4 research outputs found

    QMUL-SDS @ SardiStance: Leveraging Network Interactions to Boost Performance on Stance Detection using Knowledge Graphs

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    This paper presents our submission to the SardiStance 2020 shared task, describing the architecture used for Task A and Task B. While our submission for Task A did not exceed the baseline, retraining our model using all the training tweets, showed promising results leading to (f-avg 0.601) using bidirectional LSTM with BERT multilingual embedding for Task A. For our submission for Task B, we ranked 6th (f-avg 0.709). With further investigation, our best experimented settings increased performance from (f-avg 0.573) to (f-avg 0.733) with same architecture and parameter settings and after only incorporating social interaction features -- highlighting the impact of social interaction on the model's performance

    ghostwriter19 @ SardiStance: Generating new tweets to classify SardiStance EVALITA 2020 political tweets

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    Understanding the events and the dominant thought is of great help to convey the desired message to our potential audience, be it marketing or political propaganda.Succeeding while the event is still ongoing is of vital importance to prepare alerts that require immediate action.A micro message platform like Twitter is the ideal place to be able to read a large amount of data linked to a theme and self-categorized by its users using hashtags and mentions.In this research, I will show how a simple translator can be used to bring styles, vocabulary, grammar, and other characteristics to a common factor that leads each of us to be unique in the way we express ourselves.Comprendere gli eventi e il pensiero dominante è di grande aiuto per veicolare alla nostra potenziale audience il messaggio desiderato sia esso di marketing o di propaganda politica.Riuscirci mentre l'evento è ancora in corso è di vitale importanza per predisporre alert che richiedono un intervento immediato.Una piattaforma di micro messaggi come Twitter è il luogo ideale per poter leggere una grande quantità di dati legata ad un tema, e spesso auto categorizzati dai suoi stessi utenti per mezzo di hashtag e menzioni.In questa ricerca mostrerò come un semplice traduttore può essere usato per portare a fattor comune stili, lessico, grammatica e altre caratteristiche che portano ognuno di noi ad essere unico nel modo di esprimersi

    Adapting to Change: The Temporal Persistence of Text Classifiers in the Context of Longitudinally Evolving Data

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    This thesis delves into the evolving landscape of NLP, particularly focusing on the temporal persistence of text classifiers amid the dynamic nature of language use. The primary objective is to understand how changes in language patterns over time impact the performance of text classification models and to develop methodologies for maintaining their effectiveness. The research begins by establishing a theoretical foundation for text classification and temporal data analysis, highlighting the challenges posed by the evolving use of language and its implications for NLP models. A detailed exploration of various datasets, including the stance detection and sentiment analysis datasets, sets the stage for examining these dynamics. The characteristics of the datasets, such as linguistic variations and temporal vocabulary growth, are carefully examined to understand their influence on the performance of the text classifier. A series of experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of text classifiers across different temporal scenarios. The findings reveal a general trend of performance degradation over time, emphasizing the need for classifiers that can adapt to linguistic changes. The experiments assess models' ability to estimate past and future performance based on their current efficacy and linguistic dataset characteristics, leading to valuable insights into the factors influencing model longevity. Innovative solutions are proposed to address the observed performance decline and adapt to temporal changes in language use over time. These include incorporating temporal information into word embeddings and comparing various methods across temporal gaps. The Incremental Temporal Alignment (ITA) method emerges as a significant contributor to enhancing classifier performance in same-period experiments, although it faces challenges in maintaining effectiveness over longer temporal gaps. Furthermore, the exploration of machine learning and statistical methods highlights their potential to maintain classifier accuracy in the face of longitudinally evolving data. The thesis culminates in a shared task evaluation, where participant-submitted models are compared against baseline models to assess their classifiers' temporal persistence. This comparison provides a comprehensive understanding of the short-term, long-term, and overall persistence of their models, providing valuable information to the field. The research identifies several future directions, including interdisciplinary approaches that integrate linguistics and sociology, tracking textual shifts on online platforms, extending the analysis to other classification tasks, and investigating the ethical implications of evolving language in NLP applications. This thesis contributes to the NLP field by highlighting the importance of evaluating text classifiers' temporal persistence and offering methodologies to enhance their sustainability in dynamically evolving language environments. The findings and proposed approaches pave the way for future research, aiming at the development of more robust, reliable, and temporally persistent text classification models

    EVALITA Evaluation of NLP and Speech Tools for Italian - December 17th, 2020

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    Welcome to EVALITA 2020! EVALITA is the evaluation campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian. EVALITA is an initiative of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC, http://www.ai-lc.it) and it is endorsed by the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA, http://www.aixia.it) and the Italian Association for Speech Sciences (AISV, http://www.aisv.it)