1,671 research outputs found

    Opportunistic transmission scheduling for next generation wireless communication systems with multimedia services

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    The explosive growth of the Internet and the continued dramatic increase for all wireless services are fueling the demand for increased capacity, data rates, and support of different quality of service (QoS) requirements for different classes of services. Since in the current and future wireless communication infrastructures, the performances of the various services are strongly correlated, as the resources are shared among them, dynamic resource allocation methods should be employed. With the demand for high data rate and support of multiple QoS, the transmission scheduling plays a key role in the efficient resource allocation process in wireless systems. The fundamental problem of scheduling the users\u27 transmissions and allocating the available resources in a realistic CDMA wireless system that supports multi-rate multimedia services, with efficiency and fairness, is investigated and analyzed in this dissertation. Our proposed approach adopts the use of dynamically assigned data rates that match the channel capacity in order to improve the system throughput and overcome the problems associated with the location-dependent and time-dependent errors and channel conditions, the variable system capacity and the transmission power limitation. We first introduce and describe two new scheduling algorithms, namely the Channel Adaptive Rate Scheduling (CARS) and Fair Channel Adaptive Rate Scheduling (FCARS). CARS exploits the channel variations to reach high throughput, by adjusting the transmission rates according to the varying channel conditions and by performing an iterative procedure to determine the power index that a user can accept by its current channel condition and transmission power. Based on the assignment of CARS and to overcome potential unfair service allocation, FCARS implements a compensation algorithm, in which the lagging users can receive compensation service when the corresponding channel conditions improve, in order to achieve asymptotic throughput fairness, while still maintaining all the constraints imposed by the system. Furthermore the problem of opportunistic fair scheduling in the uplink transmission of CDMA systems, with the objective of maximizing the uplink system throughput, while satisfying the users\u27 QoS requirements and maintaining the long-term fairness among the various users despite their different varying channel conditions, is rigorously formulated, and a throughput optimal fair scheduling policy is obtained. The corresponding problem is expressed as a weighted throughput maximization problem, under certain power and QoS constraints, where the weights are the control parameters that reflect the fairness constraints. With the introduction of the power index capacity it is shown that this optimization problem can be converted into a binary knapsack problem, where all the corresponding constraints are replaced by the users\u27 power index capacities at some certain system power index. It is then argued that the optimal solution can be obtained as a global search within a certain range, while a stochastic approximation method is presented in order to effectively identify the required control parameters. Finally, since some real-time services may demand certain amount of service within specific short span of time in order to avoid service delays, the problem of designing policies that can achieve high throughput while at the same time maintain short term fairness, is also considered and investigated. To this end a new Credit-based Short-term Fairness Scheduling (CSFS) algorithm, which achieves to provide short-term fairness to the delay-sensitive users while still schedules opportunistically the non-delay-sensitive users to obtain high system throughput, is proposed and evaluated

    Selective Fair Scheduling over Fading Channels

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    Imposing fairness in resource allocation incurs a loss of system throughput, known as the Price of Fairness (PoFPoF). In wireless scheduling, PoFPoF increases when serving users with very poor channel quality because the scheduler wastes resources trying to be fair. This paper proposes a novel resource allocation framework to rigorously address this issue. We introduce selective fairness: being fair only to selected users, and improving PoFPoF by momentarily blocking the rest. We study the associated admission control problem of finding the user selection that minimizes PoFPoF subject to selective fairness, and show that this combinatorial problem can be solved efficiently if the feasibility set satisfies a condition; in our model it suffices that the wireless channels are stochastically dominated. Exploiting selective fairness, we design a stochastic framework where we minimize PoFPoF subject to an SLA, which ensures that an ergodic subscriber is served frequently enough. In this context, we propose an online policy that combines the drift-plus-penalty technique with Gradient-Based Scheduling experts, and we prove it achieves the optimal PoFPoF. Simulations show that our intelligent blocking outperforms by 40%\% in throughput previous approaches which satisfy the SLA by blocking low-SNR users

    Resource management in QoS-aware wireless cellular networks

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    2011 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Emerging broadband wireless networks that support high speed packet data with heterogeneous quality of service (QoS) requirements demand more flexible and efficient use of the scarce spectral resource. Opportunistic scheduling exploits the time-varying, location-dependent channel conditions to achieve multiuser diversity. In this work, we study two types of resource allocation problems in QoS-aware wireless cellular networks. First, we develop a rigorous framework to study opportunistic scheduling in multiuser OFDM systems. We derive optimal opportunistic scheduling policies under three common QoS/fairness constraints for multiuser OFDM systems--temporal fairness, utilitarian fairness, and minimum-performance guarantees. To implement these optimal policies efficiently, we provide a modified Hungarian algorithm and a simple suboptimal algorithm. We then propose a generalized opportunistic scheduling framework that incorporates multiple mixed QoS/fairness constraints, including providing both lower and upper bound constraints. Next, taking input queues and channel memory into consideration, we reformulate the transmission scheduling problem as a new class of Markov decision processes (MDPs) with fairness constraints. We investigate the throughput maximization and the delay minimization problems in this context. We study two categories of fairness constraints, namely temporal fairness and utilitarian fairness. We consider two criteria: infinite horizon expected total discounted reward and expected average reward. We derive and prove explicit dynamic programming equations for the above constrained MDPs, and characterize optimal scheduling policies based on those equations. An attractive feature of our proposed schemes is that they can easily be extended to fit different objective functions and other fairness measures. Although we only focus on uplink scheduling, the scheme is equally applicable to the downlink case. Furthermore, we develop an efficient approximation method--temporal fair rollout--to reduce the computational cost

    Opportunistic scheduling for wireless systems with multiple interfaces and multiple constraints

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    Scheduling Policies in Time and Frequency Domains for LTE Downlink Channel: A Performance Comparison

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    A key feature of the Long-Term Evolution (LTE) system is that the packet scheduler can make use of the channel quality information (CQI), which is periodically reported by user equipment either in an aggregate form for the whole downlink channel or distinguished for each available subchannel. This mechanism allows for wide discretion in resource allocation, thus promoting the flourishing of several scheduling algorithms, with different purposes. It is therefore of great interest to compare the performance of such algorithms under different scenarios. Here, we carry out a thorough performance analysis of different scheduling algorithms for saturated User Datagram Protocol (UDP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) traffic sources, as well as consider both the time- and frequency-domain versions of the schedulers and for both flat and frequency-selective channels. The analysis makes it possible to appreciate the difference among the scheduling algorithms and to assess the performance gain, in terms of cell capacity, users' fairness, and packet service time, obtained by exploiting the richer, but heavier, information carried by subchannel CQI. An important part of this analysis is a throughput guarantee scheduler, which we propose in this paper. The analysis reveals that the proposed scheduler provides a good tradeoff between cell capacity and fairness both for TCP and UDP traffic sources
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