3 research outputs found

    Asymptotically Optimal Welfare of Posted Pricing for Multiple Items with MHR Distributions

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    We consider the problem of posting prices for unit-demand buyers if all nn buyers have identically distributed valuations drawn from a distribution with monotone hazard rate. We show that even with multiple items asymptotically optimal welfare can be guaranteed. Our main results apply to the case that either a buyer's value for different items are independent or that they are perfectly correlated. We give mechanisms using dynamic prices that obtain a 1Θ(1logn)1 - \Theta \left( \frac{1}{\log n}\right)-fraction of the optimal social welfare in expectation. Furthermore, we devise mechanisms that only use static item prices and are 1Θ(logloglognlogn)1 - \Theta \left( \frac{\log\log\log n}{\log n}\right)-competitive compared to the optimal social welfare. As we show, both guarantees are asymptotically optimal, even for a single item and exponential distributions.Comment: To appear at the 29th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2021

    Tight Revenue Gaps among Multi-Unit Mechanisms

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    This paper considers Bayesian revenue maximization in the kk-unit setting, where a monopolist seller has kk copies of an indivisible item and faces nn unit-demand buyers (whose value distributions can be non-identical). Four basic mechanisms among others have been widely employed in practice and widely studied in the literature: {\sf Myerson Auction}, {\sf Sequential Posted-Pricing}, {\sf (k+1)(k + 1)-th Price Auction with Anonymous Reserve}, and {\sf Anonymous Pricing}. Regarding a pair of mechanisms, we investigate the largest possible ratio between the two revenues (a.k.a.\ the revenue gap), over all possible value distributions of the buyers. Divide these four mechanisms into two groups: (i)~the discriminating mechanism group, {\sf Myerson Auction} and {\sf Sequential Posted-Pricing}, and (ii)~the anonymous mechanism group, {\sf Anonymous Reserve} and {\sf Anonymous Pricing}. Within one group, the involved two mechanisms have an asymptotically tight revenue gap of 1+Θ(1/k)1 + \Theta(1 / \sqrt{k}). In contrast, any two mechanisms from the different groups have an asymptotically tight revenue gap of Θ(logk)\Theta(\log k)