332 research outputs found

    Results on optimal biorthogonal filter banks

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    Optimization of filter banks for specific input statistics has been of interest in the theory and practice of subband coding. For the case of orthonormal filter banks with infinite order and uniform decimation, the problem has been completely solved in recent years. For the case of biorthogonal filter banks, significant progress has been made recently, although a number of issues still remain to be addressed. In this paper we briefly review the orthonormal case, and then present several new results for the biorthogonal case. All discussions pertain to the infinite order (ideal filter) case. The current status of research as well as some of the unsolved problems are described

    Theory of optimal orthonormal subband coders

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    The theory of the orthogonal transform coder and methods for its optimal design have been known for a long time. We derive a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for the coding-gain optimality of an orthonormal subband coder for given input statistics. We also show how these conditions can be satisfied by the construction of a sequence of optimal compaction filters one at a time. Several theoretical properties of optimal compaction filters and optimal subband coders are then derived, especially pertaining to behavior as the number of subbands increases. Significant theoretical differences between optimum subband coders, transform coders, and predictive coders are summarized. Finally, conditions are presented under which optimal orthonormal subband coders yield as much coding gain as biorthogonal ones for a fixed number of subbands

    Discrete multitone modulation with principal component filter banks

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    Discrete multitone (DMT) modulation is an attractive method for communication over a nonflat channel with possibly colored noise. The uniform discrete Fourier transform (DFT) filter bank and cosine modulated filter bank have in the past been used in this system because of low complexity. We show in this paper that principal component filter banks (PCFB) which are known to be optimal for data compression and denoising applications, are also optimal for a number of criteria in DMT modulation communication. For example, the PCFB of the effective channel noise power spectrum (noise psd weighted by the inverse of the channel gain) is optimal for DMT modulation in the sense of maximizing bit rate for fixed power and error probabilities. We also establish an optimality property of the PCFB when scalar prefilters and postfilters are used around the channel. The difference between the PCFB and a traditional filter bank such as the brickwall filter bank or DFT filter bank is significant for effective power spectra which depart considerably from monotonicity. The twisted pair channel with its bridged taps, next and fext noises, and AM interference, therefore appears to be a good candidate for the application of a PCFB. This is demonstrated with the help of numerical results for the case of the ADSL channel

    Applications of wavelet-based compression to multidimensional Earth science data

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    A data compression algorithm involving vector quantization (VQ) and the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) is applied to two different types of multidimensional digital earth-science data. The algorithms (WVQ) is optimized for each particular application through an optimization procedure that assigns VQ parameters to the wavelet transform subbands subject to constraints on compression ratio and encoding complexity. Preliminary results of compressing global ocean model data generated on a Thinking Machines CM-200 supercomputer are presented. The WVQ scheme is used in both a predictive and nonpredictive mode. Parameters generated by the optimization algorithm are reported, as are signal-to-noise (SNR) measurements of actual quantized data. The problem of extrapolating hydrodynamic variables across the continental landmasses in order to compute the DWT on a rectangular grid is discussed. Results are also presented for compressing Landsat TM 7-band data using the WVQ scheme. The formulation of the optimization problem is presented along with SNR measurements of actual quantized data. Postprocessing applications are considered in which the seven spectral bands are clustered into 256 clusters using a k-means algorithm and analyzed using the Los Alamos multispectral data analysis program, SPECTRUM, both before and after being compressed using the WVQ program

    Filterbank optimization with convex objectives and the optimality of principal component forms

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    This paper proposes a general framework for the optimization of orthonormal filterbanks (FBs) for given input statistics. This includes as special cases, many previous results on FB optimization for compression. It also solves problems that have not been considered thus far. FB optimization for coding gain maximization (for compression applications) has been well studied before. The optimum FB has been known to satisfy the principal component property, i.e., it minimizes the mean-square error caused by reconstruction after dropping the P weakest (lowest variance) subbands for any P. We point out a much stronger connection between this property and the optimality of the FB. The main result is that a principal component FB (PCFB) is optimum whenever the minimization objective is a concave function of the subband variances produced by the FB. This result has its grounding in majorization and convex function theory and, in particular, explains the optimality of PCFBs for compression. We use the result to show various other optimality properties of PCFBs, especially for noise-suppression applications. Suppose the FB input is a signal corrupted by additive white noise, the desired output is the pure signal, and the subbands of the FB are processed to minimize the output noise. If each subband processor is a zeroth-order Wiener filter for its input, we can show that the expected mean square value of the output noise is a concave function of the subband signal variances. Hence, a PCFB is optimum in the sense of minimizing this mean square error. The above-mentioned concavity of the error and, hence, PCFB optimality, continues to hold even with certain other subband processors such as subband hard thresholds and constant multipliers, although these are not of serious practical interest. We prove that certain extensions of this PCFB optimality result to cases where the input noise is colored, and the FB optimization is over a larger class that includes biorthogonal FBs. We also show that PCFBs do not exist for the classes of DFT and cosine-modulated FBs

    One- and two-level filter-bank convolvers

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    In a recent paper, it was shown in detail that in the case of orthonormal and biorthogonal filter banks we can convolve two signals by directly convolving the subband signals and combining the results. In this paper, we further generalize the result. We also derive the statistical coding gain for the generalized subband convolver. As an application, we derive a novel low sensitivity structure for FIR filters from the convolution theorem. We define and derive a deterministic coding gain of the subband convolver over direct convolution for a fixed wordlength implementation. This gain serves as a figure of merit for the low sensitivity structure. Several numerical examples are included to demonstrate the usefulness of these ideas. By using the generalized polyphase representation, we show that the subband convolvers, linear periodically time varying systems, and digital block filtering can be viewed in a unified manner. Furthermore, the scheme called IFIR filtering is shown to be a special case of the convolver

    A novel entropy-constrained adaptive quantization scheme for wavelet pyramid image coding

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    The orthogonal wavelet transform with filters of nonlinear phase gives poor visual results in low bit rate image coding. The biorthogonal wavelet is a good substitute, which is, however essentially nonorthogonal. A greedy steepest descent algorithm is proposed to design an adaptive quantization scheme based on the actual statistics of the input image. Since the L2 norm of the quantization error is not preserved through the nonorthogonal transform, a quantization error estimation formula considering the characteristic value of the reconstruction filters is derived to incorporate the adaptive quantization scheme. Computer simulation results demonstrate significant SNR gains over standard coding techniques, and comparable visual improvements.published_or_final_versio