244 research outputs found

    Strong normalisation for applied lambda calculi

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    We consider the untyped lambda calculus with constructors and recursively defined constants. We construct a domain-theoretic model such that any term not denoting bottom is strongly normalising provided all its `stratified approximations' are. From this we derive a general normalisation theorem for applied typed lambda-calculi: If all constants have a total value, then all typeable terms are strongly normalising. We apply this result to extensions of G\"odel's system T and system F extended by various forms of bar recursion for which strong normalisation was hitherto unknown.Comment: 14 pages, paper acceptet at electronic journal LMC

    Programming Language Foundations in Agda

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    Initial Semantics for Reduction Rules

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    We give an algebraic characterization of the syntax and operational semantics of a class of simply-typed languages, such as the language PCF: we characterize simply-typed syntax with variable binding and equipped with reduction rules via a universal property, namely as the initial object of some category of models. For this purpose, we employ techniques developed in two previous works: in the first work we model syntactic translations between languages over different sets of types as initial morphisms in a category of models. In the second work we characterize untyped syntax with reduction rules as initial object in a category of models. In the present work, we combine the techniques used earlier in order to characterize simply-typed syntax with reduction rules as initial object in a category. The universal property yields an operator which allows to specify translations---that are semantically faithful by construction---between languages over possibly different sets of types. As an example, we upgrade a translation from PCF to the untyped lambda calculus, given in previous work, to account for reduction in the source and target. Specifically, we specify a reduction semantics in the source and target language through suitable rules. By equipping the untyped lambda calculus with the structure of a model of PCF, initiality yields a translation from PCF to the lambda calculus, that is faithful with respect to the reduction semantics specified by the rules. This paper is an extended version of an article published in the proceedings of WoLLIC 2012.Comment: Extended version of arXiv:1206.4547, proves a variant of a result of PhD thesis arXiv:1206.455

    The Guarded Lambda-Calculus: Programming and Reasoning with Guarded Recursion for Coinductive Types

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    We present the guarded lambda-calculus, an extension of the simply typed lambda-calculus with guarded recursive and coinductive types. The use of guarded recursive types ensures the productivity of well-typed programs. Guarded recursive types may be transformed into coinductive types by a type-former inspired by modal logic and Atkey-McBride clock quantification, allowing the typing of acausal functions. We give a call-by-name operational semantics for the calculus, and define adequate denotational semantics in the topos of trees. The adequacy proof entails that the evaluation of a program always terminates. We introduce a program logic with L\"ob induction for reasoning about the contextual equivalence of programs. We demonstrate the expressiveness of the calculus by showing the definability of solutions to Rutten's behavioural differential equations.Comment: Accepted to Logical Methods in Computer Science special issue on the 18th International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures (FoSSaCS 2015

    A type- and scope-safe universe of syntaxes with binding: their semantics and proofs

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    Almost every programming language's syntax includes a notion of binder and corresponding bound occurrences, along with the accompanying notions of alpha-equivalence, capture-avoiding substitution, typing contexts, runtime environments, and so on. In the past, implementing and reasoning about programming languages required careful handling to maintain the correct behaviour of bound variables. Modern programming languages include features that enable constraints like scope safety to be expressed in types. Nevertheless, the programmer is still forced to write the same boilerplate over again for each new implementation of a scope safe operation (e.g., renaming, substitution, desugaring, printing, etc.), and then again for correctness proofs. We present an expressive universe of syntaxes with binding and demonstrate how to (1) implement scope safe traversals once and for all by generic programming; and (2) how to derive properties of these traversals by generic proving. Our universe description, generic traversals and proofs, and our examples have all been formalised in Agda and are available in the accompanying material available online at https://github.com/gallais/generic-syntax

    Encoding Tight Typing in a Unified Framework

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    This paper explores how the intersection type theories of call-by-name (CBN) and call-by-value (CBV) can be unified in a more general framework provided by call-by-push-value (CBPV). Indeed, we propose tight type systems for CBN and CBV that can be both encoded in a unique tight type system for CBPV. All such systems are quantitative, i.e. they provide exact information about the length of normalization sequences to normal form as well as the size of these normal forms. Moreover, the length of reduction sequences are discriminated according to their multiplicative and exponential nature, a concept inherited from linear logic. Last but not least, it is possible to extract quantitative measures for CBN and CBV from their corresponding encodings in CBPV
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