3,042 research outputs found

    On the Capacity of the Finite Field Counterparts of Wireless Interference Networks

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    This work explores how degrees of freedom (DoF) results from wireless networks can be translated into capacity results for their finite field counterparts that arise in network coding applications. The main insight is that scalar (SISO) finite field channels over Fpn\mathbb{F}_{p^n} are analogous to n x n vector (MIMO) channels in the wireless setting, but with an important distinction -- there is additional structure due to finite field arithmetic which enforces commutativity of matrix multiplication and limits the channel diversity to n, making these channels similar to diagonal channels in the wireless setting. Within the limits imposed by the channel structure, the DoF optimal precoding solutions for wireless networks can be translated into capacity optimal solutions for their finite field counterparts. This is shown through the study of the 2-user X channel and the 3-user interference channel. Besides bringing the insights from wireless networks into network coding applications, the study of finite field networks over Fpn\mathbb{F}_{p^n} also touches upon important open problems in wireless networks (finite SNR, finite diversity scenarios) through interesting parallels between p and SNR, and n and diversity.Comment: Full version of paper accepted for presentation at ISIT 201

    Degrees of Freedom of Two-Hop Wireless Networks: "Everyone Gets the Entire Cake"

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    We show that fully connected two-hop wireless networks with K sources, K relays and K destinations have K degrees of freedom both in the case of time-varying channel coefficients and in the case of constant channel coefficients (in which case the result holds for almost all values of constant channel coefficients). Our main contribution is a new achievability scheme which we call Aligned Network Diagonalization. This scheme allows the data streams transmitted by the sources to undergo a diagonal linear transformation from the sources to the destinations, thus being received free of interference by their intended destination. In addition, we extend our scheme to multi-hop networks with fully connected hops, and multi-hop networks with MIMO nodes, for which the degrees of freedom are also fully characterized.Comment: Presented at the 2012 Allerton Conference. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Multi-Cell Random Beamforming: Achievable Rate and Degrees of Freedom Region

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    Random beamforming (RBF) is a practically favourable transmission scheme for multiuser multi-antenna downlink systems since it requires only partial channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter. Under the conventional single-cell setup, RBF is known to achieve the optimal sum-capacity scaling law as the number of users goes to infinity, thanks to the multiuser diversity enabled transmission scheduling that virtually eliminates the intra-cell interference. In this paper, we extend the study of RBF to a more practical multi-cell downlink system with single-antenna receivers subject to the additional inter-cell interference (ICI). First, we consider the case of finite signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at each receiver. We derive a closed-form expression of the achievable sum-rate with the multi-cell RBF, based upon which we show an asymptotic sum-rate scaling law as the number of users goes to infinity. Next, we consider the high-SNR regime and for tractable analysis assume that the number of users in each cell scales in a certain order with the per-cell SNR. Under this setup, we characterize the achievable degrees of freedom (DoF) for the single-cell case with RBF. Then we extend the analysis to the multi-cell RBF case by characterizing the DoF region. It is shown that the DoF region characterization provides useful guideline on how to design a cooperative multi-cell RBF system to achieve optimal throughput tradeoffs among different cells. Furthermore, our results reveal that the multi-cell RBF scheme achieves the "interference-free DoF" region upper bound for the multi-cell system, provided that the per-cell number of users has a sufficiently large scaling order with the SNR. Our result thus confirms the optimality of multi-cell RBF in this regime even without the complete CSI at the transmitter, as compared to other full-CSI requiring transmission schemes such as interference alignment.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures, to appear in IEEE Transactions of Signal Processing. This work was presented in part at IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Kyoto, Japan, March 25-30, 2012. The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore (emails: {hieudn, elezhang, elehht}@nus.edu.sg