5 research outputs found

    CivilOnto: An Ontology Based on Persian Articles Published in Civil Engineering Domain

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    The present research aims to represent the terms and concepts of civil engineering and thus design its domain structure in the form of ontology. This is an applied research and the qualitative content analysis method with summative approach is used. The research population is 12309 published articles in the scientific journals (1983 to 2016), indexed in the full-text Persian articles database at Regional Information Center for Science and Technology (RICeST). Data collection was done via SQL queries from the RICeST database. The content analysis was used to create a conceptual model of the civil engineering domain and to explain the relationships and instances. To create the conceptual model, there were consulted with 10 Subject experts in civil engineering area. The process of ontology creation has been done through METHONTOLOGY methodology and protégé ontology management software (Beta 5 edition). The made-artifact of this research has 283 concepts, along with 62 object properties, 79 data type properties, 10 annotative properties, and 976 instances. In total, in the present research, 151 semantic properties were identified between the concepts. The results of this research can serve as a guide for the RICeST experts in order to identify the users’ needs and facilitate the users’ interaction with RICeST databases. This can also provide the users with access to more relevant resources. This ontology can also be served as a layer of semantic web in these databases

    Ontology-based Controlled Natural Language Editor Using CFG with Lexical Dependency

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    Abstract. In recent years, CNL (Controlled Natural Language) has received much attention with regard to ontology-based knowledge acquisition systems. CNLs, as subsets of natural languages, can be useful for both humans and computers by eliminating ambiguity of natural languages. Our previous work, OntoPath [10], proposed to edit natural language-like narratives that are structured in RDF (Resource Description Framework) triples, using a domainspecific ontology as their language constituents. However, our previous work and other systems employing CFG for grammar definition have difficulties in enlarging the expression capacity. A newly developed editor, which we propose in this paper, permits grammar definitions through CFG-LD (Context-Free Grammar with Lexical Dependency) that includes sequential and semantic structures of the grammars. With CFG describing the sequential structure of grammar, lexical dependencies between sentence elements can be designated in the definition system. Through the defined grammars, the implemented editor guides users ’ narratives in more familiar expressions with a domain-specific ontology and translates the content into RDF triples

    Use and Evaluation of Controlled Languages in Industrial Environments and Feasibility Study for the Implementation of Machine Translation

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se enmarca en los estudios de doctorado en traducción y la sociedad del conocimiento de la Universidad de Valencia y, en concreto, en la línea de investigación en tecnologías de la traducción, terminología y localización. En este sentido, esta disertación surge por la necesidad de establecer una metodología de investigación y ofrecer resultados empíricos sobre el desarrollo, implementación y evaluación de lenguajes controlados en la documentación técnica y su efecto tanto en los textos originales como en las traducciones de estos documentos. Así pues, el objetivo ha sido desarrollar una metodología para evaluar el impacto de los lenguajes controlados en la producción de documentación técnica dentro de contextos industriales y, más en concreto, en la elaboración de documentación técnica para el vehículo. El impacto se ha concretado en la mejora de la traducibilidad automática, un concepto que hemos discutido ampliamente en el capítulo 4, así como de la calidad de los textos meta.This research is part of the doctoral studies program "La traducción y la sociedad del conocimiento" at the University of Valencia. In particular the area of ​​research is translation technology, terminology and localisation. In this sense, this dissertation arises from the need to establish a research methodology and to provide empirical results on the development, implementation and evaluation of controlled languages ​​in the technical documentation and its effect on both original texts and the translations of these documents. Thus, the aim has been to develop a methodology to assess the impact of controlled languages ​​in the production of technical documentation in industrial contexts, and more specifically in the technical documentation for the vehicle. The impact has resulted in improved automatic translatability, a concept we have discussed at length in Chapter 4, as well as in the quality of the target texts