212 research outputs found

    Optimal Cooperative Multiplayer Learning Bandits with Noisy Rewards and No Communication

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    We consider a cooperative multiplayer bandit learning problem where the players are only allowed to agree on a strategy beforehand, but cannot communicate during the learning process. In this problem, each player simultaneously selects an action. Based on the actions selected by all players, the team of players receives a reward. The actions of all the players are commonly observed. However, each player receives a noisy version of the reward which cannot be shared with other players. Since players receive potentially different rewards, there is an asymmetry in the information used to select their actions. In this paper, we provide an algorithm based on upper and lower confidence bounds that the players can use to select their optimal actions despite the asymmetry in the reward information. We show that this algorithm can achieve logarithmic O(logTΔa)O(\frac{\log T}{\Delta_{\bm{a}}}) (gap-dependent) regret as well as O(TlogT)O(\sqrt{T\log T}) (gap-independent) regret. This is asymptotically optimal in TT. We also show that it performs empirically better than the current state of the art algorithm for this environment

    A Practical Algorithm for Multiplayer Bandits when Arm Means Vary Among Players

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    We study a multiplayer stochastic multi-armed bandit problem in which players cannot communicate, and if two or more players pull the same arm, a collision occurs and the involved players receive zero reward. We consider the challenging heterogeneous setting, in which different arms may have different means for different players, and propose a new and efficient algorithm that combines the idea of leveraging forced collisions for implicit communication and that of performing matching eliminations. We present a finite-time analysis of our algorithm, giving the first sublinear minimax regret bound for this problem, and prove that if the optimal assignment of players to arms is unique, our algorithm attains the optimal O(ln(T))O(\ln(T)) regret, solving an open question raised at NeurIPS 2018.Comment: AISTATS202

    Decentralized Stochastic Multi-Player Multi-Armed Walking Bandits

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    Multi-player multi-armed bandit is an increasingly relevant decision-making problem, motivated by applications to cognitive radio systems. Most research for this problem focuses exclusively on the settings that players have \textit{full access} to all arms and receive no reward when pulling the same arm. Hence all players solve the same bandit problem with the goal of maximizing their cumulative reward. However, these settings neglect several important factors in many real-world applications, where players have \textit{limited access} to \textit{a dynamic local subset of arms} (i.e., an arm could sometimes be ``walking'' and not accessible to the player). To this end, this paper proposes a \textit{multi-player multi-armed walking bandits} model, aiming to address aforementioned modeling issues. The goal now is to maximize the reward, however, players can only pull arms from the local subset and only collect a full reward if no other players pull the same arm. We adopt Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) to deal with the exploration-exploitation tradeoff and employ distributed optimization techniques to properly handle collisions. By carefully integrating these two techniques, we propose a decentralized algorithm with near-optimal guarantee on the regret, and can be easily implemented to obtain competitive empirical performance.Comment: AAAI 202