24,499 research outputs found

    Opposite-quadrant depth in the plane

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    Helioseismic Holography of an Artificial Submerged Sound Speed Perturbation and Implications for the Detection of Pre-Emergence Signatures of Active Regions

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    We use a publicly available numerical wave-propagation simulation of Hartlep et al. 2011 to test the ability of helioseismic holography to detect signatures of a compact, fully submerged, 5% sound-speed perturbation placed at a depth of 50 Mm within a solar model. We find that helioseismic holography as employed in a nominal "lateral-vantage" or "deep-focus" geometry employing quadrants of an annular pupil is capable of detecting and characterizing the perturbation. A number of tests of the methodology, including the use of a plane-parallel approximation, the definition of travel-time shifts, the use of different phase-speed filters, and changes to the pupils, are also performed. It is found that travel-time shifts made using Gabor-wavelet fitting are essentially identical to those derived from the phase of the Fourier transform of the cross-covariance functions. The errors in travel-time shifts caused by the plane-parallel approximation can be minimized to less than a second for the depths and fields of view considered here. Based on the measured strength of the mean travel-time signal of the perturbation, no substantial improvement in sensitivity is produced by varying the analysis procedure from the nominal methodology in conformance with expectations. The measured travel-time shifts are essentially unchanged by varying the profile of the phase-speed filter or omitting the filter entirely. The method remains maximally sensitive when applied with pupils that are wide quadrants, as opposed to narrower quadrants or with pupils composed of smaller arcs. We discuss the significance of these results for the recent controversy regarding suspected pre-emergence signatures of active regions

    Reaffirming the connection between the Galactic stellar warp and the Canis Major overdensity

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    We perform a critical re-analysis and discussion of recent results presented in the literature which interpret the CMa overdensity as the signature of an accreting dwarf galaxy or a new substructure within the Galaxy. Several issues are addressed. We show that arguments against the ``warp'' interpretation are based on an erroneous perception of the Milky Way. There is nothing anomalous with colour--magnitude diagrams on opposite sides of the average warp mid-plane being different. We witnessed the rise and fall of the blue plume population, first attributed to young stars in a disrupting dwarf galaxy and now discarded as a normal disc population. Similarly, there is nothing anomalous in the outer thin+thick disc metallicities being low (-1<[Fe/H]<-0.5), and spiral arms (as part of the thin disc) should, and do, warp. Most importantly, we show unambiguously that, contrary to previous claims, the warp produces a stellar overdensity that is distance-compatible with that observed in CMa.The CMa over-density remains fully accounted for in a first order approach by Galactic models without new substructures. Given the intrinsic uncertainties (concerning the properties of the warp, flare and disc cutoff, the role of extinction and degeneracy), minor deviations with respect to these models are not enough to support the hypothesis of an accreted dwarf galaxy or new substructure within the Milky Way disc.Comment: A&A Letter, accepted, 4 pages, 3 figure

    The oral-aboral axis of a sea urchin embryo is specified by first cleavage

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    Several lines of evidence suggest that the oral-aboral axis in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryos is specified at or before the 8-cell stage. Were the oral-aboral axis specified independently of the first cleavage plane, then a random association of this plane with the blastomeres of the four embryo quadrants in the oral-aboral plane (viz. oral, aboral, right and left) would be expected. Lineage tracer dye injection into one blastomere at the 2-cell stage and observation of the resultant labeling patterns demonstrates instead a strongly nonrandom association. In at least ninety percent of cases, the progeny of the aboral blastomeres are associated with those of the left lateral blastomeres and the progeny of the oral blastomeres with the right lateral ones, respectively. Thus, ninety percent of the time the oral pole of the future oral-aboral axis lies 45 degrees clockwise from the first cleavage plane as viewed from the animal pole. The nonrandom association of blastomeres after labeling of the 2-cell stage implies that there is a mechanistic relation between axis specification and the positioning of the first cleavage plane

    Phenomenological Models for the Gap Anisotropy of Bi-2212 as Measured by ARPES

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    Recently, high resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy has been used to determine the detailed momentum dependence of the superconducting gap in the high temperature superconductor Bi-2212. In this paper, we first describe tight binding fits to the normal state dispersion and superlattice modulation effects. We then discuss various theoretical models in light of the gap measurements. We find that the simplest model which fits the data is the anisotropic s-wave gap cos(kx)cos(ky)\cos(k_x)\cos(k_y), which within a one-band BCS frame- work suggests the importance of next near neighbor Cu-Cu interactions. Various alternative interpretations of the observed gap are also discussed, along with the implications for microscopic theories of high temperature superconductors.Comment: 14 pages, revtex, 9 uuencoded postscript figure

    Methanol Masers as Tracers of Circumstellar Disks

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    We show that in many methanol maser sources the masers are located in lines, with a velocity gradient along them which suggests that the masers are situated in edge-on circumstellar, or protoplanetary, disks. We present VLBI observations of the methanol maser source G309.92+0.48, in the 12.2 GHz transition, which confirm previous observations that the masers in this source lie along a line. We show that such sources are not only linear in space but, in many cases, also have a linear velocity gradient. We then model these and other data in both the 6.7 GHz and the 12.2 GHz transition from a number of star formation regions, and show that the observed spatial and velocity distribution of methanol masers, and the derived Keplerian masses, are consistent with a circumstellar disk rotating around an OB star. We consider this and other hypotheses, and conclude that about half of these methanol masers are probably located in edge-on circumstellar disks around young stars. This is of particular significance for studies of circumstellar disks because of the detailed velocity information available from the masers.Comment: 38 pages, 13 figures accepted by Ap

    Mapping the Asymmetric Thick Disk: The Hercules Thick Disk Cloud

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    The stellar asymmetry of faint thick disk/inner halo stars in the first quadrant first reported by Larsen & Humphreys (1996) and investigated further by Parker et al. (2003, 2004) has been recently confirmed by SDSS (Juric et al. 2008). Their interpretation of the excess in the star counts as a ringlike structure, however, is not supported by critical complimentary data in the fourth quadrant not covered by SDSS. We present stellar density maps from the Minnesota Automated Plate Scanner (MAPS) Catalog of the POSS I showing that the overdensity does not extend into the fourth quadrant. The overdensity is most probably not a ring. It could be due to interaction with the disk bar, evidence for a triaxial thick disk, or a merger remnant/stream. We call this feature the Hercules Thick Disk Cloud.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, to be published in Astrophysical Journal Letter