57 research outputs found

    Optimal Data-Dependent Hashing for Approximate Near Neighbors

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    We show an optimal data-dependent hashing scheme for the approximate near neighbor problem. For an nn-point data set in a dd-dimensional space our data structure achieves query time O(dnρ+o(1))O(d n^{\rho+o(1)}) and space O(n1+ρ+o(1)+dn)O(n^{1+\rho+o(1)} + dn), where ρ=12c21\rho=\tfrac{1}{2c^2-1} for the Euclidean space and approximation c>1c>1. For the Hamming space, we obtain an exponent of ρ=12c1\rho=\tfrac{1}{2c-1}. Our result completes the direction set forth in [AINR14] who gave a proof-of-concept that data-dependent hashing can outperform classical Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH). In contrast to [AINR14], the new bound is not only optimal, but in fact improves over the best (optimal) LSH data structures [IM98,AI06] for all approximation factors c>1c>1. From the technical perspective, we proceed by decomposing an arbitrary dataset into several subsets that are, in a certain sense, pseudo-random.Comment: 36 pages, 5 figures, an extended abstract appeared in the proceedings of the 47th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing (STOC 2015

    Efficient learning of neighbor representations for boundary trees and forests

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    We introduce a semiparametric approach to neighbor-based classification. We build off the recently proposed Boundary Trees algorithm by Mathy et al.(2015) which enables fast neighbor-based classification, regression and retrieval in large datasets. While boundary trees use an Euclidean measure of similarity, the Differentiable Boundary Tree algorithm by Zoran et al.(2017) was introduced to learn low-dimensional representations of complex input data, on which semantic similarity can be calculated to train boundary trees. As is pointed out by its authors, the differentiable boundary tree approach contains a few limitations that prevents it from scaling to large datasets. In this paper, we introduce Differentiable Boundary Sets, an algorithm that overcomes the computational issues of the differentiable boundary tree scheme and also improves its classification accuracy and data representability. Our algorithm is efficiently implementable with existing tools and offers a significant reduction in training time. We test and compare the algorithms on the well known MNIST handwritten digits dataset and the newer Fashion-MNIST dataset by Xiao et al.(2017).Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    When Hashing Met Matching: Efficient Spatio-Temporal Search for Ridesharing

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    Carpooling, or sharing a ride with other passengers, holds immense potential for urban transportation. Ridesharing platforms enable such sharing of rides using real-time data. Finding ride matches in real-time at urban scale is a difficult combinatorial optimization task and mostly heuristic approaches are applied. In this work, we mathematically model the problem as that of finding near-neighbors and devise a novel efficient spatio-temporal search algorithm based on the theory of locality sensitive hashing for Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS). The proposed algorithm can find kk near-optimal potential matches for every ride from a pool of nn rides in time O(n1+ρ(k+logn)logk)O(n^{1 + \rho} (k + \log n) \log k) and space O(n1+ρlogk)O(n^{1 + \rho} \log k) for a small ρ<1\rho < 1. Our algorithm can be extended in several useful and interesting ways increasing its practical appeal. Experiments with large NY yellow taxi trip datasets show that our algorithm consistently outperforms state-of-the-art heuristic methods thereby proving its practical applicability