5 research outputs found

    OpenSceneVLAD: Appearance Invariant, Open Set Scene Classification

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    Scene classification is a well-established area of computer vision research that aims to classify a scene image into pre-defined categories such as playground, beach and airport. Recent work has focused on increasing the variety of pre-defined categories for classification, but so far failed to consider two major challenges: changes in scene appearance due to lighting and open set classification (the ability to classify unknown scene data as not belonging to the trained classes). Our first contribution, SceneVLAD, fuses scene classification and visual place recognition CNNs for appearance invariant scene classification that outperforms state-of-the-art scene classification by a mean F1 score of up to 0.1. Our second contribution, OpenSceneVLAD, extends the first to an open set classification scenario using intra-class splitting to achieve a mean increase in F1 scores of up to 0.06 compared to using state-of-the-art openmax layer. We achieve these results on three scene class datasets extracted from large scale outdoor visual localisation datasets, one of which we collected ourselves.</p

    Class Anchor Clustering: a Loss for Distance-based Open Set Recognition

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    In open set recognition, deep neural networks encounter object classes that were unknown during training. Existing open set classifiers distinguish between known and unknown classes by measuring distance in a network's logit space, assuming that known classes cluster closer to the training data than unknown classes. However, this approach is applied post-hoc to networks trained with cross-entropy loss, which does not guarantee this clustering behaviour. To overcome this limitation, we introduce the Class Anchor Clustering (CAC) loss. CAC is a distance-based loss that explicitly trains known classes to form tight clusters around anchored class-dependent centres in the logit space. We show that training with CAC achieves state-of-the-art performance for distance-based open set classifiers on all six standard benchmark datasets, with a 15.2% AUROC increase on the challenging TinyImageNet, without sacrificing classification accuracy. We also show that our anchored class centres achieve higher open set performance than learnt class centres, particularly on object-based datasets and large numbers of training classes.Comment: Published at 2021 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV

    Task-Adaptive Negative Class Envision for Few-Shot Open-Set Recognition

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    Recent works seek to endow recognition systems with the ability to handle the open world. Few shot learning aims for fast learning of new classes from limited examples, while open-set recognition considers unknown negative class from the open world. In this paper, we study the problem of few-shot open-set recognition (FSOR), which learns a recognition system robust to queries from new sources with few examples and from unknown open sources. To achieve that, we mimic human capability of envisioning new concepts from prior knowledge, and propose a novel task-adaptive negative class envision method (TANE) to model the open world. Essentially we use an external memory to estimate a negative class representation. Moreover, we introduce a novel conjugate episode training strategy that strengthens the learning process. Extensive experiments on four public benchmarks show that our approach significantly improves the state-of-the-art performance on few-shot open-set recognition. Besides, we extend our method to generalized few-shot open-set recognition (GFSOR), where we also achieve performance gains on MiniImageNet