4 research outputs found


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    The transmission of video files in Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANETs) has become very prevalent as commuters prefer video data during travel. The delay with which the data is received becomes very significant as video packets received after their scheduled deadlines become useless. The performance of the network may significantly be reduced on such packet drops especially with mobile networks. This work aims at the reduction of end to end delay of video packets by applying the two techniques- Network Coding (NC) and RaptorQ (RQ) codes. The techniques are implemented in four VANET scenarios and an extensive analysis is done by varying the packet sizes during the transmission of three files of various sizes. The End to End Delay (EED) and Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) are measured and plotted for all scenarios. The results show the influence of packet size on these parameters considered and the suitability of the techniques applied. The observations also show that RQ proves better for smaller files and NC suits better when the file size increases

    A protocol design paradigm for rateless fulcrum code

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    Establecer servicios Multicast eficientes en una red con dispositivos heterog茅neos y bajo los efectos de un canal con efecto de borradura es una de las prioridades actuales en la teor铆a de la codificaci贸n, en particular en Network Coding (NC). Adem谩s, el creciente n煤mero de clientes con dispositivos m贸viles de gran capacidad de procesamiento y la prevalencia de tr谩fico no tolerante al retardo han provocado una demanda de esquemas Multicast sin realimentaci贸n en lo que respecta a la gesti贸n de recursos distribuidos. Las plataformas de comunicaci贸n actuales carecen de un control de codificaci贸n gradual y din谩mico basado en el tipo de datos que se transmiten a nivel de la capa de aplicaci贸n. Este trabajo propone un esquema de transmisi贸n fiable y eficiente basado en una codificaci贸n hibrida compuesta por una codificaci贸n sistem谩tica y codificaci贸n de red lineal aleatoria (RLNC) denominada codificaci贸n Fulcrum. Este esquema h铆brido de codificaci贸n distribuida tipo Rateless permite implementar un sistema adaptativo de gesti贸n de recursos para aumentar la probabilidad de descodificaci贸n durante la recepci贸n de datos en cada nodo receptor de la informaci贸n. En 煤ltima instancia, el esquema propuesto se traduce en un mayor rendimiento de la red y en tiempos de transmisi贸n (RTT) mucho m谩s cortos mediante la implementaci贸n eficiente de una correcci贸n de errores hacia delante (FEC).DoctoradoDoctor en Ingenier铆a de Sistemas y Computaci贸

    Optimal Control for Network Coding Broadcast

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    Random linear network coding (RLNC) has been shown to efficiently improve the network performance in terms of reducing transmission delays and increasing the throughput in broadcast and multicast communications. However, it can result in increased storage and computational complexity at the receivers end. In our previous work we considered the broadcast transmission of large file to N receivers. We showed that the storage and complexity requirements at the receivers end can be greatly reduced when segmenting the file into smaller blocks and applying RLNC to these blocks. To that purpose, we proposed a packet scheduling policy, namely the Least Received. In this work we will prove the optimality of our previously proposed policy, in terms of file transfer completion time, when N = 2. We will model our system as a Markov Decision Process and prove the optimality of the policy using Dynamic Programming. Our intuition points that the Least Received policy may be optimal regardless of the number of receivers. Towards that end, we will provide experimental results that agree with this intuition