400 research outputs found

    Online Learning a High-Quality Dictionary and Classifier Jointly for Multitask Object Tracking

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    Online Learning Discriminative Dictionary with Label Information for Robust Object Tracking

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    A supervised approach to online-learn a structured sparse and discriminative representation for object tracking is presented. Label information from training data is incorporated into the dictionary learning process to construct a robust and discriminative dictionary. This is accomplished by adding an ideal-code regularization term and classification error term to the total objective function. By minimizing the total objective function, we learn the high quality dictionary and optimal linear multiclassifier jointly using iterative reweighed least squares algorithm. Combined with robust sparse coding, the learned classifier is employed directly to separate the object from background. As the tracking continues, the proposed algorithm alternates between robust sparse coding and dictionary updating. Experimental evaluations on the challenging sequences show that the proposed algorithm performs favorably against state-of-the-art methods in terms of effectiveness, accuracy, and robustness

    Pedestrian Attribute Recognition: A Survey

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    Recognizing pedestrian attributes is an important task in computer vision community due to it plays an important role in video surveillance. Many algorithms has been proposed to handle this task. The goal of this paper is to review existing works using traditional methods or based on deep learning networks. Firstly, we introduce the background of pedestrian attributes recognition (PAR, for short), including the fundamental concepts of pedestrian attributes and corresponding challenges. Secondly, we introduce existing benchmarks, including popular datasets and evaluation criterion. Thirdly, we analyse the concept of multi-task learning and multi-label learning, and also explain the relations between these two learning algorithms and pedestrian attribute recognition. We also review some popular network architectures which have widely applied in the deep learning community. Fourthly, we analyse popular solutions for this task, such as attributes group, part-based, \emph{etc}. Fifthly, we shown some applications which takes pedestrian attributes into consideration and achieve better performance. Finally, we summarized this paper and give several possible research directions for pedestrian attributes recognition. The project page of this paper can be found from the following website: \url{https://sites.google.com/view/ahu-pedestrianattributes/}.Comment: Check our project page for High Resolution version of this survey: https://sites.google.com/view/ahu-pedestrianattributes

    Learning Multimodal Structures in Computer Vision

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    A phenomenon or event can be received from various kinds of detectors or under different conditions. Each such acquisition framework is a modality of the phenomenon. Due to the relation between the modalities of multimodal phenomena, a single modality cannot fully describe the event of interest. Since several modalities report on the same event introduces new challenges comparing to the case of exploiting each modality separately. We are interested in designing new algorithmic tools to apply sensor fusion techniques in the particular signal representation of sparse coding which is a favorite methodology in signal processing, machine learning and statistics to represent data. This coding scheme is based on a machine learning technique and has been demonstrated to be capable of representing many modalities like natural images. We will consider situations where we are not only interested in support of the model to be sparse, but also to reflect a-priorily known knowledge about the application in hand. Our goal is to extract a discriminative representation of the multimodal data that leads to easily finding its essential characteristics in the subsequent analysis step, e.g., regression and classification. To be more precise, sparse coding is about representing signals as linear combinations of a small number of bases from a dictionary. The idea is to learn a dictionary that encodes intrinsic properties of the multimodal data in a decomposition coefficient vector that is favorable towards the maximal discriminatory power. We carefully design a multimodal representation framework to learn discriminative feature representations by fully exploiting, the modality-shared which is the information shared by various modalities, and modality-specific which is the information content of each modality individually. Plus, it automatically learns the weights for various feature components in a data-driven scheme. In other words, the physical interpretation of our learning framework is to fully exploit the correlated characteristics of the available modalities, while at the same time leverage the modality-specific character of each modality and change their corresponding weights for different parts of the feature in recognition

    Sparse, hierarchical and shared-factors priors for representation learning

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    La représentation en caractéristiques est une préoccupation centrale des systèmes d’apprentissage automatique d’aujourd’hui. Une représentation adéquate peut faciliter une tâche d’apprentissage complexe. C’est le cas lorsque par exemple cette représentation est de faible dimensionnalité et est constituée de caractéristiques de haut niveau. Mais comment déterminer si une représentation est adéquate pour une tâche d’apprentissage ? Les récents travaux suggèrent qu’il est préférable de voir le choix de la représentation comme un problème d’apprentissage en soi. C’est ce que l’on nomme l’apprentissage de représentation. Cette thèse présente une série de contributions visant à améliorer la qualité des représentations apprises. La première contribution élabore une étude comparative des approches par dictionnaire parcimonieux sur le problème de la localisation de points de prises (pour la saisie robotisée) et fournit une analyse empirique de leurs avantages et leurs inconvénients. La deuxième contribution propose une architecture réseau de neurones à convolution (CNN) pour la détection de points de prise et la compare aux approches d’apprentissage par dictionnaire. Ensuite, la troisième contribution élabore une nouvelle fonction d’activation paramétrique et la valide expérimentalement. Finalement, la quatrième contribution détaille un nouveau mécanisme de partage souple de paramètres dans un cadre d’apprentissage multitâche.Feature representation is a central concern of today’s machine learning systems. A proper representation can facilitate a complex learning task. This is the case when for instance the representation has low dimensionality and consists of high-level characteristics. But how can we determine if a representation is adequate for a learning task? Recent work suggests that it is better to see the choice of representation as a learning problem in itself. This is called Representation Learning. This thesis presents a series of contributions aimed at improving the quality of the learned representations. The first contribution elaborates a comparative study of Sparse Dictionary Learning (SDL) approaches on the problem of grasp detection (for robotic grasping) and provides an empirical analysis of their advantages and disadvantages. The second contribution proposes a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture for grasp detection and compares it to SDL. Then, the third contribution elaborates a new parametric activation function and validates it experimentally. Finally, the fourth contribution details a new soft parameter sharing mechanism for multitasking learning
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