16 research outputs found

    Seeded Graph Matching: Efficient Algorithms and Theoretical Guarantees

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    In this paper, a new information theoretic framework for graph matching is introduced. Using this framework, the graph isomorphism and seeded graph matching problems are studied. The maximum degree algorithm for graph isomorphism is analyzed and sufficient conditions for successful matching are rederived using type analysis. Furthermore, a new seeded matching algorithm with polynomial time complexity is introduced. The algorithm uses `typicality matching' and techniques from point-to-point communications for reliable matching. Assuming an Erdos-Renyi model on the correlated graph pair, it is shown that successful matching is guaranteed when the number of seeds grows logarithmically with the number of vertices in the graphs. The logarithmic coefficient is shown to be inversely proportional to the mutual information between the edge variables in the two graphs

    Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Graph Matching in Errorfully Observed Networks

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    Given a pair of graphs with the same number of vertices, the inexact graph matching problem consists in finding a correspondence between the vertices of these graphs that minimizes the total number of induced edge disagreements. We study this problem from a statistical framework in which one of the graphs is an errorfully observed copy of the other. We introduce a corrupting channel model, and show that in this model framework, the solution to the graph matching problem is a maximum likelihood estimator. Necessary and sufficient conditions for consistency of this MLE are presented, as well as a relaxed notion of consistency in which a negligible fraction of the vertices need not be matched correctly. The results are used to study matchability in several families of random graphs, including edge independent models, random regular graphs and small-world networks. We also use these results to introduce measures of matching feasibility, and experimentally validate the results on simulated and real-world networks

    Alignment strength and correlation for graphs

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    When two graphs have a correlated Bernoulli distribution, we prove that the alignment strength of their natural bijection strongly converges to a novel measure of graph correlation ϱT that neatly combines intergraph with intragraph distribution parameters. Within broad families of the random graph parameter settings, we illustrate that exact graph matching runtime and also matchability are both functions of ϱT, with thresholding behavior starkly illustrated in matchability