7 research outputs found

    Placemaking and Networking of Heritage for Sustainable Tourism

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    The heritage as emotional investment of the citizens is important resource for the communities affirming their local identity and establishing the great potential for development of tourism. The richness in the cultural heritage and historic layers are one of the main characteristics of European cities and towns. The paper will focus on how small and medium sized towns in Europe can enhance heritage with the increase a sustainable tourism that is competitive by using the different tools (digital, collaborative, design) in networking of the heritage sites and placemaking. The small and medium towns are in the focus of the research because they are shrinking during the last few decades that is caused by the depopulation and socio-economic factors. Developing of small and medium cities through their heritage promotions, enhance tourism as a milestone for their urban development and promotion. Sustainable development of tourism could be achieved by strengthening the ties between different actors in the process of placemaking, enhancing the relations and interactions between tourism, cultural heritage and local inhabitants using digital tools. One of the goals is to try to depict relation between physical heritage networks and linked digital tools. Cultural assets are of great importance for revitalize small cities and endargered towns, but these are not enough if investments are missing. It is necessary to attract them for living again, rebuilding the lost commercial activities and public services. Heritage and tourism are closely connected, from one hand heritage is one of the major stimuly for cultural tourism and on the other hand heritage sites can improve their preservation by tourism. But the relationship between the two can be conflictual due to a possible overuse and consequent deterioration of heritage sites due to different needs and strategies between the two fields. A new placemaking strategy must be developed that considers how tuorism can influence (positive or negative) the suistanaibility of cultural heritage overview as well as heritage role in the local identity. By critical analysies of literature and selected cases from different countries in Europe, we hope to present proposals for strenghtening the heritage potentials for sustainable tourism in small and medium sized towns, focusing on the junction of scientific theories and practical experiences. The paper highlights the findings and lessons learned from selected cases from Portugal, Italy, Croatia, Greece, Romania and Serbia. Final intentions of the paper are to present the variety of possible ways to use networking of heritage site and stakeholders as a medium for placemaking in favour of both local population and prospective tourists

    Um atlas digital para o megalitismo: uma infraestrutura de dados espaciais (sudoeste da Península Ibérica)

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    O Megalitismo é uma das mais conhecidas manifestações culturais das primeiras comunidades agropastoris europeias. Geograficamente, concentra-se principalmente na Europa Atlântica e surge, assincronamente, em áreas tão dispersas quanto o subcontinente indiano, o sudeste asiático e África, entre outras. O conceito, apesar de homogéneo na sua leitura, é heterogéneo ao nível das especificidades. As particularidades, intrínsecas a cada região, ou a cada monumento, tornam-no heterogéneo de forma independente das diferentes monumentalidades de cada um destes sítios arqueológicos. Nesta dissertação criou-se uma estrutura de informação arqueológica que promove a comparação intraconceitos e a ultrapassagem dos limites geográficos, a partir de premissas tecnológicas da Web Semântica e da ontologia CIDOC-CRM. A implementação do Atlas do Megalitismo permite que todos os recursos para o estudo destes monumentos tenham clareza semântica, sejam normalizados e, simultaneamente, promove a preservação, divulgação e acessibilidade dos monumentos enquanto agente de turismo cultural e ferramenta para a investigação; Abstract: A Digital Atlas for Megalithic Culture a Spatial Data Infrastructure (Southwest of the Iberian Peninsula) Megalithism is one of the most well-known cultural manifestations of the first European agro-pastoral communities. Geographically, it is mainly concentrated in Atlantic Europe and appears, asynchronously, in areas as dispersed as the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia and Africa, among others. The concept, although it’s homogeneous reading, is heterogeneous at a detailed level. The particularities, intrinsic to each region, or each monument, make it heterogeneous independently of the different monumentalities of each of these archaeological sites. In this dissertation, an archaeological information application was created to permit the intraconcept comparison and the surpassing of geographical limits, taking into account Semantic Web technology and the CIDOC-CRM ontology. The implementation of the Megalithic Atlas allows that all resources for the study of these monuments have semantic clarity, are standardized and simultaneously promote the preservation, disclosure and accessibility of monuments as a cultural tourism agent and research tool

    Digital Humanities, Corpus and Language Technology/ Humanidades Digitales, Corpus y Tecnología del Lenguaje:A look from diverse case studies / Una mirada desde diversos casos de estudio

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    Digital Humanities, Corpus and Language Technology: A look from diverse case studies is an outstanding collection of research contributions that explores the intersection of technology and the humanities. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of how these technologies can enhance research across various disciplines, from literature to history to anthropology. This book is a mustread for anyone interested in future research in the humanities. Digital Humanities, Corpus, and Language Technologies are rapidly growing fields that have the potential to revolutionize research across various disciplines.New technologies have opened up new perspectives for research, allowing scientists to analyze data in previously impossible ways. The interdisciplinary approach and practical applications make it an invaluable resource for researchers, students, and anyone interested in the intersection of technology and the humanities

    Book of proceedings:3th Conference of Interdisciplinary Research on Real Estate (CIRRE)

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    10 Years Barometer for Public Real Estate in the Netherlands

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    2007, the Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning took the initiative to issue the social building blocks: real estate for facilities. This has been the first attempt to deal with social real estate professionally as an asset. In 2008 the professorship of public real estate started with its first Barometer for Social Real Estate. In 2009, I advocated in Real Estate Magazine that research into social real estate is necessary from the perspective of Corporate Real Estate Management (CREM) through new development models and more (PhD) research. In anticipation of the municipal elections of 2010, research by the research group Municipal Real Estate showed that social real estate was not a matter for the election programs of the political parties. This was a prelude to the funded RAAK subsidy application towards marketed municipal real estate for carrying out practice-oriented research. In 2012, this research led to the externally funded research group Social Real Estate. After that, the Social Real Estate professorship profiled itself in different areas. Extra media publicity has been generated primarily thanks to the attention of minister Stef Blok in 2014, when he received the first copy of the book Barometer Maatschappelijk Vastgoed (Social Real Estate): Corporate Social Responsibility at our annual congress, the round table meeting with State Secretary for Health, Welfare and Sport Martin van Rijn in 2015 and the informal conversation with the Minister of Education, Culture and Science Jet Bussemaker in 2015, as well as the many publications of the lectorate. In the 2016 debate with civil society with the Prime Minister Mark Rutte when handing over the book Barometer Maatschappelijk Vastgoed (Social Real Estate) 2016, a round table meeting in 2017 with Minister of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Stef Blok, aldermen and directors Real Estate of Municipalities in The Netherlands, have contributed to social and economic knowledge utilization for future and existing real estate professionals. At the PROVADA 2017 we co-organized ‘Shrink: Emptiness and Space for Innovation and Change’ session, where the Minister of the Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations Ronald Plasterk presented his vision on this subject

    Book of proceedings:3th Conference of Interdisciplinary Research on Real Estate (CIRRE)

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    10 Years Barometer for Public Real Estate in the Netherlands

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