17 research outputs found

    Adaptive learning to speed-up control of prosthetic hands: A few things everybody should know

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    Domain adaptation methods have been proposed to reduce the training efforts needed to control an upper-limb prosthesis by adapting well performing models from previous subjects to the new subject. These studies generally reported impressive reductions in the required number of training samples to achieve a certain level of accuracy for intact subjects. We further investigate two popular methods in this field to verify whether this result also applies to amputees. Our findings show instead that this improvement can largely be attributed to a suboptimal hyperparameter configuration. When hyperparameters are appropriately tuned, the standard approach that does not exploit prior information performs on par with the more complicated transfer learning algorithms. Additionally, earlier studies erroneously assumed that the number of training samples relates proportionally to the efforts required from the subject. However, a repetition of a movement is the atomic unit for subjects and the total number of repetitions should therefore be used as reliable measure for training efforts. Also when correcting for this mistake, we do not find any performance increase due to the use of prior models

    A deep representation for depth images from synthetic data

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    Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) trained on large scale RGB databases have become the secret sauce in the majority of recent approaches for object categorization from RGB-D data. Thanks to colorization techniques, these methods exploit the filters learned from 2D images to extract meaningful representations in 2.5D. Still, the perceptual signature of these two kind of images is very different, with the first usually strongly characterized by textures, and the second mostly by silhouettes of objects. Ideally, one would like to have two CNNs, one for RGB and one for depth, each trained on a suitable data collection, able to capture the perceptual properties of each channel for the task at hand. This has not been possible so far, due to the lack of a suitable depth database. This paper addresses this issue, proposing to opt for synthetically generated images rather than collecting by hand a 2.5D large scale database. While being clearly a proxy for real data, synthetic images allow to trade quality for quantity, making it possible to generate a virtually infinite amount of data. We show that the filters learned from such data collection, using the very same architecture typically used on visual data, learns very different filters, resulting in depth features (a) able to better characterize the different facets of depth images, and (b) complementary with respect to those derived from CNNs pre-trained on 2D datasets. Experiments on two publicly available databases show the power of our approach

    Augmented Kernel Matrix vs Classifier Fusion for Object Recognition

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    Insights from Classifying Visual Concepts with Multiple Kernel Learning

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    Combining information from various image features has become a standard technique in concept recognition tasks. However, the optimal way of fusing the resulting kernel functions is usually unknown in practical applications. Multiple kernel learning (MKL) techniques allow to determine an optimal linear combination of such similarity matrices. Classical approaches to MKL promote sparse mixtures. Unfortunately, so-called 1-norm MKL variants are often observed to be outperformed by an unweighted sum kernel. The contribution of this paper is twofold: We apply a recently developed non-sparse MKL variant to state-of-the-art concept recognition tasks within computer vision. We provide insights on benefits and limits of non-sparse MKL and compare it against its direct competitors, the sum kernel SVM and the sparse MKL. We report empirical results for the PASCAL VOC 2009 Classification and ImageCLEF2010 Photo Annotation challenge data sets. About to be submitted to PLoS ONE.Comment: 18 pages, 8 tables, 4 figures, format deviating from plos one submission format requirements for aesthetic reason

    Using Object Affordances to Improve Object Recognition

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    Open-Ended Learning of Visual and Multi-Modal Patterns

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    A common trend in machine learning and pattern classification research is the exploitation of massive amounts of information in order to achieve an increase in performance. In particular, learning from huge collections of data obtained from the web, and using multiple features generated from different sources, have led to significantly boost of performance on problems that have been considered very hard for several years. In this thesis, we present two ways of using these information to build learning systems with robust performance and some degrees of autonomy. These ways are Cue Integration and Cue Exploitation, and constitute the two building blocks of this thesis. In the first block, we introduce several algorithms to answer the research question on how to integrate optimally multiple features. We first present a simple online learning framework which is a wrapper algorithm based on the high-level integration approach in the cue integration literature. It can be implemented with existing online learning algorithms, and preserves the theoretical properties of the algorithms being used. We then extend the Multiple Kernel Learning (MKL) framework, where each feature is converted into a kernel and the system learns the cue integration classifier by solving a joint optimization problem. To make the problem practical, We have designed two new regularization functions making it possible to optimize the problem efficiently. This results in the first online method for MKL. We also show two algorithms to solve the batch problem of MKL. Both of them have a guaranteed convergence rate. These approaches achieve state-of-the-art performance on several standard benchmark datasets, and are order of magnitude faster than other MKL solvers. In the second block, We present two examples on how to exploit information between different sources, in order to reduce the effort of labeling a large amount of training data. The first example is an algorithm to learn from partially annotated data, where each data point is tagged with a few possible labels. We show that it is possible to train a face classification system from data gathered from Internet, without any human labeling, but generating in an automatic way possible lists of labels from the captions of the images. Another example is under the transfer learning setting. The system uses existing models from potentially correlated tasks as experts, and transfers their outputs over the new incoming samples, of a new learning task where very few labeled data are available, to boost the performance

    Transferring knowledge across robots: A risk sensitive approach

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    One of the most impressive characteristics of human perception is its domain adaptation capability. Humans can recognize objects and places simply by transferring knowledge from their past experience. Inspired by that, current research in robotics is addressing a great challenge: building robots able to sense and interpret the surrounding world by reusing information previously collected, gathered by other robots or obtained from the web. But, how can a robot automatically understand what is useful among a large amount of information and perform knowledge transfer? In this paper we address the domain adaptation problem in the context of visual place recognition. We consider the scenario where a robot equipped with a monocular camera explores a new environment. In this situation traditional approaches based on supervised learning perform poorly, as no annotated data are provided in the new environment and the models learned from data collected in other places are inappropriate due to the large variability of visual information. To overcome these problems we introduce a novel transfer learning approach. With our algorithm the robot is given only some training data (annotated images collected in different environments by other robots) and is able to decide whether, and how much, this knowledge is useful in the current scenario. At the base of our approach there is a transfer risk measure which quantifies the similarity between the given and the new visual data. To improve the performance, we also extend our framework to take into account multiple visual cues. Our experiments on three publicly available datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Sparse Passive-Aggressive learning for bounded online kernel methods

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    National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapore under International Research Centre @ Singapore Funding Initiativ