9,494 research outputs found

    Online Bin Packing with Advice

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    We consider the online bin packing problem under the advice complexity model where the 'online constraint' is relaxed and an algorithm receives partial information about the future requests. We provide tight upper and lower bounds for the amount of advice an algorithm needs to achieve an optimal packing. We also introduce an algorithm that, when provided with log n + o(log n) bits of advice, achieves a competitive ratio of 3/2 for the general problem. This algorithm is simple and is expected to find real-world applications. We introduce another algorithm that receives 2n + o(n) bits of advice and achieves a competitive ratio of 4/3 + {\epsilon}. Finally, we provide a lower bound argument that implies that advice of linear size is required for an algorithm to achieve a competitive ratio better than 9/8.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure (2 subfigures

    Online Bin Packing with Advice

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    We consider the online bin packing problem under the advice complexity model where the "online constraint" is relaxed and an algorithm receives partial information about the future requests. We provide tight upper and lower bounds for the amount of advice an algorithm needs to achieve an optimal packing. We also introduce an algorithm that, when provided with log(n)+o(log(n)) bits of advice, achieves a competitive ratio of 3/2 for the general problem. This algorithm is simple and is expected to find real-world applications. We introduce another algorithm that receives 2n+o(n) bits of advice and achieves a competitive ratio of 4/3+e. Finally, we provide a lower bound argument that implies that advice of linear size is required for an algorithm to achieve a competitive ratio better than 9/8

    A Simple PTAS for the Dual Bin Packing Problem and Advice Complexity of Its Online Version

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    Recently, Renault (2016) studied the dual bin packing problem in the per-request advice model of online algorithms. He showed that given O(1/eps) advice bits for each input item allows approximating the dual bin packing problem online to within a factor of 1+eps. Renault asked about the advice complexity of dual bin packing in the tape-advice model of online algorithms. We make progress on this question. Let s be the maximum bit size of an input item weight. We present a conceptually simple online algorithm that with total advice O((s + log n)/eps^2) approximates the dual bin packing to within a 1+eps factor. To this end, we describe and analyze a simple offline PTAS for the dual bin packing problem. Although a PTAS for a more general problem was known prior to our work (Kellerer 1999, Chekuri and Khanna 2006), our PTAS is arguably simpler to state and analyze. As a result, we could easily adapt our PTAS to obtain the advice-complexity result. We also consider whether the dependence on s is necessary in our algorithm. We show that if s is unrestricted then for small enough eps > 0 obtaining a 1+eps approximation to the dual bin packing requires Omega_eps(n) bits of advice. To establish this lower bound we analyze an online reduction that preserves the advice complexity and approximation ratio from the binary separation problem due to Boyar et al. (2016). We define two natural advice complexity classes that capture the distinction similar to the Turing machine world distinction between pseudo polynomial time algorithms and polynomial time algorithms. Our results on the dual bin packing problem imply the separation of the two classes in the advice complexity world

    Online Computation with Untrusted Advice

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    The advice model of online computation captures a setting in which the algorithm is given some partial information concerning the request sequence. This paradigm allows to establish tradeoffs between the amount of this additional information and the performance of the online algorithm. However, if the advice is corrupt or, worse, if it comes from a malicious source, the algorithm may perform poorly. In this work, we study online computation in a setting in which the advice is provided by an untrusted source. Our objective is to quantify the impact of untrusted advice so as to design and analyze online algorithms that are robust and perform well even when the advice is generated in a malicious, adversarial manner. To this end, we focus on well-studied online problems such as ski rental, online bidding, bin packing, and list update. For ski-rental and online bidding, we show how to obtain algorithms that are Pareto-optimal with respect to the competitive ratios achieved; this improves upon the framework of Purohit et al. [NeurIPS 2018] in which Pareto-optimality is not necessarily guaranteed. For bin packing and list update, we give online algorithms with worst-case tradeoffs in their competitiveness, depending on whether the advice is trusted or not; this is motivated by work of Lykouris and Vassilvitskii [ICML 2018] on the paging problem, but in which the competitiveness depends on the reliability of the advice. Furthermore, we demonstrate how to prove lower bounds, within this model, on the tradeoff between the number of advice bits and the competitiveness of any online algorithm. Last, we study the effect of randomization: here we show that for ski-rental there is a randomized algorithm that Pareto-dominates any deterministic algorithm with advice of any size. We also show that a single random bit is not always inferior to a single advice bit, as it happens in the standard model

    Online Computation with Untrusted Advice

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    The advice model of online computation captures the setting in which the online algorithm is given some partial information concerning the request sequence. This paradigm allows to establish tradeoffs between the amount of this additional information and the performance of the online algorithm. However, unlike real life in which advice is a recommendation that we can choose to follow or to ignore based on trustworthiness, in the current advice model, the online algorithm treats it as infallible. This means that if the advice is corrupt or, worse, if it comes from a malicious source, the algorithm may perform poorly. In this work, we study online computation in a setting in which the advice is provided by an untrusted source. Our objective is to quantify the impact of untrusted advice so as to design and analyze online algorithms that are robust and perform well even when the advice is generated in a malicious, adversarial manner. To this end, we focus on well- studied online problems such as ski rental, online bidding, bin packing, and list update. For ski-rental and online bidding, we show how to obtain algorithms that are Pareto-optimal with respect to the competitive ratios achieved; this improves upon the framework of Purohit et al. [NeurIPS 2018] in which Pareto-optimality is not necessarily guaranteed. For bin packing and list update, we give online algorithms with worst-case tradeoffs in their competitiveness, depending on whether the advice is trusted or not; this is motivated by work of Lykouris and Vassilvitskii [ICML 2018] on the paging problem, but in which the competitiveness depends on the reliability of the advice. Furthermore, we demonstrate how to prove lower bounds, within this model, on the tradeoff between the number of advice bits and the competitiveness of any online algorithm. Last, we study the effect of randomization: here we show that for ski-rental there is a randomized algorithm that Pareto-dominates any deterministic algorithm with advice of any size. We also show that a single random bit is not always inferior to a single advice bit, as it happens in the standard model

    Alternative Approaches for Analysis of Bin Packing and List Update Problems

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    In this thesis we introduce and evaluate new algorithms and models for the analysis of online bin packing and list update problems. These are two classic online problems which are extensively studied in the literature and have many applications in the real world. Similar to other online problems, the framework of competitive analysis is often used to study the list update and bin packing algorithms. Under this framework, the behavior of online algorithms is compared to an optimal offline algorithm on the worst possible input. This is aligned with the traditional algorithm theory built around the concept of worst-case analysis. However, the pessimistic nature of the competitive analysis along with unrealistic assumptions behind the proposed models for the problems often result in situations where the existing theory is not quite useful in practice. The main goal of this thesis is to develop new approaches for studying online problems, and in particular bin packing and list update, to guide development of practical algorithms performing quite well on real-world inputs. In doing so, we introduce new algorithms with good performance (not only under the competitive analysis) as well as new models which are more realistic for certain applications of the studied problems. For many online problems, competitive analysis fails to provide a theoretical justification for observations made in practice. This is partially because, as a worst-case analysis method, competitive analysis does not necessarily reflect the typical behavior of algorithms. In the case of bin packing problem, the Best Fit and First Fit algorithms are widely used in practice. There are, however, other algorithms with better competitive ratios which are rarely used in practice since they perform poorly on average. We show that it is possible to optimize for both cases. In doing so, we introduce online bin packing algorithms which outperform Best Fit and First Fit in terms of competitive ratio while maintaining their good average-case performance. An alternative for analysis of online problems is the advice model which has received significant attention in the past few years. Under the advice model, an online algorithm receives a number of bits of advice about the unrevealed parts of the sequence. Generally, there is a trade-off between the size of the advice and the performance of online algorithms. The advice model generalizes the existing frameworks in which an online algorithm has partial knowledge about the input sequence, e.g., the access graph model for the paging problem. We study list update and bin packing problems under the advice model and answer several relevant questions about the advice complexity of these problems. Online problems are usually studied under specific settings which are not necessarily valid for all applications of the problem. As an example, online bin packing algorithms are widely used for server consolidation to minimize the number of active servers in a data center. In some applications, e.g., tenant placement in the Cloud, often a `fault-tolerant' solution for server consolidation is required. In this setting, the problem becomes different and the classic algorithms can no longer be used. We study a fault-tolerant model for the bin packing problem and analyze algorithms which fit this particular application of the problem. Similarly, the list update problem was initially proposed for maintaining self-adjusting linked lists. However, presently, the main application of the problem is in the data compression realm. We show that the standard cost model is not suitable for compression purposes and study a compression cost model for the list update problem. Our analysis justifies the advantage of the compression schemes which are based on Move-To-Front algorithm and might lead to improved compression algorithms

    Lower bounds for several online variants of bin packing

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    We consider several previously studied online variants of bin packing and prove new and improved lower bounds on the asymptotic competitive ratios for them. For that, we use a method of fully adaptive constructions. In particular, we improve the lower bound for the asymptotic competitive ratio of online square packing significantly, raising it from roughly 1.68 to above 1.75.Comment: WAOA 201
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