3 research outputs found

    Optimal Experiment Design for the Identification of One Module in the Interconnection of Locally Controlled Systems

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    International audienceIn this paper, we consider the problem of designing the least costly experiment that leads to a sufficiently accurate estimate of one module in a network of locally controlled systems. A module in such a network can be identified by exciting the corresponding local closed loop system. Such an excitation signal will not only perturb the input/output of the to-be-identified module, but also other modules due to the interconnection. Consequently, the cost of the identification can be expressed as the sum of the influence of the excitation signal on the inputs and outputs of all locally controlled systems. We develop a methodology to design the spectrum of the excitation signal in such a way that this cost is minimized while guaranteeing a certain accuracy for the identified model. We also propose an alternative identification configuration which can further reduce the propagation of the excitation signal to other modules and we make steps to robustify this optimal experiment design problem with respect to the cost of the identification

    Robust optimal identification experiment design for multisine excitation

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    In least costly experiment design, the optimal spectrum of an identification experiment is determined in such a way that the cost of the experiment is minimized under some accuracy constraint on the identified parameter vector. Like all optimal experiment design problems, this optimization problem depends on the unknown true system, which is generally replaced by an initial estimate. One important consequence of this is that we can underestimate the actual cost of the experiment and that the accuracy of the identified model can be lower than desired. Here, based on an a-priori uncertainty set for the true system, we propose a convex optimization approach that allows to prevent these issues from happening. We do this when the to-be-determined spectrum is the one of a multisine signal. 1 Introduction We consider in this paper the problem of optimally designing the spectrum Φ u of the excitation signal u of an open-loop identification experiment. By optimal spectrum , we here mean the spectrum yielding the smallest experiment cost while guaranteeing that the accuracy of the identified parameter vector of the plant transfer function is larger than a given threshold. We thus consider the least costly experiment design framework [5], but the approach can easily be adapted to other (dual) frameworks [10,17,13]. The experiment cost J can be defined as a linear combination of the power of the exci-tation signal u and of the power of the part of the output signal induced by u. The experiment cost will therefore be a function of the spectrum Φ u , but also of the unknown true parameter vector θ 0 (we therefore denote the cost as J (θ 0 , Φ u)). Likewise, the accuracy constraint will also depend on θ 0 and on Φ u since the classical accuracy constraints are of the type P −1 (θ 0 , Φ u) ≥ R adm where P (θ 0 , Φ u) is the covariance matrix of the to-be-identified parameter vector (which depends on θ 0 and Φ u) and R adm a matrix reflecting the desired accuracy. The dependency of the optimal spectrum Φ u,opt on the unknown true parameter vector θ 0 is the so-called chicken-and-egg issue encountered in optimal experiment design. This issue is generally circumvented by replacing θ 0 b

    Least costly identification experiment for the identification of one module in a dynamic network

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    In this paper we consider the design of the least costly experiment for the identification of one module in a given network of locally controlled systems. The identification experiment will be designed in such a way that we obtain a sufficiently accurate model of the to-be-identified module with the smallest identification cost i.e. with the least perturbation of the network