17 research outputs found

    Online Steiner Tree with Deletions

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    In the online Steiner tree problem, the input is a set of vertices that appear one-by-one, and we have to maintain a Steiner tree on the current set of vertices. The cost of the tree is the total length of edges in the tree, and we want this cost to be close to the cost of the optimal Steiner tree at all points in time. If we are allowed to only add edges, a tight bound of Θ(logn)\Theta(\log n) on the competitiveness is known. Recently it was shown that if we can add one new edge and make one edge swap upon every vertex arrival, we can maintain a constant-competitive tree online. But what if the set of vertices sees both additions and deletions? Again, we would like to obtain a low-cost Steiner tree with as few edge changes as possible. The original paper of Imase and Waxman had also considered this model, and it gave a greedy algorithm that maintained a constant-competitive tree online, and made at most O(n3/2)O(n^{3/2}) edge changes for the first nn requests. In this paper give the following two results. Our first result is an online algorithm that maintains a Steiner tree only under deletions: we start off with a set of vertices, and at each time one of the vertices is removed from this set: our Steiner tree no longer has to span this vertex. We give an algorithm that changes only a constant number of edges upon each request, and maintains a constant-competitive tree at all times. Our algorithm uses the primal-dual framework and a global charging argument to carefully make these constant number of changes. We then study the natural greedy algorithm proposed by Imase and Waxman that maintains a constant-competitive Steiner tree in the fully-dynamic model (where each request either adds or deletes a vertex). Our second result shows that this algorithm makes only a constant number of changes per request in an amortized sense.Comment: An extended abstract appears in the SODA 2014 conferenc

    Relaxing the Irrevocability Requirement for Online Graph Algorithms

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    Online graph problems are considered in models where the irrevocability requirement is relaxed. Motivated by practical examples where, for example, there is a cost associated with building a facility and no extra cost associated with doing it later, we consider the Late Accept model, where a request can be accepted at a later point, but any acceptance is irrevocable. Similarly, we also consider a Late Reject model, where an accepted request can later be rejected, but any rejection is irrevocable (this is sometimes called preemption). Finally, we consider the Late Accept/Reject model, where late accepts and rejects are both allowed, but any late reject is irrevocable. For Independent Set, the Late Accept/Reject model is necessary to obtain a constant competitive ratio, but for Vertex Cover the Late Accept model is sufficient and for Minimum Spanning Forest the Late Reject model is sufficient. The Matching problem has a competitive ratio of 2, but in the Late Accept/Reject model, its competitive ratio is 3/2

    Fully Dynamic Algorithms for Euclidean Steiner Tree

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    The Euclidean Steiner tree problem asks to find a min-cost metric graph that connects a given set of \emph{terminal} points XX in Rd\mathbb{R}^d, possibly using points not in XX which are called Steiner points. Even though near-linear time (1+ϵ)(1 + \epsilon)-approximation was obtained in the offline setting in seminal works of Arora and Mitchell, efficient dynamic algorithms for Steiner tree is still open. We give the first algorithm that (implicitly) maintains a (1+ϵ)(1 + \epsilon)-approximate solution which is accessed via a set of tree traversal queries, subject to point insertion and deletions, with amortized update and query time O(\poly\log n) with high probability. Our approach is based on an Arora-style geometric dynamic programming, and our main technical contribution is to maintain the DP subproblems in the dynamic setting efficiently. We also need to augment the DP subproblems to support the tree traversal queries

    Online Maximum Matching with Recourse

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    We study the online maximum matching problem in a model in which the edges are associated with a known recourse parameter k. An online algorithm for this problem has to maintain a valid matching while edges of the underlying graph are presented one after the other. At any moment the algorithm can decide to include an edge into the matching or to exclude it, under the restriction that at most k such actions per edge take place, where k is typically a small constant. This problem was introduced and studied in the context of general online packing problems with recourse by Avitabile et al. [Avitabile et al., 2013], whereas the special case k=2 was studied by Boyar et al. [Boyar et al., 2017]. In the first part of this paper, we consider the edge arrival model, in which an arriving edge never disappears from the graph. Here, we first show an improved analysis on the performance of the algorithm AMP given in [Avitabile et al., 2013], by exploiting the structure of the matching problem. In addition, we extend the result of [Boyar et al., 2017] and show that the greedy algorithm has competitive ratio 3/2 for every even k and ratio 2 for every odd k. Moreover, we present and analyze an improvement of the greedy algorithm which we call L-Greedy, and we show that for small values of k it outperforms the algorithm of [Avitabile et al., 2013]. In terms of lower bounds, we show that no deterministic algorithm better than 1+1/(k-1) exists, improving upon the lower bound of 1+1/k shown in [Avitabile et al., 2013]. The second part of the paper is devoted to the edge arrival/departure model, which is the fully dynamic variant of online matching with recourse. The analysis of L-Greedy and AMP carry through in this model; moreover we show a lower bound of (k^2-3k+6)/(k^2-4k+7) for all even k >= 4. For k in {2,3}, the competitive ratio is 3/2

    Maintaining Perfect Matchings at Low Cost

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    The min-cost matching problem suffers from being very sensitive to small changes of the input. Even in a simple setting, e.g., when the costs come from the metric on the line, adding two nodes to the input might change the optimal solution completely. On the other hand, one expects that small changes in the input should incur only small changes on the constructed solutions, measured as the number of modified edges. We introduce a two-stage model where we study the trade-off between quality and robustness of solutions. In the first stage we are given a set of nodes in a metric space and we must compute a perfect matching. In the second stage 2k new nodes appear and we must adapt the solution to a perfect matching for the new instance. We say that an algorithm is (alpha,beta)-robust if the solutions constructed in both stages are alpha-approximate with respect to min-cost perfect matchings, and if the number of edges deleted from the first stage matching is at most beta k. Hence, alpha measures the quality of the algorithm and beta its robustness. In this setting we aim to balance both measures by deriving algorithms for constant alpha and beta. We show that there exists an algorithm that is (3,1)-robust for any metric if one knows the number 2k of arriving nodes in advance. For the case that k is unknown the situation is significantly more involved. We study this setting under the metric on the line and devise a (10,2)-robust algorithm that constructs a solution with a recursive structure that carefully balances cost and redundancy

    Online Facility Location with Deletions

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    In this paper we study three previously unstudied variants of the online Facility Location problem, considering an intrinsic scenario when the clients and facilities are not only allowed to arrive to the system, but they can also depart at any moment. We begin with the study of a natural fully-dynamic online uncapacitated model where clients can be both added and removed. When a client arrives, then it has to be assigned either to an existing facility or to a new facility opened at the client\u27s location. However, when a client who has been also one of the open facilities is to be removed, then our model has to allow to reconnect all clients that have been connected to that removed facility. In this model, we present an optimal O(log(n_{act}) / log log(n_{act}))-competitive algorithm, where n_{act} is the number of active clients at the end of the input sequence. Next, we turn our attention to the capacitated Facility Location problem. We first note that if no deletions are allowed, then one can achieve an optimal competitive ratio of O(log(n) / log(log n)), where n is the length of the sequence. However, when deletions are allowed, the capacitated version of the problem is significantly more challenging than the uncapacitated one. We show that still, using a more sophisticated algorithmic approach, one can obtain an online O(log N + log c log n)-competitive algorithm for the capacitated Facility Location problem in the fully dynamic model, where N is number of points in the input metric and c is the capacity of any open facility

    Simple Dynamic Spanners with Near-Optimal Recourse Against an Adaptive Adversary

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    Designing dynamic algorithms against an adaptive adversary whose performance match the ones assuming an oblivious adversary is a major research program in the field of dynamic graph algorithms. One of the prominent examples whose oblivious-vs-adaptive gap remains maximally large is the fully dynamic spanner problem; there exist algorithms assuming an oblivious adversary with near-optimal size-stretch trade-off using only polylog(n) update time [Baswana, Khurana, and Sarkar TALG\u2712; Forster and Goranci STOC\u2719; Bernstein, Forster, and Henzinger SODA\u2720], while against an adaptive adversary, even when we allow infinite time and only count recourse (i.e. the number of edge changes per update in the maintained spanner), all previous algorithms with stretch at most log?(n) require at least ?(n) amortized recourse [Ausiello, Franciosa, and Italiano ESA\u2705]. In this paper, we completely close this gap with respect to recourse by showing algorithms against an adaptive adversary with near-optimal size-stretch trade-off and recourse. More precisely, for any k ? 1, our algorithm maintains a (2k-1)-spanner of size O(n^{1+1/k}log n) with O(log n) amortized recourse, which is optimal in all parameters up to a O(log n) factor. As a step toward algorithms with small update time (not just recourse), we show another algorithm that maintains a 3-spanner of size O?(n^{1.5}) with polylog(n) amortized recourse and simultaneously O?(?n) worst-case update time

    A Generalized Matching Reconfiguration Problem

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    The goal in reconfiguration problems is to compute a gradual transformation between two feasible solutions of a problem such that all intermediate solutions are also feasible. In the Matching Reconfiguration Problem (MRP), proposed in a pioneering work by Ito et al. from 2008, we are given a graph G and two matchings M and M\u27, and we are asked whether there is a sequence of matchings in G starting with M and ending at M\u27, each resulting from the previous one by either adding or deleting a single edge in G, without ever going through a matching of size < min{|M|,|M\u27|}-1. Ito et al. gave a polynomial time algorithm for the problem, which uses the Edmonds-Gallai decomposition. In this paper we introduce a natural generalization of the MRP that depends on an integer parameter ? ? 1: here we are allowed to make ? changes to the current solution rather than 1 at each step of the {transformation procedure}. There is always a valid sequence of matchings transforming M to M\u27 if ? is sufficiently large, and naturally we would like to minimize ?. We first devise an optimal transformation procedure for unweighted matching with ? = 3, and then extend it to weighted matchings to achieve asymptotically optimal guarantees. The running time of these procedures is linear. We further demonstrate the applicability of this generalized problem to dynamic graph matchings. In this area, the number of changes to the maintained matching per update step (the recourse bound) is an important quality measure. Nevertheless, the worst-case recourse bounds of almost all known dynamic matching algorithms are prohibitively large, much larger than the corresponding update times. We fill in this gap via a surprisingly simple black-box reduction: Any dynamic algorithm for maintaining a ?-approximate maximum cardinality matching with update time T, for any ? ? 1, T and ? > 0, can be transformed into an algorithm for maintaining a (?(1 +?))-approximate maximum cardinality matching with update time T + O(1/?) and worst-case recourse bound O(1/?). This result generalizes for approximate maximum weight matching, where the update time and worst-case recourse bound grow from T + O(1/?) and O(1/?) to T + O(?/?) and O(?/?), respectively; ? is the graph aspect-ratio. We complement this positive result by showing that, for ? = 1+?, the worst-case recourse bound of any algorithm produced by our reduction is optimal. As a corollary, several key dynamic approximate matching algorithms - with poor worst-case recourse bounds - are strengthened to achieve near-optimal worst-case recourse bounds with no loss in update time