53 research outputs found

    Open-World Knowledge Graph Completion

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    Knowledge Graphs (KGs) have been applied to many tasks including Web search, link prediction, recommendation, natural language processing, and entity linking. However, most KGs are far from complete and are growing at a rapid pace. To address these problems, Knowledge Graph Completion (KGC) has been proposed to improve KGs by filling in its missing connections. Unlike existing methods which hold a closed-world assumption, i.e., where KGs are fixed and new entities cannot be easily added, in the present work we relax this assumption and propose a new open-world KGC task. As a first attempt to solve this task we introduce an open-world KGC model called ConMask. This model learns embeddings of the entity's name and parts of its text-description to connect unseen entities to the KG. To mitigate the presence of noisy text descriptions, ConMask uses a relationship-dependent content masking to extract relevant snippets and then trains a fully convolutional neural network to fuse the extracted snippets with entities in the KG. Experiments on large data sets, both old and new, show that ConMask performs well in the open-world KGC task and even outperforms existing KGC models on the standard closed-world KGC task.Comment: 8 pages, accepted to AAAI 201

    One-Shot Relational Learning for Knowledge Graphs

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    Knowledge graphs (KGs) are the key components of various natural language processing applications. To further expand KGs' coverage, previous studies on knowledge graph completion usually require a large number of training instances for each relation. However, we observe that long-tail relations are actually more common in KGs and those newly added relations often do not have many known triples for training. In this work, we aim at predicting new facts under a challenging setting where only one training instance is available. We propose a one-shot relational learning framework, which utilizes the knowledge extracted by embedding models and learns a matching metric by considering both the learned embeddings and one-hop graph structures. Empirically, our model yields considerable performance improvements over existing embedding models, and also eliminates the need of re-training the embedding models when dealing with newly added relations.Comment: EMNLP 201

    Dynamic Parameter Allocation in Parameter Servers

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    To keep up with increasing dataset sizes and model complexity, distributed training has become a necessity for large machine learning tasks. Parameter servers ease the implementation of distributed parameter management---a key concern in distributed training---, but can induce severe communication overhead. To reduce communication overhead, distributed machine learning algorithms use techniques to increase parameter access locality (PAL), achieving up to linear speed-ups. We found that existing parameter servers provide only limited support for PAL techniques, however, and therefore prevent efficient training. In this paper, we explore whether and to what extent PAL techniques can be supported, and whether such support is beneficial. We propose to integrate dynamic parameter allocation into parameter servers, describe an efficient implementation of such a parameter server called Lapse, and experimentally compare its performance to existing parameter servers across a number of machine learning tasks. We found that Lapse provides near-linear scaling and can be orders of magnitude faster than existing parameter servers

    Generalized Relation Learning with Semantic Correlation Awareness for Link Prediction

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    Developing link prediction models to automatically complete knowledge graphs has recently been the focus of significant research interest. The current methods for the link prediction taskhavetwonaturalproblems:1)the relation distributions in KGs are usually unbalanced, and 2) there are many unseen relations that occur in practical situations. These two problems limit the training effectiveness and practical applications of the existing link prediction models. We advocate a holistic understanding of KGs and we propose in this work a unified Generalized Relation Learning framework GRL to address the above two problems, which can be plugged into existing link prediction models. GRL conducts a generalized relation learning, which is aware of semantic correlations between relations that serve as a bridge to connect semantically similar relations. After training with GRL, the closeness of semantically similar relations in vector space and the discrimination of dissimilar relations are improved. We perform comprehensive experiments on six benchmarks to demonstrate the superior capability of GRL in the link prediction task. In particular, GRL is found to enhance the existing link prediction models making them insensitive to unbalanced relation distributions and capable of learning unseen relations.Comment: Preprint of accepted AAAI2021 pape

    An Open-World Extension to Knowledge Graph Completion Models

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    We present a novel extension to embedding-based knowledge graph completion models which enables them to perform open-world link prediction, i.e. to predict facts for entities unseen in training based on their textual description. Our model combines a regular link prediction model learned from a knowledge graph with word embeddings learned from a textual corpus. After training both independently, we learn a transformation to map the embeddings of an entity's name and description to the graph-based embedding space. In experiments on several datasets including FB20k, DBPedia50k and our new dataset FB15k-237-OWE, we demonstrate competitive results. Particularly, our approach exploits the full knowledge graph structure even when textual descriptions are scarce, does not require a joint training on graph and text, and can be applied to any embedding-based link prediction model, such as TransE, ComplEx and DistMult.Comment: 8 pages, accepted to AAAI-201