4 research outputs found

    Markov fluid queue model of an energy harvesting IoT device with adaptive sensing

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    Energy management is key in prolonging the lifetime of an energy harvesting Internet of Things (IoT) device with rechargeable batteries. Such an IoT device is required to fulfill its main functionalities, i.e., information sensing and dissemination at an acceptable rate, while keeping the probability that the node first becomes non-operational, i.e., the battery level hits zero the first time within a given finite time horizon, below a desired level. Assuming a finite-state Continuous-Time Markov Chain (CTMC) model for the Energy Harvesting Process (EHP), we propose a risk-theoretic Markov fluid queue model for the computation of first battery outage probabilities in a given finite time horizon. The proposed model enables the performance evaluation of a wide spectrum of energy management policies including those with sensing rates depending on the instantaneous battery level and/or the state of the energy harvesting process. Moreover, an engineering methodology is proposed by which optimal threshold-based adaptive sensing policies are obtained that maximize the information sensing rate of the IoT device while meeting a Quality of Service (QoS) constraint given in terms of first battery outage probabilities. Numerical results are presented for the validation of the analytical model and also the proposed engineering methodology, using a two-state CTMC-based EHP. © 2017 Elsevier B.V

    Optimal Sleep-Wake policies for an energy harvesting sensor node

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    Abstract—We study a sensor node with an energy harvesting source. In any slot, the sensor node is in one of two modes: Wake or Sleep. The generated energy is stored in a buffer. The sensor node senses a random field and generates a packet when it is awake. These packets are stored in a queue and transmitted in the wake mode using the energy available in the energy buffer. We obtain energy management policies which minimize a linear combination of the mean queue length and the mean data loss rate. Then, we obtain two easily implementable suboptimal policies and compare their performance to that of the optimal policy. Next, we extend the Throughput Optimal policy developed in our previous work to sensors with two modes. Via this policy, we can increase the throughput and stabilize the data queue by allowing the node to sleep in some slots and to drop some generated packets. This policy requires minimal statistical knowledge of the system. We also modify this policy to decrease the switching costs. Keywords: Energy harvesting sensor nodes, Sleep-Wake Policies, Throughput Optimal Policies