144 research outputs found

    Optimal decremental connectivity in planar graphs

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    We show an algorithm for dynamic maintenance of connectivity information in an undirected planar graph subject to edge deletions. Our algorithm may answer connectivity queries of the form `Are vertices uu and vv connected with a path?' in constant time. The queries can be intermixed with any sequence of edge deletions, and the algorithm handles all updates in O(n)O(n) time. This results improves over previously known O(nlog⁥n)O(n \log n) time algorithm

    Decremental Single-Source Reachability in Planar Digraphs

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    In this paper we show a new algorithm for the decremental single-source reachability problem in directed planar graphs. It processes any sequence of edge deletions in O(nlog⁥2nlog⁥log⁥n)O(n\log^2{n}\log\log{n}) total time and explicitly maintains the set of vertices reachable from a fixed source vertex. Hence, if all edges are eventually deleted, the amortized time of processing each edge deletion is only O(log⁥2nlog⁥log⁥n)O(\log^2 n \log \log n), which improves upon a previously known O(n)O(\sqrt{n}) solution. We also show an algorithm for decremental maintenance of strongly connected components in directed planar graphs with the same total update time. These results constitute the first almost optimal (up to polylogarithmic factors) algorithms for both problems. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first dynamic algorithms with polylogarithmic update times on general directed planar graphs for non-trivial reachability-type problems, for which only polynomial bounds are known in general graphs

    Good r-Divisions Imply Optimal Amortized Decremental Biconnectivity

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    We present a data structure that, given a graph G of n vertices and m edges, and a suitable pair of nested r-divisions of G, preprocesses G in O(m+n) time and handles any series of edge-deletions in O(m) total time while answering queries to pairwise biconnectivity in worst-case O(1) time. In case the vertices are not biconnected, the data structure can return a cutvertex separating them in worst-case O(1) time. As an immediate consequence, this gives optimal amortized decremental biconnectivity, 2-edge connectivity, and connectivity for large classes of graphs, including planar graphs and other minor free graphs

    Single-Source Shortest Paths and Strong Connectivity in Dynamic Planar Graphs

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    Optimal Decremental Connectivity in Non-Sparse Graphs

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    Incremental and Fully Dynamic Subgraph Connectivity For Emergency Planning

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    During the last 10 years it has become popular to study dynamic graph problems in a emergency planning or sensitivity setting: Instead of considering the general fully dynamic problem, we only have to process a single batch update of size d; after the update we have to answer queries. In this paper, we consider the dynamic subgraph connectivity problem with sensitivity d: We are given a graph of which some vertices are activated and some are deactivated. After that we get a single update in which the states of up to dd vertices are changed. Then we get a sequence of connectivity queries in the subgraph of activated vertices. We present the first fully dynamic algorithm for this problem which has an update and query time only slightly worse than the best decremental algorithm. In addition, we present the first incremental algorithm which is tight with respect to the best known conditional lower bound; moreover, the algorithm is simple and we believe it is implementable and efficient in practice

    Worst-Case Deterministic Fully-Dynamic Biconnectivity in Changeable Planar Embeddings

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