4 research outputs found

    Optimisation-based coordination of connected, automated vehicles at intersections

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    In this paper, we analyse the performance of a model predictive controller for coordination of connected, automated vehicles at intersections. The problem has combinatorial complexity, and we propose to solve it approximately by using a two stage procedure where (1) the vehicle crossing order in which the vehicles cross the intersection is found by solving a mixed integer quadratic program and (2) the control commands are subsequently found by solving a nonlinear program. We show that the controller is persistently safe and compare its performance against traffic lights and two simpler optimisation-based coordination schemes. The results show that our approach outperforms the considered alternatives in terms of both energy consumption and travel-time delay, especially for medium to high traffic loads

    An Interior Point Algorithm for Optimal Coordination of Automated Vehicles at Intersections

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    In this paper, we consider the optimal coordination of automated vehicles at intersections under fixed crossingorders. We state the problem as a Direct Optimal Control problem, and propose a line-search Primal-Dual Interior Point algorithm with which it can be solved. We show that the problem structure is such that most computations required to construct the search- direction and step-size can be performed in parallel on-board the vehicles. This is realized through the Schur-complement of blocks in the KKT-matrix in two steps and a merit-function with separa- ble components. We analyze the communication requirements of the algorithm, and propose a conservative approximation scheme which can reduce the data exchange. We demonstrate that in hard but realistic scenarios, reductions of almost 99% are achieved, at the expense of less than 1% sub-optimality

    Optimal coordination of automated vehicles at intersections with turns

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    In this paper we address the problem of co- ordinating automated vehicles at intersections, with a spe- cial focus on turning maneuvers. The inclusion of rear-end collision avoidance constraints into the problem is decided during turning maneuvers by a smooth function of the vehicle state, rather than integer variables. Moreover, curvature-based acceleration constraints are introduced, which limit the velocity of the vehicle during the turn, and a term in the objective function accounts for passenger comfort. We discuss how the coordination problem is formulated as a nonlinear program and show though simulations that for practical problem instances the proposed approximation is either exact or introduces very little conservativeness