7 research outputs found

    Controlling Fairness and Bias in Dynamic Learning-to-Rank

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    Rankings are the primary interface through which many online platforms match users to items (e.g. news, products, music, video). In these two-sided markets, not only the users draw utility from the rankings, but the rankings also determine the utility (e.g. exposure, revenue) for the item providers (e.g. publishers, sellers, artists, studios). It has already been noted that myopically optimizing utility to the users, as done by virtually all learning-to-rank algorithms, can be unfair to the item providers. We, therefore, present a learning-to-rank approach for explicitly enforcing merit-based fairness guarantees to groups of items (e.g. articles by the same publisher, tracks by the same artist). In particular, we propose a learning algorithm that ensures notions of amortized group fairness, while simultaneously learning the ranking function from implicit feedback data. The algorithm takes the form of a controller that integrates unbiased estimators for both fairness and utility, dynamically adapting both as more data becomes available. In addition to its rigorous theoretical foundation and convergence guarantees, we find empirically that the algorithm is highly practical and robust.Comment: First two authors contributed equally. In Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval 202

    Cascading Hybrid Bandits: Online Learning to Rank for Relevance and Diversity

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    Relevance ranking and result diversification are two core areas in modern recommender systems. Relevance ranking aims at building a ranked list sorted in decreasing order of item relevance, while result diversification focuses on generating a ranked list of items that covers a broad range of topics. In this paper, we study an online learning setting that aims to recommend a ranked list with KK items that maximizes the ranking utility, i.e., a list whose items are relevant and whose topics are diverse. We formulate it as the cascade hybrid bandits (CHB) problem. CHB assumes the cascading user behavior, where a user browses the displayed list from top to bottom, clicks the first attractive item, and stops browsing the rest. We propose a hybrid contextual bandit approach, called CascadeHybrid, for solving this problem. CascadeHybrid models item relevance and topical diversity using two independent functions and simultaneously learns those functions from user click feedback. We conduct experiments to evaluate CascadeHybrid on two real-world recommendation datasets: MovieLens and Yahoo music datasets. Our experimental results show that CascadeHybrid outperforms the baselines. In addition, we prove theoretical guarantees on the nn-step performance demonstrating the soundness of CascadeHybrid

    Adversarial Attacks on Online Learning to Rank with Stochastic Click Models

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    We propose the first study of adversarial attacks on online learning to rank. The goal of the adversary is to misguide the online learning to rank algorithm to place the target item on top of the ranking list linear times to time horizon TT with a sublinear attack cost. We propose generalized list poisoning attacks that perturb the ranking list presented to the user. This strategy can efficiently attack any no-regret ranker in general stochastic click models. Furthermore, we propose a click poisoning-based strategy named attack-then-quit that can efficiently attack two representative OLTR algorithms for stochastic click models. We theoretically analyze the success and cost upper bound of the two proposed methods. Experimental results based on synthetic and real-world data further validate the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of the proposed attack strategies

    On Learning to Rank Long Sequences with Contextual Bandits

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    Motivated by problems of learning to rank long item sequences, we introduce a variant of the cascading bandit model that considers flexible length sequences with varying rewards and losses. We formulate two generative models for this problem within the generalized linear setting, and design and analyze upper confidence algorithms for it. Our analysis delivers tight regret bounds which, when specialized to vanilla cascading bandits, results in sharper guarantees than previously available in the literature. We evaluate our algorithms on a number of real-world datasets, and show significantly improved empirical performance as compared to known cascading bandit baselines

    Re-examining assumptions in fair and unbiased learning to rank

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    In this thesis, we re-examine the assumptions of existing methods for bias correction and fairness optimization in ranking. Consequently, we propose methods that are more general than the existing ones, in the sense that they rely on less assumptions, or they are applicable in more situations. On the bias side, we first show that the click model assumption matters and propose cascade model-based inverse propensity scoring (IPS). Next, we prove that the unbiasedness of IPS relies on the assumption that the clicks do not suffer from trust bias. When trust bias exists, we extend IPS and propose the affine correction (AC) method and prove that, in contrast to IPS, it gives unbiased estimates of the relevance. Finally, we show that the unbiasedness proofs of IPS and AC are conditioned on an accurate estimation of the bias parameters, and propose a bias correction method that does not rely on relevance estimation. On the fairness side, we re-examine the implicit assumption that fair distribution of exposure leads to fair treatment by the users. We argue that fairness of exposure is necessary but not enough for a fair treatment and propose a correction method for this type of bias. Finally, we notice that the existing general post-processing framework for optimizing fairness of ranking metrics is based on the Plackett-Luce distribution, the optimization of which has room for improvement for queries with a small number of repeating sessions. To close this gap, we propose a new permutation distribution based on permutation graphs

    Learning to Rank under Multinomial Logit Choice

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    Learning the optimal ordering of content is an important challenge in website design. The learning to rank (LTR) framework models this problem as a sequential problem of selecting lists of content and observing where users decide to click. Most previous work on LTR assumes that the user considers each item in the list in isolation, and makes binary choices to click or not on each. We introduce a multinomial logit (MNL) choice model to the LTR framework, which captures the behaviour of users who consider the ordered list of items as a whole and make a single choice among all the items and a no-click option. Under the MNL model, the user favours items which are either inherently more attractive, or placed in a preferable position within the list. We propose upper confidence bound algorithms to minimise regret in two settings - where the position dependent parameters are known, and unknown. We present theoretical analysis leading to an Ω(T)\Omega(\sqrt{T}) lower bound for the problem, an O~(T)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{T}) upper bound on regret for the known parameter version. Our analyses are based on tight new concentration results for Geometric random variables, and novel functional inequalities for maximum likelihood estimators computed on discrete data