4 research outputs found

    The network approach to assess the structure of knowledge : Storage, distribution and retrieval as three measures in analysing concept maps

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    We present three new standardised network concept map (CM) measures that can provide unique information about learning-related progress, which cannot be determined from previously known measures. Grounded in cognitive development theory on the one hand, and network theory on the other hand, our measures reveal how knowledge is stored, distributed and retrieved. We validated the new measures by testing their ability to discriminate between CMs of respondents with different levels of competency in statistics (students before and after taking an introductory statistics course and experts in the field of statistics). We also validated our measures against the most commonly used traditional and network measures. Based on a small sample of respondents, we show that two of the newly proposed compound measures reveal significant differences between experts and novices in the field, with higher values for experts, showing that expert knowledge is better distributed, more connected and balanced. More importantly, our measures were sensitive enough to show learning-related progress for students, albeit statistically non-significant, while common indicators from network theory did not demonstrate these small shifts. The validity of our new measures can be inferred from the consistency of the results from different sets of measures.Peer reviewe

    Supporting Exploratory Search Tasks Through Alternative Representations of Information

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    Information seeking is a fundamental component of many of the complex tasks presented to us, and is often conducted through interactions with automated search systems such as Web search engines. Indeed, the ubiquity of Web search engines makes information so readily available that people now often turn to the Web for all manners of information seeking needs. Furthermore, as the range of online information seeking tasks grows, more complex and open-ended search activities have been identified. One type of complex search activities that is of increasing interest to researchers is exploratory search, where the goal involves "learning" or "investigating", rather than simply "looking-up". Given the massive increase in information availability and the use of online search for tasks beyond simply looking-up, researchers have noted that it becomes increasingly challenging for users to effectively leverage the available online information for complex and open-ended search activities. One of the main limitations of the current document retrieval paradigm offered by modern search engines is that it provides a ranked list of documents as a response to the searcher’s query with no further support for locating and synthesizing relevant information. Therefore, the searcher is left to find and make sense of useful information in a massive information space that lacks any overview or conceptual organization. This thesis explores the impact of alternative representations of search results on user behaviors and outcomes during exploratory search tasks. Our inquiry is inspired by the premise that exploratory search tasks require sensemaking, and that sensemaking involves constructing and interacting with representations of knowledge. As such, in order to provide the searchers with more support in performing exploratory activities, there is a need to move beyond the current document retrieval paradigm by extending the support for locating and externalizing semantic information from textual documents and by providing richer representations of the extracted information coupled with mechanisms for accessing and interacting with the information in ways that support exploration and sensemaking. This dissertation presents a series of discrete research endeavour to explore different aspects of providing information and presenting this information in ways that both extraction and assimilation of relevant information is supported. We first address the problem of extracting information – that is more granular than documents – as a response to a user's query by developing a novel information extraction system to represent documents as a series of entity-relationship tuples. Next, through a series of designing and evaluating alternative representations of search results, we examine how this extracted information can be represented such that it extends the document-based search framework's support for exploratory search tasks. Finally, we assess the ecological validity of this research by exploring error-prone representations of search results and how they impact a searcher's ability to leverage our representations to perform exploratory search tasks. Overall, this research contributes towards designing future search systems by providing insights into the efficacy of alternative representations of search results for supporting exploratory search activities, culminating in a novel hybrid representation called Hierarchical Knowledge Graphs (HKG). To this end we propose and develop a framework that enables a reliable investigation of the impact of different representations and how they are perceived and utilized by information seekers