17 research outputs found

    Routing algorithm for provisioning symmetric virtual private networks in the hose model

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    A virtual private network (VPN) is a private data network where remote sites are connected over a shared provider network. In order to provide secure communications between customer sites, predetermined paths are used to forward data packets. To support quality of service (QoS), bandwidth has to be reserved on these paths. Then, finding appropriate paths in order to optimize the bandwidth used becomes an important problem. In this paper, we study the routing problem of VPNs under the hose model, where VPN endpoints specify the maximum bandwidth they need in sending and receiving data. Some previous works considered the problem under the assumption that all links have infinite capacities. We remove this constraint in our studies and develop enhancement to existing algorithms. Our simulation results show that our algorithm works very well in networks where link capacities are tight. © 2005 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    A short proof of the VPN tree routing conjecture on ring networks

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    Only recently, Hurkens, Keijsper, and Stougie proved the VPN Tree Routing Conjecture for the special case of ring networks. We present a short proof of a slightly stronger result which might also turn out to be useful for proving the VPN Tree Routing Conjecture for general networks

    Provisioning a virtual private network under the presence of non-communicating groups

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    Virtual private network design in the hose model deals with the reservation of capacities in a weighted graph such that the terminals in this network can communicate with one another. Each terminal is equipped with an upper bound on the amount of traffic that the terminal can send or receive. The task is to install capacities at minimum cost and to compute paths for each unordered terminal pair such that each valid traffic matrix can be routed along those paths. In this paper we consider a variant of the virtual private network design problem which generalizes the previously studied symmetric and asymmetric case. In our model the terminal set is partitioned into a number of groups, where terminals of each group do not communicate with each other. Our main result is a 4.74 approximation algorithm for this problem. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

    The VPN problems with concave costs

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    Only recently Goyal, Olver and Shepherd (Proc. STOC, 2008) proved that the symmetric Virtual Private Network Design (sVPN) problem has the tree routing property, namely, that there always exists an optimal solution to the problem whose support is a tree. Combining this with previous results by Fingerhut, Suri and Turner (J. Alg., 1997) and Gupta, Kleinberg, Kumar, Rastogi and Yener (Proc. STOC, 2001), sVPN can be solved in polynomial time. In this paper we investigate an APX-hard generalization of sVPN, where the contribution of each edge to the total cost is proportional to some non-negative, concave and non-decreasing function of the capacity reservation. We show that the tree routing property extends to the new problem, and give a constant-factor approximation algorithm for it. We also show that the undirected uncapacitated single-source minimum concave-cost flow problem has the tree routing property when the cost function has some property of symmetry

    A Traffic Engineering Algorithm for Provisioning Virtual Private Networks in the Enhanced Hose Model

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    Abstract: A Virtual Private Network is a logical network established on top of a public packet switched network. To guarantee that quality of service requirements, specified by customers, can be met, the network service provider needs to reserve enough resources on the network and allocate/manage them in an optimal way. Traffic engineering algorithms can be used by the Network Service Provider to establish multiple Virtual Private Networks in an optimal way, while meeting customers' Quality of Service requirements. For delay sensitive network applications, it is critical to meet both bandwidth and delay requirements. In contrast to traditional Virtual Private Network Quality of Service models (customer-pipe model and hose model), which focused only on bandwidth requirements, a new model called the enhanced hose model has been proposed, which considers both bandwidth and delay requirements. However, to the best of our knowledge, thus far, traffic engineering problems associated with establishing multiple enhanced hose model Virtual Private Networks have not been investigated. In this paper, we proposed a novel Virtual Private Network traffic engineering algorithm, called the minimum bandwidth-delay cost tree algorithm to address these problems. According to experimental simulations conducted and reported in our paper, the minimum bandwidth-delay cost tree algorithm can indeed achieved better performance (lower rejection ratios) compared to previous algorithms

    On the Complexity of the Asymmetric VPN Problem

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    We give the first constant factor approximation algorithm for the asymmetric Virtual Private Network (VPN) problem with arbitrary concave costs. We even show the stronger result, that there is always a tree solution of cost at most 2 OPT and that a tree solution of (expected) cost at most 49.84 OPT can be determined in polynomial time. Furthermore, we answer an outstanding open question about the complexity status of the so called balanced VPN problem by proving its NP-hardness