876 research outputs found

    Adiabatic quantum search algorithm for structured problems

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    The study of quantum computation has been motivated by the hope of finding efficient quantum algorithms for solving classically hard problems. In this context, quantum algorithms by local adiabatic evolution have been shown to solve an unstructured search problem with a quadratic speed-up over a classical search, just as Grover's algorithm. In this paper, we study how the structure of the search problem may be exploited to further improve the efficiency of these quantum adiabatic algorithms. We show that by nesting a partial search over a reduced set of variables into a global search, it is possible to devise quantum adiabatic algorithms with a complexity that, although still exponential, grows with a reduced order in the problem size.Comment: 7 pages, 0 figur

    Local Access to Huge Random Objects Through Partial Sampling

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    © Amartya Shankha Biswas, Ronitt Rubinfeld, and Anak Yodpinyanee. Consider an algorithm performing a computation on a huge random object (for example a random graph or a “long” random walk). Is it necessary to generate the entire object prior to the computation, or is it possible to provide query access to the object and sample it incrementally “on-the-fly” (as requested by the algorithm)? Such an implementation should emulate the random object by answering queries in a manner consistent with an instance of the random object sampled from the true distribution (or close to it). This paradigm is useful when the algorithm is sub-linear and thus, sampling the entire object up front would ruin its efficiency. Our first set of results focus on undirected graphs with independent edge probabilities, i.e. each edge is chosen as an independent Bernoulli random variable. We provide a general implementation for this model under certain assumptions. Then, we use this to obtain the first efficient local implementations for the Erdös-RĂ©nyi G(n, p) model for all values of p, and the Stochastic Block model. As in previous local-access implementations for random graphs, we support Vertex-Pair and Next-Neighbor queries. In addition, we introduce a new Random-Neighbor query. Next, we give the first local-access implementation for All-Neighbors queries in the (sparse and directed) Kleinberg’s Small-World model. Our implementations require no pre-processing time, and answer each query using O(poly(log n)) time, random bits, and additional space. Next, we show how to implement random Catalan objects, specifically focusing on Dyck paths (balanced random walks on the integer line that are always non-negative). Here, we support Height queries to find the location of the walk, and First-Return queries to find the time when the walk returns to a specified location. This in turn can be used to implement Next-Neighbor queries on random rooted ordered trees, and Matching-Bracket queries on random well bracketed expressions (the Dyck language). Finally, we introduce two features to define a new model that: (1) allows multiple independent (and even simultaneous) instantiations of the same implementation, to be consistent with each other without the need for communication, (2) allows us to generate a richer class of random objects that do not have a succinct description. Specifically, we study uniformly random valid q-colorings of an input graph G with maximum degree ∆. This is in contrast to prior work in the area, where the relevant random objects are defined as a distribution with O(1) parameters (for example, n and p in the G(n, p) model). The distribution over valid colorings is instead specified via a “huge” input (the underlying graph G), that is far too large to be read by a sub-linear time algorithm. Instead, our implementation accesses G through local neighborhood probes, and is able to answer queries to the color of any given vertex in sub-linear time for q ≄ 9∆, in a manner that is consistent with a specific random valid coloring of G. Furthermore, the implementation is memory-less, and can maintain consistency with non-communicating copies of itself

    Any-Order Online Interval Selection

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    We consider the problem of online interval scheduling on a single machine, where intervals arrive online in an order chosen by an adversary, and the algorithm must output a set of non-conflicting intervals. Traditionally in scheduling theory, it is assumed that intervals arrive in order of increasing start times. We drop that assumption and allow for intervals to arrive in any possible order. We call this variant any-order interval selection (AOIS). We assume that some online acceptances can be revoked, but a feasible solution must always be maintained. For unweighted intervals and deterministic algorithms, this problem is unbounded. Under the assumption that there are at most kk different interval lengths, we give a simple algorithm that achieves a competitive ratio of 2k2k and show that it is optimal amongst deterministic algorithms, and a restricted class of randomized algorithms we call memoryless, contributing to an open question by Adler and Azar 2003; namely whether a randomized algorithm without access to history can achieve a constant competitive ratio. We connect our model to the problem of call control on the line, and show how the algorithms of Garay et al. 1997 can be applied to our setting, resulting in an optimal algorithm for the case of proportional weights. We also discuss the case of intervals with arbitrary weights, and show how to convert the single-length algorithm of Fung et al. 2014 into a classify and randomly select algorithm that achieves a competitive ratio of 2k. Finally, we consider the case of intervals arriving in a random order, and show that for single-lengthed instances, a one-directional algorithm (i.e. replacing intervals in one direction), is the only deterministic memoryless algorithm that can possibly benefit from random arrivals. Finally, we briefly discuss the case of intervals with arbitrary weights.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    Hierarchical Riesz bases for Hs(Omega), 1 < s < 5/2

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    On arbitrary polygonal domains OmegasubsetRR2Omega subset RR^2, we construct C1C^1 hierarchical Riesz bases for Sobolev spaces Hs(Omega)H^s(Omega). In contrast to an earlier construction by Dahmen, Oswald, and Shi (1994), our bases will be of Lagrange instead of Hermite type, by which we extend the range of stability from sin(2,frac52)s in (2,frac{5}{2}) to sin(1,frac52)s in (1,frac{5}{2}). Since the latter range includes s=2s=2, with respect to the present basis, the stiffness matrices of fourth-order elliptic problems are uniformly well-conditioned

    Mapping Brain Clusterings to Reproduce Missing MRI Scans

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    Machine learning has become an essential part of medical imaging research. For example, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are used to perform brain tumor segmentation, which is the process of distinguishing between tumoral and healthy cells. This task is often carried out using four different magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of the patient. Due to the cost and effort required to produce the scans, oftentimes one of the four scans is missing, making the segmentation process more tedious. To obviate this problem, we propose two MRI-to-MRI translation approaches that synthesize an approximation of the missing image from an existing one. In particular, we focus on creating the missing T2 Weighted sequence from a given T1 Weighted sequence. We investigate clustering as a solution to this problem and propose BrainClustering, a learning method that creates approximation tables that can be queried to retrieve the missing image. The images are clustered with hierarchical clustering methods to identify the main tissues of the brain, but also to capture the different signal intensities in local areas. We compare this method to the general image-to-image translation tool Pix2Pix, which we extend to fit our purposes. Finally, we assess the quality of the approximated solutions by evaluating the tumor segmentations that can be achieved using the synthesized outputs. Pix2Pix achieves the most realistic approximations, but the tumor areas are too generalized to compute optimal tumor segmentations. BrainClustering obtains transformations that deviate more from the original image but still provide better segmentations in terms of Hausdorff distance and Dice score. Surprisingly, using the complement of T1 Weighted (i.e. inverting the color of each pixel) also achieves good results. Our new methods make segmentation software more feasible in practice by allowing the software to utilize all four MRI scans, even if one of the scans is missing

    Balanced Interval Coloring

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    We consider the discrepancy problem of coloring nn intervals with kk colors such that at each point on the line, the maximal difference between the number of intervals of any two colors is minimal. Somewhat surprisingly, a coloring with maximal difference at most one always exists. Furthermore, we give an algorithm with running time O(nlog⁥n+knlog⁥k)O(n \log n + kn \log k) for its construction. This is in particular interesting because many known results for discrepancy problems are non-constructive. This problem naturally models a load balancing scenario, where nn tasks with given start- and endtimes have to be distributed among kk servers. Our results imply that this can be done ideally balanced. When generalizing to dd-dimensional boxes (instead of intervals), a solution with difference at most one is not always possible. We show that for any d≄2d \ge 2 and any k≄2k \ge 2 it is NP-complete to decide if such a solution exists, which implies also NP-hardness of the respective minimization problem. In an online scenario, where intervals arrive over time and the color has to be decided upon arrival, the maximal difference in the size of color classes can become arbitrarily high for any online algorithm.Comment: Accepted at STACS 201
