152,294 research outputs found

    Optimal Sample Selection Through Uncertainty Estimation and Its Application in Deep Learning

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    Modern deep learning heavily relies on large labeled datasets, which often comse with high costs in terms of both manual labeling and computational resources. To mitigate these challenges, researchers have explored the use of informative subset selection techniques, including coreset selection and active learning. Specifically, coreset selection involves sampling data with both input (\bx) and output (\by), active learning focuses solely on the input data (\bx). In this study, we present a theoretically optimal solution for addressing both coreset selection and active learning within the context of linear softmax regression. Our proposed method, COPS (unCertainty based OPtimal Sub-sampling), is designed to minimize the expected loss of a model trained on subsampled data. Unlike existing approaches that rely on explicit calculations of the inverse covariance matrix, which are not easily applicable to deep learning scenarios, COPS leverages the model's logits to estimate the sampling ratio. This sampling ratio is closely associated with model uncertainty and can be effectively applied to deep learning tasks. Furthermore, we address the challenge of model sensitivity to misspecification by incorporating a down-weighting approach for low-density samples, drawing inspiration from previous works. To assess the effectiveness of our proposed method, we conducted extensive empirical experiments using deep neural networks on benchmark datasets. The results consistently showcase the superior performance of COPS compared to baseline methods, reaffirming its efficacy

    Exploring instance correlation for advanced active learning

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    University of Technology, Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.Active learning (AL) aims to construct an accurate classifier with the minimum labeling cost by actively selecting a few number of most informative instances for labeling. AL traditionally relies on some instance-based utility measures to assess individual instances and label the ones with the maximum values for training. However, such approaches cannot produce good labeling subsets. Because instances exist some explicit / implicit relations between each other, instance-based utility measure evaluates instance informativeness independently without considering their interactions. Accordingly, this thesis explores instance correlation in AL and utilizes it to make AL’s more accurate and applicable. To be specific, our objective is to explore instance correlation from different views and utilize them for three different tasks, including (1) reduce redundancy for optimal subset selection, (2) reduce labeling cost with a nonexpert labeler and (3) discover class spaces for dynamic data. First of all, the thesis introduces existing works on active learning from an instance-correlation perspective. Then it summarizes their technical strengths / weaknesses, followed by runtime and label complexity analysis, discussion about emerging active learning applications and instance-selection challenges therein. Secondly, we propose three AL paradigms by integrating different instance correlations into three major issues of AL, respectively. 1) The first method is an optimal instance subset selection method (ALOSS), where an expert is employed to provide accurate class labels for the queried data. Due to instance-based utility measures assess individual instances and label the ones with the maximum values, this may result in the redundancy issue in the selected subset. To address this issue, ALOSS simultaneously considers the importance of individual instances and the disparity between instances for subset selection. 2) The second method introduces pairwise label homogeneity in AL setting, in which a non-expert labeler is only asked “whether a pair of instances belong to the same class”. We explore label homogeneity information by using a non-expert labeler, aiming to further reducing the labeling cost of AL. 3) The last active learning method also utilizes pairwise label homogeneity for active class discovery and exploration in dynamic data, where some new classes may rapidly emerge and evolve, thereby making the labeler incapable of labeling the instances due to limited knowledge. Accordingly, we utilize pairwise label homogeneity information to uncover the hidden class spaces and find new classes timely. Empirical studies show that the proposed methods significantly outperform the state-of-the-art AL methods

    Optimal Subsampling Designs Under Measurement Constraints

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    We consider the problem of optimal subsample selection in an experiment setting where observing, or utilising, the full dataset for statistical analysis is practically unfeasible. This may be due to, e.g., computational, economic, or even ethical cost-constraints. As a result, statistical analyses must be restricted to a subset of data. Choosing this subset in a manner that captures as much information as possible is essential.In this thesis we present a theory and framework for optimal design in general subsampling problems. The methodology is applicable to a wide range of settings and inference problems, including regression modelling, parametric density estimation, and finite population inference. We discuss the use of auxiliary information and sequential optimal design for the implementation of optimal subsampling methods in practice and study the asymptotic properties of the resulting estimators. The proposed methods are illustrated and evaluated on three problem areas: on subsample selection for optimal prediction in active machine learning (Paper I), optimal control sampling in analysis of safety critical events in naturalistic driving studies (Paper II), and optimal subsampling in a scenario generation context for virtual safety assessment of an advanced driver assistance system (Paper III). In Paper IV we present a unified theory that encompasses and generalises the methods of Paper I–III and introduce a class of expected-distance-minimising designs with good theoretical and practical properties.In Paper I–III we demonstrate a sample size reduction of 10–50% with the proposed methods compared to simple random sampling and traditional importance sampling methods, for the same level of performance. We propose a novel class of invariant linear optimality criteria, which in Paper IV are shown to reach 90–99% D-efficiency with 90–95% lower computational demand

    Information Gain Sampling for Active Learning in Medical Image Classification

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    Large, annotated datasets are not widely available in medical image analysis due to the prohibitive time, costs, and challenges associated with labelling large datasets. Unlabelled datasets are easier to obtain, and in many contexts, it would be feasible for an expert to provide labels for a small subset of images. This work presents an information-theoretic active learning framework that guides the optimal selection of images from the unlabelled pool to be labeled based on maximizing the expected information gain (EIG) on an evaluation dataset. Experiments are performed on two different medical image classification datasets: multi-class diabetic retinopathy disease scale classification and multi-class skin lesion classification. Results indicate that by adapting EIG to account for class-imbalances, our proposed Adapted Expected Information Gain (AEIG) outperforms several popular baselines including the diversity based CoreSet and uncertainty based maximum entropy sampling. Specifically, AEIG achieves ~95% of overall performance with only 19% of the training data, while other active learning approaches require around 25%. We show that, by careful design choices, our model can be integrated into existing deep learning classifiers.Comment: Paper accepted at UNSURE 2022 workshop at MICCAI 202

    Bandit learning for sequential decision making : a practical way to address the trade-off between exploration and exploitation

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.The sequential decision making is to actively acquire information and then make decisions in large uncertain options, such as recommendation systems and the Internet. The sequential decision becomes challenging since the feedback is often partially observed. In this thesis we propose new algorithms of “bandit learning”, whose basic idea is to address the fundamental trade-off between exploration and exploitation in sequence. The goal of bandit learning algorithms is to maximize some objective when making decision. We study several novel methodologies for different scenarios, such as social networks, multi-view, multi-task, repeated labeling and active learning. We formalize these adaptive problems as sequential decision making for different real applications. We present several new insights into these popular problems from the perspective of bandit. We address the trade-off between exploration and exploitation using a bandit framework. In particular, we introduce “networked bandits” to model the multi-armed bandits with correlations, which exist in social networks. The “networked bandits” is a new bandit model that considers a set of interrelated arms varying over time and selecting an arm invokes the other arms. The objective is still to obtain the best cumulative payoffs. We propose a method that considers both the arm and its relationships between arms. The proposed method selects an arm according to the integrated confidence sets constructed from historical data. We study the problem of view selection in stream-based multi-view learning, where each view is obtained from a feature generator or source and is embedded in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). We propose an algorithm that selects a near-optimal subset of m views of n views and then makes the prediction based on the subset. To address this problem, we define the multi-view simple regret and study an upper bound of the expected regret for our algorithm. The proposed algorithm relies on the Rademacher complexity of the co-regularized kernel classes. We address an active learning scenario in the multi-task learning problem. Considering that labeling effective instances across different tasks may improve the generalization error of all tasks, we propose a new active multi-task learning algorithm based on the multi-armed bandits for effectively selecting instances. The proposed algorithm can balance the trade-off between exploration and exploitation by considering both the risk of multi-task learner and the corresponding confidence bounds. We study a popular annotation problem in crowdsourcing systems: repeated labeling. We introduce a new framework that actively selects the labeling tasks when facing a large number of labeling tasks. The objective is to identify the best labeling tasks from these noisy labeling tasks. We formalize the selection of repeated labeling tasks as a bandit framework. We consider a labeling task as an arm and the quality of a labeling task as the payoff. We introduce the definition of ε-optimal labeling task and use it to identify the optimal labeling task. Taking the expected labeling quality into account, we provide a simple repeated labeling strategy. We then extend this to address how to identify the best m labeling tasks, and in doing so propose the best m labeling algorithm by indexing the labeling tasks using the expected labeling quality. We study active learning in a new perspective of active learning. We build the bridge between the active learning and multi-armed bandits. Active learning aims to learn a classifier by actively acquiring the data points, whose labels are hidden initially and incur querying cost. The multi-armed bandit problem is a framework that can adapt the decision in sequence based on rewards that have been observed so far. Inspired by the multi-armed bandits, we consider active learning so as to identify the best hypothesis in an optimal candidate set of hypotheses by involving querying the labels of points as few as possible. Our algorithms are proposed to maintain the candidate set of hypotheses using the error or the corresponding general lower and upper error bounds to help select or eliminate hypotheses. To maintain the candidate set of hypotheses, in the realizable PAC setting, we directly use the error. In the agnostic setting, we use the lower and upper error bounds of the hypotheses. To label the data points, we use the uncertainty strategy based on the candidate set of hypotheses

    Unequal Probability Sampling in Active Learning and Traffic Safety

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    This thesis addresses a problem arising in large and expensive experiments where incomplete data come in abundance but statistical analyses require collection of additional information, which is costly. Out of practical and economical considerations, it is necessary to restrict the analysis to a subset of the original database, which inevitably will cause a loss of valuable information; thus, choosing this subset in a manner that captures as much of the available information as possible is essential.Using finite population sampling methodology, we address the issue of appropriate subset selection. We show how sample selection may be optimised to maximise precision in estimating various parameters and quantities of interest, and extend the existing finite population sampling methodology to an adaptive, sequential sampling framework, where information required for sample scheme optimisation may be updated iteratively as more data is collected. The implications of model misspecification are discussed, and the robustness of the finite population sampling methodology against model misspecification is highlighted. The proposed methods are illustrated and evaluated on two problems: on subset selection for optimal prediction in active learning (Paper I), and on optimal control sampling for analysis of safety critical events in naturalistic driving studies (Paper II). It is demonstrated that the use of optimised sample selection may reduce the number of records for which complete information needs to be collected by as much as 50%, compared to conventional methods and uniform random sampling
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