21,269 research outputs found

    Private Pareto Optimal Exchange

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    We consider the problem of implementing an individually rational, asymptotically Pareto optimal allocation in a barter-exchange economy where agents are endowed with goods and have preferences over the goods of others, but may not use money as a medium of exchange. Because one of the most important instantiations of such economies is kidney exchange -- where the "input"to the problem consists of sensitive patient medical records -- we ask to what extent such exchanges can be carried out while providing formal privacy guarantees to the participants. We show that individually rational allocations cannot achieve any non-trivial approximation to Pareto optimality if carried out under the constraint of differential privacy -- or even the relaxation of \emph{joint} differential privacy, under which it is known that asymptotically optimal allocations can be computed in two-sided markets, where there is a distinction between buyers and sellers and we are concerned only with privacy of the buyers~\citep{Matching}. We therefore consider a further relaxation that we call \emph{marginal} differential privacy -- which promises, informally, that the privacy of every agent ii is protected from every other agent j≠ij \neq i so long as jj does not collude or share allocation information with other agents. We show that, under marginal differential privacy, it is possible to compute an individually rational and asymptotically Pareto optimal allocation in such exchange economies

    Batching of Tasks by Users of Pseudonymous Forums: Anonymity Compromise and Protection

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    There are a number of forums where people participate under pseudonyms. One example is peer review, where the identity of reviewers for any paper is confidential. When participating in these forums, people frequently engage in "batching": executing multiple related tasks (e.g., commenting on multiple papers) at nearly the same time. Our empirical analysis shows that batching is common in two applications we consider \unicode{x2013} peer review and Wikipedia edits. In this paper, we identify and address the risk of deanonymization arising from linking batched tasks. To protect against linkage attacks, we take the approach of adding delay to the posting time of batched tasks. We first show that under some natural assumptions, no delay mechanism can provide a meaningful differential privacy guarantee. We therefore propose a "one-sided" formulation of differential privacy for protecting against linkage attacks. We design a mechanism that adds zero-inflated uniform delay to events and show it can preserve privacy. We prove that this noise distribution is in fact optimal in minimizing expected delay among mechanisms adding independent noise to each event, thereby establishing the Pareto frontier of the trade-off between the expected delay for batched and unbatched events. Finally, we conduct a series of experiments on Wikipedia and Bitcoin data that corroborate the practical utility of our algorithm in obfuscating batching without introducing onerous delay to a system

    Differentially Private Publication of Sparse Data

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    The problem of privately releasing data is to provide a version of a dataset without revealing sensitive information about the individuals who contribute to the data. The model of differential privacy allows such private release while providing strong guarantees on the output. A basic mechanism achieves differential privacy by adding noise to the frequency counts in the contingency tables (or, a subset of the count data cube) derived from the dataset. However, when the dataset is sparse in its underlying space, as is the case for most multi-attribute relations, then the effect of adding noise is to vastly increase the size of the published data: it implicitly creates a huge number of dummy data points to mask the true data, making it almost impossible to work with. We present techniques to overcome this roadblock and allow efficient private release of sparse data, while maintaining the guarantees of differential privacy. Our approach is to release a compact summary of the noisy data. Generating the noisy data and then summarizing it would still be very costly, so we show how to shortcut this step, and instead directly generate the summary from the input data, without materializing the vast intermediate noisy data. We instantiate this outline for a variety of sampling and filtering methods, and show how to use the resulting summary for approximate, private, query answering. Our experimental study shows that this is an effective, practical solution, with comparable and occasionally improved utility over the costly materialization approach

    Detecting Communities under Differential Privacy

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    Complex networks usually expose community structure with groups of nodes sharing many links with the other nodes in the same group and relatively few with the nodes of the rest. This feature captures valuable information about the organization and even the evolution of the network. Over the last decade, a great number of algorithms for community detection have been proposed to deal with the increasingly complex networks. However, the problem of doing this in a private manner is rarely considered. In this paper, we solve this problem under differential privacy, a prominent privacy concept for releasing private data. We analyze the major challenges behind the problem and propose several schemes to tackle them from two perspectives: input perturbation and algorithm perturbation. We choose Louvain method as the back-end community detection for input perturbation schemes and propose the method LouvainDP which runs Louvain algorithm on a noisy super-graph. For algorithm perturbation, we design ModDivisive using exponential mechanism with the modularity as the score. We have thoroughly evaluated our techniques on real graphs of different sizes and verified their outperformance over the state-of-the-art
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