28,123 research outputs found

    An online handwriting recognition system for Turkish

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    Despite recent developments in Tablet PC technology, there has not been any applications for recognizing handwritings in Turkish. In this paper, we present an online handwritten text recognition system for Turkish, developed using the Tablet PC interface. However, even though the system is developed for Turkish, the addressed issues are common to online handwriting recognition systems in general. Several dynamic features are extracted from the handwriting data for each recorded point and Hidden Markov Models (HMM) are used to train letter and word models. We experimented with using various features and HMM model topologies, and report on the effects of these experiments. We started with first and second derivatives of the x and y coordinates and relative change in the pen pressure as initial features. We found that using two more additional features, that is, number of neighboring points and relative heights of each point with respect to the base-line improve the recognition rate. In addition, extracting features within strokes and using a skipping state topology improve the system performance as well. The improved system performance is 94% in recognizing handwritten words from a 1000-word lexicon

    Online Handwriting Recognition using HMM

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    Basically handwriting recognition can be divided into two parts as Offline handwriting recognition and Online handwriting recognition. Highly accurate output with predefined constraints can be given by Online handwriting recognition system as it is related to size of vocabulary and writer dependency, printed writing style etc. Hidden markov model increases the success rate of online recognition system. Online handwriting recognition gives additional time information which is not present in Offline system. A Markov process is a random prediction process whose future behavior rely only on its present state, does not depend on the past state. Which means it should satisfy the Markov condition. A Hidden markov model (HMM) is a statistical markov model. In HMM model the system being modeled is assumed to be a markov process with hidden states. Hidden Markov models (HMMs) can be viewed as extensions of discrete-state Markov processes. Human-machine interaction can be drastically getting improved as On-line handwriting recognition technology contains that capability. As instead of using keyboard any person can write anything by hand with the help of digital pen or any similar equipment would be more natural. HMM build a effective mathematical models for characterizing the variance both in time and signal space presented in speech signal

    Representing Online Handwriting for Recognition in Large Vision-Language Models

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    The adoption of tablets with touchscreens and styluses is increasing, and a key feature is converting handwriting to text, enabling search, indexing, and AI assistance. Meanwhile, vision-language models (VLMs) are now the go-to solution for image understanding, thanks to both their state-of-the-art performance across a variety of tasks and the simplicity of a unified approach to training, fine-tuning, and inference. While VLMs obtain high performance on image-based tasks, they perform poorly on handwriting recognition when applied naively, i.e., by rendering handwriting as an image and performing optical character recognition (OCR). In this paper, we study online handwriting recognition with VLMs, going beyond naive OCR. We propose a novel tokenized representation of digital ink (online handwriting) that includes both a time-ordered sequence of strokes as text, and as image. We show that this representation yields results comparable to or better than state-of-the-art online handwriting recognizers. Wide applicability is shown through results with two different VLM families, on multiple public datasets. Our approach can be applied to off-the-shelf VLMs, does not require any changes in their architecture, and can be used in both fine-tuning and parameter-efficient tuning. We perform a detailed ablation study to identify the key elements of the proposed representation


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    Pattern recognition, including handwriting recognition, has become increasingly common in everyday life, as is recognizing important files, agreements or contracts that use handwriting. In handwriting recognition, there are two types of methods commonly used, namely online and offline recognition. In online recognition, handwriting patterns are associated with pattern recognition to generate and select distinctive patterns. In handwritten letter patterns, machine learning (deep learning) is used to classify patterns in a data set. One of the popular and accurate deep learning models in image classification is the convolutional neural network (CNN). In this study, CNN will be implemented together with the OpenCV library to detect and recognize handwritten letters in real-time. Data on handwritten alphabet letters were obtained from the handwriting of 20 students with a total of 1,040 images, consisting of 520 uppercase (A-Z) images and 520 lowercase (a-z) images. The data is divided into 90% for training and 10% for testing. Through experimentation, it was found that the best CNN architecture has 5 layers with features (32, 32, 64, 64, 128), uses the Adam optimizer, and conducts training with a batch size of 20 and 100 epochs. The evaluation results show that the training accuracy is between 85, 90% to 89.83% and testing accuracy between 84.00% to 87.00%, with training and testing losses ranging from 0.322 to 0.499. This research produces the best CNN architecture with training and testing accuracy obtained from testing. The developed CNN model can be used as a reference or basis for the development of more complex handwriting pattern recognition models or for pattern recognition in other domains, such as object recognition in computer vision, facial recognition, and other object detection