2,716 research outputs found

    One-to-one Marketing on the Internet

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    Continente online: starting a one to one marketing program

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    Classificação: M31: Marketing L81: Retail and Wholesale Trade; e-commerceThe purpose of this thesis was to answer Sonae’s MC, one of the biggest Portuguese retail companies, challenge to solve some of the identified problems at its online retail store – Continente Online, namely the low retention rate and the inexistence of a differentiated communication with its customers. At the time this thesis was written, there was a huge lack of customer’s information. As a consequence, the company did not have any clue about customer’s characteristics, being, thus, impossible to segment and target them in a differentiated way, i.e., Mass Marketing was the strategy followed until then. To answer the identified problems, this thesis sought to launch the basis for a correct one-to-one marketing strategy, resorting to the framework developed by Don Peppers and Martha Rogers. This framework is constituted by 4 different stages: (1) identify the customers; (2) differentiate them; (3) interact; (4) and finally, adapt company’s mechanisms based on the information collected in the previous steps - customization. Hence, in a first moment a brief analysis of Continente Online’s current situation was developed, namely how they positioned themselves in the market and the environment under which the company operated. Bearing this knowledge in mind, the framework was designed and the next steps necessary for a correct and effective implementation were defined.O desenvolvimento desta tese partiu de uma proposta da Sonae MC, uma das maiores empresas de retalho Portuguesas, com o intuito de dar resposta a alguns problemas que a mesma tinha identificado na sua loja online – Continente Online, nomeadamente a baixa taxa de retenção e a existência de uma comunicação indiferenciada com os seus clientes. Existia um total desconhecimento dos clientes, não sendo, consequentemente, possível a comunicação com os mesmos de forma diferenciada, isto é, apenas se praticava Mass Marketing. Tentando dar uma resposta aos problemas identificados, pretende-se com esta tese criar as bases para a futura implementação de uma estratégia de marketing “one-to-one”, recorrendo-se à metodologia desenvolvida por Don Peppers e Martha Rogers. Esta metodologia consiste em 4 fases: (1) identificar os clientes; (2) diferenciar os mesmos; (3) interagir com estes; (4) e finalmente, adaptar as respostas da empresa com base na informação recolhida nos passos anteriores - customização. Assim sendo, num primeiro momento realizou-se a análise da situação atual do Continente Online, a forma como o mesmo se posicionava no mercado, bem como o contexto em que o mesmo desenvolve a sua atividade. Com este conhecimento foi então desenvolvida a metodologia e definidos quais os próximos passos que a empresa deverá seguir para uma correta e efetiva implementação da mesma

    Information Technology as the Enabler of One-to-One Marketing

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    Until recently, one-to-one marketing, the ability to sell targeted goods to an individual based on their known or perceived needs, was not possible for most product types on a mass basis.. Indeed, marketing practice in recent years centered around segmented marketing, in which people are treated as members of groups with similar interests and marketing is done at the group level. However, recent advances in information technology, including the Internet and its World Wide Web, database management systems, computer graphics, and electronic mail, as well as increased processor speeds, now permit one-to-one marketing on a mass basis over the Web. This tutorial explains the concept of one-to-one marketing, including how companies can aspire to move in this direction. It outlines a set of one-to-one marketing practices on the Web and explain how advances in information technology made these practices possible

    The Role of Information Technology in One-to-One Marketing

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    The short, fifty or so year history of modern information technology is replete with examples, large and small, of how IT has enabled changes in business organizations, business practices, and, indeed, entire business models. Without IT there would be no just-in- time inventory management, no instant credit card verification, and no email. IT has been credited with helping to eliminate levels of management and providing executives with the data they need for decision making. Indeed, business process re-engineering is predicated on the use of IT as the driver for organizational change. The purpose of this tutorial will be to discuss the role of IT in the exciting changes taking place in the field of marketing and, in particular, in what is becoming known as one-to- one marketing


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    One to one marketing program is an effort to increase loyalty among marketers and consumers. One to one marketing is not a new thing, it's a matter of a development method and terms of personal marketing. One to one maketing now widely grown and widely applied in many companies today. Not only is it one to one marketing also has a lot of big changes mlakukan changes specifically in order to understand consumers' needs and find appropriate and effective solution to solve the existing problems between the company and its customers. One to one marketing becomes a very helpful thing clients in receiving information and conduct any form of transaction. Not only is it one-to-one marketing is also very beneficial for the bank because it can ascertain the needs of consumers with their data, so that the bank can do with the right form of customer service. The application of one-to-one marketing in the future of online banking is expected over longer able to understand and meet customers' needs and provide customers the ease of doing things in terms of banking

    Erfolgswirkungen von One-to-One Marketing - Eine empirische Analyse

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    Terdapat tiga program marketing customerrelationship yakni pertama Continuity Marketing, One To One Marketing, Partnering Marketing mempunyai pengaruh terhadap kepuasan nasabah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara Continuity Marketing terhadap kepuasan nasabah di Bank Eka Bumi Artha. 2) untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara One To One Marketing terhadap kepuasan nasabah di Bank Eka Bumi Artha. 3) untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara partnering Marketing terhadap kepuasan nasabah di Bank Eka Bumi Artha. 4) untuk mengetahui apakah Continuity Marketing, One To One Marketing dan Partnering Marketing secara simultan mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kepuasan nasabah.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan pendekatanContinuity Marketing, One To One Marketing, Partnering Marketing, dengan populasi penelitian 39.000 nasabah, sampel yang digunakan 100 responden/nasabah Eka Save yang masih aktif di Bank Eka Bumi Artha. Hasil penelitian (1) terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara continuity marketing terhadap kepuasan nasabah Eka Save. (2) terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara one to one marketing terhadap kepuasan nasabah Eka Save. (3) terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara partnering marketing terhadap kepuasan nasabah Eka Save. (4) continuity marketing, one to one marketing, dan partneringmarketing secara simultan mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kepuasan nasabah Eka Save. Kata kunci : Continuity Marketing, One To One Marketing, Partnering Marketing, dan Kepuasan Nasabah

    The Use of an Expert System to Dynamically Alter Web Pages for One-to-One Marketing

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    One-to-one marketing on the Web is in its infancy. The Web offers a unique opportunity to mass market products directly to potential buyers who have a high probability for purchase, and to do so at a low cost. The key to unleashing this potential is the tailoring of Web presentation to address individual needs and desires quickly. This capability requires a mechanism for change so the site can adapt to the user. It also requires the ability to store and quickly access databases. We believe that an expert system is uniquely capable of providing this ability