4 research outputs found

    User Interface Design for Semantic Query Expansion in Geodata Repositories

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    Semantic query expansion is the process of supplementing a user query with additional terms that interpret and extend the user\u27s information needs. This work presents the results of an empirical study that investigates user preferences for different designs of user interfaces that provide semantic query expansion for data search from geo-data repositories. The study assesses further whether it is possible to map qualitative gradations of semantic relatedness between geographic key terms to ranges of numerical similarity values

    OntoFire: an ontology-based geo-portal for wildfires

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    Ontology Matching for Spatial Data Retrieval from Internet Portals

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    Abstract. This paper analyses reported difficulties in spatial data retrieval from Internet portals, based on results from an empirical survey. The analysis reveals the problems which cause user dissatisfaction and failure in the search process for spatial data sets. These problems are addressed in a new data search architecture. Within the architecture, the paper focuses on query expansion, which helps to overcome mismatches between the user's taxonomy of geographic features and the taxonomies in the knowledge base of the metadata search engine. The proposed data search architecture is formalized in an algebraic specification language, followed by the simulation of a search scenario for spatial data. The simulation demonstrates the advantage of quer

    O Projeto Webmaps: Desafios E Resultados

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    This paper describes challenges and results of WebMAPS, a multi-disciplinary project under development at UNICAMP. Its goal is to develop a platform based on Web Services for agro-environmental planning. It requires state of the art research in specification and implementation of software that relies on several kinds of distributed information - satellite images, data from sensors and from agricultural production and geographic data.239244Bacarin, E., Medeiros, C.B., Madeira, E., A collaborative model for agricultural supply chains (2004) OTM Confederated International Conferences, CoopIS, DOA, and ODBASE 2004, Number 3290 in LNCS, pp. 319-336Beucher, S., Meyer, F., The morphological approach to segmentation: The watershed transformation (1993) Proc. of the International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology, pp. 433-481Faria, G., (1998) Um Banco de Dados Espaco-temporal para Desenvolvimento de Aplicacoes Em Sistemas de Informação Geografica, , Master's thesis, Instituto de Computação - Universidade Estadual de CampinasFenstermacher, K., Ginsburg, M., A lightweight framework for cross-application user monitoring (2002) IEEE Computer, 35 (3), pp. 51-59Hochmair, H.H., Ontology matching for spatial data retrieval from internet portals (2005) First International Conference GeoSpatial Semantics, GeoS, pp. 166-182Jakubauskas, M., Legates, D., Kastens, J., Harmonic analysis of time-series avhrr ndvi data (2001) Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 67 (4), pp. 461-470Kondo, A.A., Medeiros, C.M., Bacarin, E., Madeira, E.R.M., Traceability in food for supply chains (2007) 3rd International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST), pp. 121-127. , Barcelona, SpainKosch, H., MPEG and multimedia database systems (2002) ACM SIGMOD Record, 31 (2), pp. 34-39Lemoine, G., Kidd, R., (1998) Operational European Cereal Moni- Toring: Methodological Consideration, , http://conferences.esa.int/98c07/papers/P089.pdf, Ispra, Italy Acesso emjul, 2007Liu, K., Liao, S.Y., Chong, S., (2007) Semiotics for Information Systems Engineering - Re-use of High-level Artefacts, , http://www.scit.wlv.ac.uk/jphb/cp4040/rolandonotes/CSNDSP2002/Papers/Al/ ALl.pdf, Acesso em jul, 2007Lockemann, P., Kolsch, U., Koschel, A., Kramer, R., Nicolai, R., Wallrath, M., Walter, H., The network as a global database: Challenges of interoperability, proactivity, interactiveness, legacy (1997) 23nd VLDB Conference, pp. 239-250Lunetta, R., Johnson, D., Lyon, J., Impacts of imagery temporal frequency on landcover change detection monitoring (2003) Remote Sensing and Environment, 89 (4), pp. 444-154. , J. CMacário, C.G.N., Senra, R.D.A., Medeiros, C.B., Lamparelli, R.A.C., Júnior, J.Z., Rocha, J.V., Madeira, E.R.M., Torres, R.S., Monitoramento de safras via web: Um caso de sucesso em pesquisa multidisciplinar (2007) 6o. Congresso Brasileiro de Agroinformática - SBIAgro 2007, , Aceito para publicaçãoMariote, L.E., Medeiros, C.M.B., Torres, R.S., Diagnosing similarity of oscillation trends in time series (2007) International Workshop on Spatial and Spatiotemporal Data Mining - (SSTDM'07), , Omaha, USAMedeiros, C.M.B., WebMAPS II - Sistema baseado na WEB Semântica para Monitoramento Agrícola e Previsao de Safras (2006) Projeto Universal CNPq, , Iniciado em 2003 - renovado em 2006Muthukrishnan, S., Shah, R., Vitter, J.S., Mining deviants in time series data streams (2004) 6th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database ManagementPrado, A., Baranauskas, M., Medeiros, C., Cartography and geographic information system as semiotic systems: A comparative analysis (2000) 8th ACM Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information System, pp. 161-166Roder, A., Tibken, B., A methodology for modeling inter-company supply chains and for evaluating a method of integrated product and process documentation (2006) European Journal of Operational Research, 169 (3), pp. 1010-1029Schimiguel, J., Baranauskas, M.C.C., Medeiros, C.B., Usabilidade de aplicaçães SIG Web na perspectiva do usuario: um estudo de caso (2005) VI Simpósio Brasileiro de Geoinformática - GEOINFO, , Campos do Jordão, SPSoile, P., Morphological partitioning of multispectral images (1996) Journal of Electronic Imaging, 5 (3), pp. 252-265Torres-Zenteno, A., Martins, E., Torres, R.S., Cuaresma, M.J.E., Teste de desempenho em aplicacoes sig web (2006) IX Workshop Iberoamericano de Ingeneria de Requisitos y Ambientes de Software - IDEAS, , La Plata, ArgentinaWu, H., Salzberg, B., Sharp, G., Jiang, S.B., Shirato, H., Kaeli, D., Subsequence matching on structured time series data (2005) ACM SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data, pp. 682-69