668 research outputs found

    Emotion Expression Extraction Method for Chinese Microblog Sentences

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    With the rapid spread of Chinese microblog, a large number of microblog topics are being generated in real-time. More and more users pay attention to emotion expressions of these opinionated sentences in different topics. It is challenging to label the emotion expressions of opinionated sentences manually. For this endeavor, an emotion expression extraction method is proposed to process millions of user-generated opinionated sentences automatically in this paper. Specifically, the proposed method mainly contains two tasks: emotion classification and opinion target extraction. We first use a lexicon-based emotion classification method to compute different emotion values in emotion label vectors of opinionated sentences. Then emotion label vectors of opinionated sentences are revised by an unsupervised emotion label propagation algorithm. After extracting candidate opinion targets of opinionated sentences, the opinion target extraction task is performed on a random walk-based ranking algorithm, which considers the connection between candidate opinion targets and the textual similarity between opinionated sentences, ranks candidate opinion targets of opinionated sentences. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of algorithms in the proposed method

    Unsupervised keyword extraction from microblog posts via hashtags

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    © River Publishers. Nowadays, huge amounts of texts are being generated for social networking purposes on Web. Keyword extraction from such texts like microblog posts benefits many applications such as advertising, search, and content filtering. Unlike traditional web pages, a microblog post usually has some special social feature like a hashtag that is topical in nature and generated by users. Extracting keywords related to hashtags can reflect the intents of users and thus provides us better understanding on post content. In this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised keyword extraction approach for microblog posts by treating hashtags as topical indicators. Our approach consists of two hashtag enhanced algorithms. One is a topic model algorithm that infers topic distributions biased to hashtags on a collection of microblog posts. The words are ranked by their average topic probabilities. Our topic model algorithm can not only find the topics of a collection, but also extract hashtag-related keywords. The other is a random walk based algorithm. It first builds a word-post weighted graph by taking into account posts themselves. Then, a hashtag biased random walk is applied on this graph, which guides the algorithm to extract keywords according to hashtag topics. Last, the final ranking score of a word is determined by the stationary probability after a number of iterations. We evaluate our proposed approach on a collection of real Chinese microblog posts. Experiments show that our approach is more effective in terms of precision than traditional approaches considering no hashtag. The result achieved by the combination of two algorithms performs even better than each individual algorithm

    Negative emotion under haze: an investigation based on the microblog and weather records of Tianjin, China

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    Nowadays, many big cities are suffering from heavy air pollution and continuous haze weather. Compared with the threat on physical health, the influence of haze on people’s mental health is much less discussed in the current literature. Emotion is one of the most important indicators of mental health. To understand the negative impact of haze weather on the emotion of the people, we conducted an investigation based on historical weather records and microblog data in Tianjin, China. Specifically, an emotional thesaurus was generated with a microblog corpus collected from sample data. Based on the thesaurus, the public emotion under haze was statistically described. Then, through correlation analysis and comparative study, the relation and seasonal variation of haze and negative emotion of the public were well discussed. According to the study results, there was indeed a correlation between haze and negative emotion of the public, but the strength of this relationship varied under different conditions. The level of air pollution and weather context were both important factors that influence the mental effects of haze, and diverse patterns of negative emotion expression were demonstrated in different seasons of a year. Finally, for the benefit of people’s mental health under haze, recommendations were given for haze control from the side of government

    Personalized sentiment classification based on latent individuality of microblog users

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    Sentiment expression in microblog posts often re-flects user’s specific individuality due to different language habit, personal character, opinion bias and so on. Existing sentiment classification algo-rithms largely ignore such latent personal distinc-tions among different microblog users. Meanwhile, sentiment data of microblogs are sparse for indi-vidual users, making it infeasible to learn effective personalized classifier. In this paper, we propose a novel, extensible personalized sentiment classi-fication method based on a variant of latent fac-tor model to capture personal sentiment variations by mapping users and posts into a low-dimensional factor space. We alleviate the sparsity of personal texts by decomposing the posts into words which are further represented by the weighted sentiment and topic units based on a set of syntactic units of words obtained from dependency parsing results. To strengthen the representation of users, we lever-age users following relation to consolidate the in-dividuality of a user fused from other users with similar interests. Results on real-world microblog datasets confirm that our method outperforms state-of-the-art baseline algorithms with large margins.
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