33,351 research outputs found

    On the architecture of collaboration in inter-organizational natural resource management networks

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    This paper reviews the architecture of collaboration that exists within inter-organizational natural resource management (NRM) networks. It presents an integrative conceptual framework designed to help operationalize the multi-level interactions that occur between different dimensions of trust, risk perception, and control as key concepts in inter-organizational collaboration. The objective is to identify and justify a series of propositions considered suitable for assessing inter-organizational NRM network collaboration through empirical work. Such an integrative conceptualization goes beyond the existing trust scholarship related to collaborative NRM, and, we argue, offers a useful starting point for further exploring some of the ‘inner’ social dynamics affecting collaborative performance using complex systems thinking. To help establish the relevance of the conceptual framework to transboundary resource governance, a survey operationalizing different dimensions of trust, perceived risk, and control is piloted in the Salish Sea, an ecosystem that spans the Canada-US border between British Columbia and Washington State. Key challenges associated with operationalizing the framework and future research needs are identified

    Multidimensionality of Entrepreneurial Firm-level Processes: Do the Dimensions Covary?

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    Covariance (or not) among the first-order dimensions of firm-level entrepreneurial processes underpins a fundamental and non-trivial difference between the entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial posture constructs. Utilizing a typology developed for multi-dimensional constructs, we operationalized each construct according to its specific conceptualization (relationships among the dimensions) and compared and contrasted each construct in an identical nomological network. Although we found support for both theories, the entrepreneurial orientation construct was more robust in explaining additional variance in growth. Additionally, our findings suggest that the means through which the first-order dimensions are operationalized—latent vs. summates— significantly affect the analysis

    Applied business analytics approach to IT projects – Methodological framework

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    The design and implementation of a big data project differs from a typical business intelligence project that might be presented concurrently within the same organization. A big data initiative typically triggers a large scale IT project that is expected to deliver the desired outcomes. The industry has identified two major methodologies for running a data centric project, in particular SEMMA (Sample, Explore, Modify, Model and Assess) and CRISP-DM (Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining). More general, the professional organizations PMI (Project Management Institute) and IIBA (International Institute of Business Analysis) have defined their methods for project management and business analysis based on the best current industry practices. However, big data projects place new challenges that are not considered by the existing methodologies. The building of end-to-end big data analytical solution for optimization of the supply chain, pricing and promotion, product launch, shop potential and customer value is facing both business and technical challenges. The most common business challenges are unclear and/or poorly defined business cases; irrelevant data; poor data quality; overlooked data granularity; improper contextualization of data; unprepared or bad prepared data; non-meaningful results; lack of skill set. Some of the technical challenges are related to lag of resources and technology limitations; availability of data sources; storage difficulties; security issues; performance problems; little flexibility; and ineffective DevOps. This paper discusses an applied business analytics approach to IT projects and addresses the above-described aspects. The authors present their work on research and development of new methodological framework and analytical instruments applicable in both business endeavors, and educational initiatives, targeting big data. The proposed framework is based on proprietary methodology and advanced analytics tools. It is focused on the development and the implementation of practical solutions for project managers, business analysts, IT practitioners and Business/Data Analytics students. Under discussion are also the necessary skills and knowledge for the successful big data business analyst, and some of the main organizational and operational aspects of the big data projects, including the continuous model deployment

    Assessing the Regional and District Capacity for Operationalizing Emergency Obstetric Care through First Referral Units in Gujarat

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    Maternal mortality remains to be one of the very important public health problems in India. The maternal mortality estimates, is about (300-400/100,000 live births). There are diverse management issues, policy barriers to be overcome for improving maternal health. Especially, the operationalization of Emergency Obstetric Care (EmOC) and access to skilled care attendance during delivery. This study focuses on understanding the regional and district level capacity of the state government to operationalize First Referral Units for providing Emergency Obstetric care. This study is a part of a larger project for strengthening midwifery and Emergency Obstetric Care in India. The study apart from giving an in-depth insight into the functioning of various health facilities highlights the results from the basic to the more comprehensive level of EmOC services. It gives recommendation on various measures to rectify shortcomings noticed and make EmOC a more effective at different levels in the State of Gujarat. The study uses both primary and secondary data collection. The study was conducted in six regions of Gujarat -one district from each of these regions was selected. Out of these districts 27 health facilities were examined, which consists of seven district hospitals, eight designated as first referral units (FRU), four community health centers (CHC) and eight 24/7 primary health centers (PHC). Detailed field notes for individual facilities were prepared and analyzed subsequently for all facilities together. A common feature among all health centres were issues related to general infrastructure. Many times infrastructure planning (location, layout and maintenance) is left to engineers, who have limited knowledge about proper EmOC services. Poor infrastructure leads to poor quality of health services and wastage of resources. Through National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) and Rogi Kalyan Samiti funds major and minor repair/renovations are taking place to improve hospital buildings. In some health facilities from poor resource setting with high demand from patients were still able to deliver services. Human resources analysis suggests that there is shortage of specialists at FRUs, and committed nursing staff in labor room. As result of the Chiranjeevi initiative, the Below Poverty Line (BPL) population who earlier used to public health facilities are now accessing private facilities for delivery, and this has affected and decreased the workload of the public health facilities. Furthermore, there is lack of managerial skills at senior level hospital staff. Registers like birth, drug, Medical Termination of Pregnancy are maintained but not in standard format. Since complicated cases are not registered properly, maternal deaths are not reported. Even though the system of monitoring is well established at the state and district level, they are not properly followed. The funds for operationalization of First Referral Units come from department of family welfare. However, the administrative control is in the hands of department of medical services. Due to this factor monitoring system has become weak. The weak link between these two departments is the Regional Deputy Director who has only one administrative staff to take care of the issues in their region. The problem of monitoring the Primary Health Centres has become smooth with the appointment of new District Project Coordinators. Some facilities especially in district hospital reported that internal meetings and monitoring are happening because of the special interest of facility managers and newly appointed assistant hospitals administrators. In lower facilities this type of internal monitoring exists in a weak form. Underutilization of government facilities is a result of poor quality of services provided. In spite of reasonably developed health system, several problems of infrastructure, staffing, accountability and management capacity contribute to the poor functioning of facilities to act as an EmOC service delivery center. Some of the major bottlenecks in improving EmOC services are limited management capacity, lack of availability of blood in rural areas and poor registration of births and deaths and no monitoring of EmOC. District hospitals, FRUs, CHCs and Sub district hospitals come under the administrative control of the department of medical services. The clinical monitoring of these facilities lies with the department of health and family welfare. At the district level monitoring of these facilities are not properly done, therefore it effects directly the operationalization of the facilities. In the absence of adequate management capacity, the operationalization of EmOC is not well planned, executed or monitored, which results in delays in implementation and poor quality of care.

    The AMIA Experience: Supporting local actions for Climate Resilient Agriculture

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    The brief tackles how the Adaptation and Mitigation Initiative in Agriculture (AMIA) Program of the Philippines’ Department of Agriculture (DA) served as a platform for supporting local actions for climate resilient agriculture. The document discusses a number of key lessons emerging from the AMIA Village experience on the importance of local platforms for adaptation in the form of Climate-Smart Villages towards overall resilience building of the sector

    Exploiting a Goal-Decomposition Technique to Prioritize Non-functional Requirements

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    Business stakeholders need to have clear and realistic goals if they want to meet commitments in application development. As a consequence, at early stages they prioritize requirements. However, requirements do change. The effect of change forces the stakeholders to balance alternatives and reprioritize requirements accordingly. In this paper we discuss the problem of priorities to non-functional requirements subjected to change. We, then, propose an approach to help smooth the impact of such changes. Our approach favors the translation of nonoperational specifications into operational definitions that can be evaluated once the system is developed. It uses the goal-question-metric method as the major support to decompose non-operational specifications into operational ones. We claim that the effort invested in operationalizing NFRs helps dealing with changing requirements during system development. Based on\ud this transformation and in our experience, we provide guidelines to prioritize volatile non-functional requirements

    Scope Management of Non-Functional Requirements

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    In order to meet commitments in software projects, a realistic assessment must be made of project scope. Such an assessment relies on the availability of knowledge on the user-defined project requirements and their effort estimates and priorities, as well as their risk. This knowledge enables analysts, managers and software engineers to identify the most significant requirements from the list of requirements initially defined by the user. In practice, this scope assessment is applied to the Functional Requirements (FRs) provided by users who are unaware of, or ignore, the Non-Functional Requirements (NFRs). This paper presents ongoing research which aims at managing NFRs during the software development process. Establishing the relative priority of each NFR, and obtaining a rough estimate of the effort and risk associated with it, is integral to the software development process and to resource management. Our work extends the taxonomy of the NFR framework by integrating the concept of the "hardgoal". A functional size measure of NFRs is applied to facilitate the effort estimation process. The functional size measurement method we have chosen is COSMICFFP, which is theoretically sound and the de facto standard in the software industry

    Water and Development Strategy: Implementation Field Guide

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    This document is intended to serve as a reference tool to help USAID Operating Units understand and apply the agency's 2013-2018 Water and Development Strategy. By publicly sharing the document, USAID aims to ensure coordination of their efforts with the wider water sector. The Field Guide will be periodically updated and comments from readers are welcome
