2,386 research outputs found

    Multi-tenant radio access network slicing: statistical multiplexing of spatial loads

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    This paper addresses the slicing of radio access network resources by multiple tenants, e.g., virtual wireless operators and service providers. We consider a criterion for dynamic resource allocation amongst tenants, based on a weighted proportionally fair objective, which achieves desirable fairness/protection across the network slices of the different tenants and their associated users. Several key properties are established, including: the Pareto-optimality of user association to base stations, the fair allocation of base stations' resources, and the gains resulting from dynamic resource sharing across slices, both in terms of utility gains and capacity savings. We then address algorithmic and practical challenges in realizing the proposed criterion. We show that the objective is NP-hard, making an exact solution impractical, and design a distributed semi-online algorithm, which meets performance guarantees in equilibrium and can be shown to quickly converge to a region around the equilibrium point. Building on this algorithm, we devise a practical approach with limited computational information and handoff overheads. We use detailed simulations to show that our approach is indeed near-optimal and provides substantial gains both to tenants (in terms of capacity savings) and end users (in terms of improved performance).The work of P. Caballero and G. de Veciana was supported by NSF Award CNS-1343383, the work of A. Banchs and X. Costa-PĂ©rez by the H2020-ICT-2014-2 5G NORMA (Grant Agreement No. 671584), and the work of A. Banchs was also partially supported by the Spanish project DRONEXT (Grant Agreement TEC2014-58964-C2-1-R)

    Electrical and Computer Engineering Annual Report 2018

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    Welcome New President and Dean Faculty Directory Faculty Highlights Exciting Challenges for Expert Teacher Mobility Research: Sumit Paudyal Mobility Research: Chee-Wooi Ten Mobility Research: Bruce Mork Faculty Profile and Department Award Faculty Publications Staff Profile and Directory Graduate Student Awards and Degrees Student Highlights Senior Design Enterprise Enterprise and Undergraduate Student Awards ECE Academy Class of 2018 External Advisory Committee Contracts and Grants Department Statisticshttps://digitalcommons.mtu.edu/ece-annualreports/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Technological Impediments to B2C Electronic Commerce: An Update

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    In 1999, Rose et al. identified six categories of technological impediments inhibiting the growth of electronic commerce: (1) download delays, (2) interface limitations, (3) search problems, (4) inadequate measures of Web application success, (5) security, and (6) a lack of Internet standards. This paper updates findings in the original paper by surveying the practitioner literature for the five-year period from June 1999 to June 2004. We identify how advances in technology both partially resolve concerns with the original technological impediments, and inhibit their full resolution. We find that, despite five years of technological progress, the six categories of technological impediments remain relevant. Furthermore, the maturation of e-Commerce increased the Internet\u27s complexity, making these impediments harder to address. Two kinds of complexity are especially relevant: evolutionary complexity, and skill complexity. Evolutionary complexity refers to the need to preserve the existing Internet and resolve impediments simultaneously. Unfortunately, because the Internet consists of multiple incompatible technologies, philosophies, and attitudes, additions to the Internet infrastructure are difficult to integrate. Skill complexity refers to the skill sets necessary for managing e-Commerce change. As the Internet evolves, more skills become relevant. Unfortunately, individuals, companies and organizations are unable to master and integrate all necessary skills. As a result, new features added to the Internet do not consider all relevant factors, and are thus sub-optimal. NOTE THAT THIS ARTICLE IS APPROXIMATELY 600kb. IF YOU USE A SLOW MODEM, IT MAY TAKE A WHILE TO LOA

    Entrepreneurship in an Established Company

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    There are some fundamental differences between how you go about being innovative in a startup and how you go about it when you have more than 350 customers in 75 countries already running their business on your product. Put another way, you have to approach entrepreneurship differently when you have over 2,000 active deployments serving 40 million people every day. We faced that challenge at Movius Interactive Corporation. This article provides a description of how we took on the challenge of revitalizing innovation and entrepreneurship and how open source plays a part

    Summer 2008 Vol. 10 No. 2

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