1 research outputs found

    One-Sided Prototype Selection on Class Imbalanced Dissimilarity Matrices

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    In the dissimilarity representation paradigm, several prototype selection methods have been used to cope with the topic of how to select a small representation set for generating a low-dimensional dissimilarity space. In addition, these methods have also been used to reduce the size of the dissimilarity matrix. However, these approaches assume a relatively balanced class distribution, which is grossly violated in many real-life problems. Often, the ratios of prior probabilities between classes are extremely skewed. In this paper, we study the use of renowned prototype selection methods adapted to the case of learning from an imbalanced dissimilarity matrix. More specifically, we propose the use of these methods to under-sample the majority class in the dissimilarity space. The experimental results demonstrate that the one-sided selection strategy performs better than the classical prototype selection methods applied over all classes