667 research outputs found

    Axel: A Minimalist Tethered Rover for Exploration of Extreme Planetary Terrains

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    Recent scientific findings suggest that some of the most interesting sites for future exploration of planetary surfaces lie in terrains that are currently inaccessible to conventional robotic rovers. To provide robust and flexible access to these terrains, we have been developing Axel, the robotic rover. Axel is a lightweight two-wheeled vehicle that can access steep terrains and negotiate relatively large obstacles because of its actively managed tether and novel wheel design. This article reviews the Axel system and focuses on those system components that affect Axel's steep terrain mobility. Experimental demonstrations of Axel on sloped and rocky terrains are presented

    UAV/UGV Autonomous Cooperation: UAV Assists UGV to Climb a Cliff by Attaching a Tether

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    This paper proposes a novel cooperative system for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) which utilizes the UAV not only as a flying sensor but also as a tether attachment device. Two robots are connected with a tether, allowing the UAV to anchor the tether to a structure located at the top of a steep terrain, impossible to reach for UGVs. Thus, enhancing the poor traversability of the UGV by not only providing a wider range of scanning and mapping from the air, but also by allowing the UGV to climb steep terrains with the winding of the tether. In addition, we present an autonomous framework for the collaborative navigation and tether attachment in an unknown environment. The UAV employs visual inertial navigation with 3D voxel mapping and obstacle avoidance planning. The UGV makes use of the voxel map and generates an elevation map to execute path planning based on a traversability analysis. Furthermore, we compared the pros and cons of possible methods for the tether anchoring from multiple points of view. To increase the probability of successful anchoring, we evaluated the anchoring strategy with an experiment. Finally, the feasibility and capability of our proposed system were demonstrated by an autonomous mission experiment in the field with an obstacle and a cliff.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, accepted to 2019 International Conference on Robotics & Automation. Video: https://youtu.be/UzTT8Ckjz1

    Tethered Motion Planning for a Rappelling Robot

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    The Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Caltech developed the Axel rover to investigate and demonstrate the potential for tethered extreme terrain mobility, such as allowing access to science targets on the steep crater walls of other planets. Tether management is a key issue for Axel and other rappelling rovers. Avoiding tether entanglement constrains the robot's valid motions to the set of outgoing and returning path pairs that are homotopic to each other. In the case of a robot on a steep slope, a motion planner must additionally ensure that this ascent-descent path pair is feasible, based on the climbing forces provided by the tether. This feasibility check relies on the taut tether configuration, which is the shortest path in the homotopy class of the ascent-descent path pair. This dissertation presents a novel algorithm for tethered motion planning in extreme terrains, produced by combining shortest-homotopic-path algorithms from the topology and computational geometry communities with traditional graph search methods. The resulting tethered motion planning algorithm searches for this shortest path, checks for feasibility, and then generates waypoints for an ascent-descent path pair in the same homotopy class. I demonstrate the implementation of this algorithm on a Martian crater data set such as might be seen for a typical mission. By searching only for the shortest path, and ordering that search according to a heuristic, this algorithm proceeds more efficiently than previous tethered path-planning algorithms for extreme terrain. Frictional tether-terrain interaction may cause dangerously intermittent and unstable tether obstacles, which can be categorized based on their stability. Force-balance equations from the rope physics literature provide a set of tether and terrain conditions for static equilibrium, which can be used to determine if a given tether configuration will stick to a given surface based on tether tension. By estimating the tension of Axel's tether when driving, I divide potential tether tension obstacles into the following categories: acting as obstacles, acting as non-obstacles, and hazardous intermittent obstacles where it is uncertain whether the tether would slip or stick under normal driving tension variance. This dissertation describes how to modify the obstacle map as the categorization of obstacles fluctuates, and how to alter a motion plan around the dangerous tether friction obstacles. Together, these algorithms and methods form a framework for tethered motion planning on extreme terrain.</p

    Risk-aware Path and Motion Planning for a Tethered Aerial Visual Assistant in Unstructured or Confined Environments

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    This research aims at developing path and motion planning algorithms for a tethered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to visually assist a teleoperated primary robot in unstructured or confined environments. The emerging state of the practice for nuclear operations, bomb squad, disaster robots, and other domains with novel tasks or highly occluded environments is to use two robots, a primary and a secondary that acts as a visual assistant to overcome the perceptual limitations of the sensors by providing an external viewpoint. However, the benefits of using an assistant have been limited for at least three reasons: (1) users tend to choose suboptimal viewpoints, (2) only ground robot assistants are considered, ignoring the rapid evolution of small unmanned aerial systems for indoor flying, (3) introducing a whole crew for the second teleoperated robot is not cost effective, may introduce further teamwork demands, and therefore could lead to miscommunication. This dissertation proposes to use an autonomous tethered aerial visual assistant to replace the secondary robot and its operating crew. Along with a pre-established theory of viewpoint quality based on affordances, this dissertation aims at defining and representing robot motion risk in unstructured or confined environments. Based on those theories, a novel high level path planning algorithm is developed to enable risk-aware planning, which balances the tradeoff between viewpoint quality and motion risk in order to provide safe and trustworthy visual assistance flight. The planned flight trajectory is then realized on a tethered UAV platform. The perception and actuation are tailored to fit the tethered agent in the form of a low level motion suite, including a novel tether-based localization model with negligible computational overhead, motion primitives for the tethered airframe based on position and velocity control, and two differentComment: Ph.D Dissertatio

    Risk-aware Path and Motion Planning for a Tethered Aerial Visual Assistant in Unstructured or Confined Environments

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    This research aims at developing path and motion planning algorithms for a tethered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to visually assist a teleoperated primary robot in unstructured or confined environments. The emerging state of the practice for nuclear operations, bomb squad, disaster robots, and other domains with novel tasks or highly occluded environments is to use two robots, a primary and a secondary that acts as a visual assistant to overcome the perceptual limitations of the sensors by providing an external viewpoint. However, the benefits of using an assistant have been limited for at least three reasons: (1) users tend to choose suboptimal viewpoints, (2) only ground robot assistants are considered, ignoring the rapid evolution of small unmanned aerial systems for indoor flying, (3) introducing a whole crew for the second teleoperated robot is not cost effective, may introduce further teamwork demands, and therefore could lead to miscommunication. This dissertation proposes to use an autonomous tethered aerial visual assistant to replace the secondary robot and its operating crew. Along with a pre-established theory of viewpoint quality based on affordances, this dissertation aims at defining and representing robot motion risk in unstructured or confined environments. Based on those theories, a novel high level path planning algorithm is developed to enable risk-aware planning, which balances the tradeoff between viewpoint quality and motion risk in order to provide safe and trustworthy visual assistance flight. The planned flight trajectory is then realized on a tethered UAV platform. The perception and actuation are tailored to fit the tethered agent in the form of a low level motion suite, including a novel tether-based localization model with negligible computational overhead, motion primitives for the tethered airframe based on position and velocity control, and two different approaches to negotiate tether with complex obstacle-occupied environments. The proposed research provides a formal reasoning of motion risk in unstructured or confined spaces, contributes to the field of risk-aware planning with a versatile planner, and opens up a new regime of indoor UAV navigation: tethered indoor flight to ensure battery duration and failsafe in case of vehicle malfunction. It is expected to increase teleoperation productivity and reduce costly errors in scenarios such as safe decommissioning and nuclear operations in the Fukushima Daiichi facility

    Tools and Algorithms for Sampling in Extreme Terrains

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    Extreme-terrain robots such as JPL’s Axel rover are enabling access to new and exciting science opportunities. The goal of this mini-program was to develop a compact sampling instrument for Axel. Over the summer of 2012, a small group of students designed, built, and tested prototype sampling devices. Nikola Georgiev created a versatile four-degree-of-freedom scoop, which can acquire up to 4 different samples in clean self-sealing containers. Hima Hassenruck-Gudipati studied percussive scooping, and prototyped a percussive scoop that takes advantage Axel’s independent body rotation to acquire samples. Kristen Holtz and Yifei Huang collaborated on a pneumatic sampling system, which uses a puff of air to propel loose grains into flexible tubing, and separates the grains into an interchangeable sample container. Each of these sampling systems has been demonstrated, and each proved useful for different conditions. In turn, the students gained valuable design experience and the opportunity to work alongside a number of experts in various fields


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    Autonomous Mobile Microgrids provide electrical power to loads in environments where humans either can not, or would prefer not to, perform the task of positioning and connecting the power grid equipment. The contributions of this work compose an architecture for electrical power transmission by Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV). Purpose-specific UGV docking and cable deployment software algorithms, and hardware for electrical connection and cable management, has been deployed on Clearpath Husky robots. Software development leverages Robot Operating System (ROS) tools for navigation and rendezvous of the autonomous UGV robots, with task-specific visual feedback controllers for docking validated in Monte-Carlo outdoor trials with a 73% docking rate, and application to wireless power transmission demonstrated in an outdoor environment. An “Adjustable Cable Management Mechanism” (ACMM) was designed to meet low cost, compact-platform constraints for powered deployment and retraction by a UGV of electrical cable subject to disturbance, with feed rates up to 1 m/s. A probe-and-funnel AC/DC electrical connector system was de- veloped for deployment on UGVs, which does not substantially increase the cost or complexity of the UGV, while providing a repeatable and secure method of coupling electrical contacts subject to a docking miss-alignment of up to +/-2 cm laterally and +/-15 degrees axially. Cabled power transmission is accomplished by a feed-forward/feedback control method, which utilizes visual estimation of the cable state to deploy electrical cable without tension, in the obstacle-free track of the UGV as it transverses to connect power grid nodes. Cabling control response to step-input UGV chassis velocities in the forward, reverse, and zero-point-turn maneuvers are presented, as well as outdoor cable deployment. This power transmission capability is relevant to diverse domains including military Forward-Operating-Bases, disaster response, robotic persistent operation, underwater mining, or planetary exploration

    Entanglement Definitions for Tethered Robots: Exploration and Analysis

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    In this article we consider the problem of tether entanglement for tethered robots. In many applications, such as maintenance of underwater structures, aerial inspection, and underground exploration, tethered robots are often used in place of standalone (i.e., untethered) ones. However, the presence of a tether also introduces the risk for it to get entangled with obstacles present in the environment or with itself. To avoid these situations, a non-entanglement constraint can be considered in the motion planning problem for tethered robots. This constraint can be expressed either as a set of specific tether configurations that must be avoided, or as a quantitative measure of a `level of entanglement' that can be minimized. However, the literature lacks a generally accepted definition of entanglement, with existing definitions being limited and partial. Namely, the existing entanglement definitions either require a taut tether to come into contact with an obstacle or with another tether, or they require for the tether to do a full loop around an obstacle. In practice, this means that the existing definitions do not effectively cover all instances of tether entanglement. Our goal in this article is to bridge this gap and provide new definitions of entanglement, which, together with the existing ones, can be effectively used to qualify the entanglement state of a tethered robot in diverse situations. The new definitions find application mainly in motion planning for tethered robot systems, where they can be used to obtain more safe and robust entanglement-free trajectories. The present article focuses exclusively on the presentation and analysis of the entanglement definitions. The application of the definitions to the motion planning problem is left for future work.Comment: 30 pages, 19 figure

    Path planning for a tethered robot using Multi-Heuristic A* with topology-based heuristics

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    Abstract — In this paper, we solve the path planning problem for a tethered mobile robot, which is connected to a fixed base by a cable of length L. The reachable space of the robot is restricted by the length of the cable and obstacles. The reachable space of the tethered robot can be computed by considering the topology class of the cable. However, it is computationally too expensive to compute this space a-priori. Instead, in this paper, we show how we can plan using a recently-developed variant of A * search, called Multi-Heuristic A*. Normally, the Multi-Heuristic A * algorithm takes in a fixed set of heuristic functions. In our problem, however, the heuristics represent length of paths to the goal along different topology classes, and there can be too many of them and not all the topology classes are useful. To deal with this, we adapt Multi-Heuristic A * to work with a dynamically generated set of heuristic functions. It starts out as a normal weighted A*. Whenever the search gets trapped in a local minimum, we find the proper topology class of the path to escape from it and add the corresponding new heuristic function into the set of heuristic functions considered by the search. We present experimental analysis comparing our approach with weighted A * on planning for a tethered robot in simulation. I