that ensue

    Как управлять шаром Чаплыгина при помощи роторов

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    В работе исследуется управление при помощи трех гиростатов движением динамически несимметричного уравновешенного шара на плоскости, при условии, что шар катитсябез проскальзывания в точке контакта. Показана полная алгебраическая управляемость данной системы, указаны законы управления, обеспечивающие движение вдоль заданной траектории на плоскости и задающие необходимую ориентацию системы; приведены явные законы управления, осуществляющие простейшие движения рассматриваемой системы

    Symmetries in Motion: Geometric Foundations of Motion Control

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    Some interesting aspects of motion and control, such as those found in biological and robotic locomotion and attitude control of spacecraft, involve geometric concepts. When an animal or a robot moves its joints in a periodic fashion, it can rotate or move forward. This observation leads to the general idea that when one variable in a system moves in a periodic fashion, motion of the Whole object can result. This property can be used for control purposes; the position and attitude Of a satellite, for example, are often controlled by periodic motions of parts of the satellite, such as spinning rotors. One of the geometric tools that has been used to describe this phenomenon is that of connections, a notion that is used extensively in general relativity and other parts of theoretical physics. This tool, part of the general subject Of geometric mechanics, has been helpful in the study of both the stability and instability of a system and system bifurcations, that is, changes in the nature of the system dynamics, as some parameter changes. Geometric mechanics, currently in a period of rapid evolution, has been used, for example, to design stabilizing feedback control systems in attitude dynamics. Theory is also being developed for systems with rolling constraints such as those found in a simple rolling wheel. This paper explains how some of these tools of geometric mechanics are used in the study of motion control and locomotion generation