3 research outputs found

    Optimal joint path computation and rate allocation for real-time traffic

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    Computing network paths under worst-case delay constraints has been the subject of abundant literature in the past two decades. Assuming Weighted Fair Queueing scheduling at the nodes, this translates to computing paths and reserving rates at each link. The problem is NP-hard in general, even for a single path; hence polynomial-time heuristics have been proposed in the past, that either assume equal rates at each node, or compute the path heuristically and then allocate the rates optimally on the given path. In this paper we show that the above heuristics, albeit finding optimal solutions quite often, can lead to failing of paths at very low loads, and that this could be avoided by solving the problem, i.e., path computation and rate allocation, jointly at optimality. This is possible by modeling the problem as a mixed-integer second-order cone program and solving it optimally in split-second times for relatively large networks on commodity hardware; this approach can also be easily turned into a heuristic one, trading a negligible increase in blocking probability for one order of magnitude of computation time. Extensive simulations show that these methods are feasible in today's ISPs networks and they significantly outperform the existing schemes in terms of blocking probability

    QoS Routing with worst-case delay constraints: models, algorithms and performance analysis

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    In a network where weighted fair-queueing schedulers are used at each link, a flow is guaranteed an end-to-end worst-case delays which depends on the rate reserved for it at each link it traverses. Therefore, it is possible to compute resource-constrained paths that meet target delay constraints, and optimize some key performance metrics (e.g., minimize the overall reserved rate, maximize the remaining capacity at bottleneck links, etc.). Despite the large amount of literature that has appeared on weighted fair-queueing schedulers since the mid '90s, this has so far been done only for a single type of scheduler, probably because the complexity of solving the problem in general appeared forbidding. In this paper, we formulate and solve the optimal path computation and resource allocation problem for a broad category of weighted fair-queueing schedulers, from those emulating a Generalized Processor Sharing fluid server to variants of Deficit Round Robin. We classify schedulers according to their latency expressions, and show that a significant divide exists between those where routing a new flow affects the performance of existing flows, and those for which this do not happen. For the former, explicit admission control constraints are required to ensure that existing flows still meet their deadline afterwards. However, despite this major difference and the differences among categories of schedulers, the problem can always be formulated as a Mixed-Integer Second-Order Cone problem (MI-SOCP), and be solved at optimality in split-second times even in fairly large networks

    Comparaison de strategies de calcul de bornes sur NoC

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    The Kalray MPPA2-256 processor integrates 256 processing cores and 32 management cores on a chip. Theses cores are grouped into clusters, and clusters are connected by a high-performance network on chip (NoC). This NoC provides some hardware mechanisms (egress traffic limiters) that can be configured to offer bounded latencies. This paper presents how network calculus can be used to bound these latencies while computing the routes of data flows, using linear programming. Then, its shows how other approaches can also be used and adapted to analyze this NoC. Their performances are then compared on three case studies: two small coming from previous studies, and one realistic with 128 or 256 flows. On theses cases studies, it shows that modeling the shaping introduced by links is of major importance to get accurate bounds. And when packets are of constant size, the Total Flow Analysis gives, on average, bounds 20%-25% smaller than all other methods