2 research outputs found

    Dual Column, Replica Bitline Delay Technique Using Stochastic Current Processing for a Process Variation Tolerant, Low Power SRAM

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    SRAM (Static Random Access Memory) design has become the critical and important block in processing ICs with the highest bandwidth power rationed memories taking the business lead. As industry attempts to maintain Moore's law by shrinking the device size, we are facing greater issues with the variability due to random doping fluctuation in devices. This variation compels engineers to design for worst case conditions which leads to inefficient memory model, which make it difficult to stand in the business race. However, a smart design can lead to less variation and “exact” memory parametric prediction to achieve high performance, low power and maximum yield designs. Since, random variation today is more dominant, we consider the application of the central limit theorem to control memory read timing across PVT (Process Voltage Temperature) corners. A statistical read timing is developed for a SRAM memory bank. In the thesis two dummy columns, each at extreme end of the memory bank, are used to implement the statistical memory bank model. By combining Monte-Carlo analysis using cadence virtuoso, and PDK data for the CMOS process (IBM 7RF), an analytically memory timing model is verified. Our major goal is to improve yield across all memory banks in all die across all the wafers; slow-slow (SS), typical-typical (TT) and fast-fast (FF).A smart stochastic/statistical approach is used in the thesis to predict exact parametric yield parameters with less variation to design accurate memory system which gives high performance, low power and maximum yield across all PVT corners to keep you ahead in the memory business. The memory design is compared to the conventional self-timed replica architecture using coefficient of variance of a reference current generated using dummy column. The proposed architecture was able to achieve 62 percent across the process improved accuracy in reference current and sense amplifier firing variation. Proposed architecture looks promising for future node technologies where statistical variability and its impact in subthreshold region is more dominant.Electrical Engineerin

    Study and development of low power consumption SRAMs on 28 nm FD-SOI CMOS process

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    Since analog circuit designs in CMOS nanometer (< 90 nm) nodes can be substantially affected by manufacturing process variations, circuit performance becomes more challenging to achieve efficient solutions by using analytical models. Extensive simulations are thus commonly required to provide a high yield. On the other hand, due to the fact that the classical bulk MOS structure is reaching scaling limits (< 32 nm), alternative approaches are being developed as successors, such as fully depleted silicon-oninsulator (FD-SOI), Multigate MOSFET, FinFETs, among others, and new design techniques emerge by taking advantage of the improved features of these devices. This thesis focused on the development of analytical expressions for the major performance parameters of the SRAM cache implemented in 28 nm FD-SOI CMOS, mainly to explore the transistor dimensions at low computational cost, thereby producing efficient designs in terms of energy consumption, speed and yield. By taking advantage of both low computational cost and close agreement results of the developed models, in this thesis we were able to propose a non-traditional sizing procedure for the simple 6T-SRAM cell, that unlike the traditional thin-cell design, transistor lengths are used as a design variable in order to reduce the static leakage. The single-P-well (SPW) structure in combination with reverse-body-biasing (RBB) technique were used to achieve a better balance between P-type and N-type transistors. As a result, we developed a 128 kB SRAM cache, whose post-layout simulations show that the circuit consumes an average energy per operation of 0.604 pJ/word-access (64 I/O bits) at supply voltage of 0.45 V and operation frequency of 40 MHz. The total chip area of the 128 kB SRAM cache is 0.060 mm2 .O projeto de circuitos analogicos em processos nanométricos CMOS ( < 90 nm) per substancialmente afetado pelas variacões do processo de fabricacão, sendo cada vez mais desafiador para os projetistas alcançar soluções eficientes no desempenho dos circuitos mediante o uso de modelos analíticos. Simulacões extensas com alto custo com- putacional sao normalmente requeridas para providenciar um correto funcionamento do circuito. Por outro lado, devido ao fato que a estrutura bulk-CMOS esta alcançando seus limites de escala (< 32 nm), outros transistores foram desenvolvidos como sucessores, tais como o fully depleted silicon-on-insulator (FD-SOI), Multigate MOSFET, entre outros, surgindo novas tecnicas de projeto que utilizam as características aprimoradas destes dispositivos. Dessa forma, esta tese de doutorado se foca no desenvolvimento de modelos analíticos dos parametros mais importantes do cache SRAM implementado em processo CMOS FD-SOI de 28 nm, principalmente para explorar as dimensõoes dos transistores com baixo custo computacional, e assim produzir solucões eficientes em termos de consumo de energia, velocidade e rendimento. Aproveitando o baixo custo computacional e a alta concordância dos modelos analíticos, nesta tese fomos capazes de propor um dimensionamento nao tradicional para a célula de memória 6T-SRAM, em que diferentemente é do classico dimensionamento "thin-cell”, os comprimentos dos transistores são utilizados como variável de projeto com o fim de reduzir o consumo estático de corrente. A estrutura single-P-well (SPW), combinada com a técnica reverse-body-biasing (RBB) foram utilizadas para alcançar um melhor balanço entre as correntes específicas dos transistores do tipo P e N