4 research outputs found

    Holes or Empty Pseudo-Triangles in Planar Point Sets

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    Let E(k,β„“)E(k, \ell) denote the smallest integer such that any set of at least E(k,β„“)E(k, \ell) points in the plane, no three on a line, contains either an empty convex polygon with kk vertices or an empty pseudo-triangle with β„“\ell vertices. The existence of E(k,β„“)E(k, \ell) for positive integers k,β„“β‰₯3k, \ell\geq 3, is the consequence of a result proved by Valtr [Discrete and Computational Geometry, Vol. 37, 565--576, 2007]. In this paper, following a series of new results about the existence of empty pseudo-triangles in point sets with triangular convex hulls, we determine the exact values of E(k,5)E(k, 5) and E(5,β„“)E(5, \ell), and prove bounds on E(k,6)E(k, 6) and E(6,β„“)E(6, \ell), for k,β„“β‰₯3k, \ell\geq 3. By dropping the emptiness condition, we define another related quantity F(k,β„“)F(k, \ell), which is the smallest integer such that any set of at least F(k,β„“)F(k, \ell) points in the plane, no three on a line, contains a convex polygon with kk vertices or a pseudo-triangle with β„“\ell vertices. Extending a result of Bisztriczky and T\'oth [Discrete Geometry, Marcel Dekker, 49--58, 2003], we obtain the exact values of F(k,5)F(k, 5) and F(k,6)F(k, 6), and obtain non-trivial bounds on F(k,7)F(k, 7).Comment: A minor error in the proof of Theorem 2 fixed. Typos corrected. 19 pages, 11 figure

    Higher-order Erdos--Szekeres theorems

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    Let P=(p_1,p_2,...,p_N) be a sequence of points in the plane, where p_i=(x_i,y_i) and x_1<x_2<...<x_N. A famous 1935 Erdos--Szekeres theorem asserts that every such P contains a monotone subsequence S of N\sqrt N points. Another, equally famous theorem from the same paper implies that every such P contains a convex or concave subsequence of Ξ©(log⁑N)\Omega(\log N) points. Monotonicity is a property determined by pairs of points, and convexity concerns triples of points. We propose a generalization making both of these theorems members of an infinite family of Ramsey-type results. First we define a (k+1)-tuple KβŠ†PK\subseteq P to be positive if it lies on the graph of a function whose kth derivative is everywhere nonnegative, and similarly for a negative (k+1)-tuple. Then we say that SβŠ†PS\subseteq P is kth-order monotone if its (k+1)-tuples are all positive or all negative. We investigate quantitative bound for the corresponding Ramsey-type result (i.e., how large kth-order monotone subsequence can be guaranteed in every N-point P). We obtain an Ξ©(log⁑(kβˆ’1)N)\Omega(\log^{(k-1)}N) lower bound ((k-1)-times iterated logarithm). This is based on a quantitative Ramsey-type theorem for what we call transitive colorings of the complete (k+1)-uniform hypergraph; it also provides a unified view of the two classical Erdos--Szekeres results mentioned above. For k=3, we construct a geometric example providing an O(log⁑log⁑N)O(\log\log N) upper bound, tight up to a multiplicative constant. As a consequence, we obtain similar upper bounds for a Ramsey-type theorem for order-type homogeneous subsets in R^3, as well as for a Ramsey-type theorem for hyperplanes in R^4 recently used by Dujmovic and Langerman.Comment: Contains a counter example of Gunter Rote which gives a reply for the problem number 5 in the previous versions of this pape