649 research outputs found

    One-Round Protocol for Two-Party Verifier-Based Password-Authenticated Key Exchange

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    Abstract. Password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE) for two-party allows a client and a server communicating over a public network to share a session key using a human-memorable password only. PAKE protocols can be served as basic building blocks for constructing secure, complex, and higher-level protocols which were initially built upon the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. In this paper, we propose a provablysecure verifier-based PAKE protocol well suited with the TLS protocol which requires only a single round. The protocol is secure against attacks using compromised server's password file and known-key attacks, and provides forward secrecy, which is analyzed in the ideal hash model. This scheme matches the most efficient verifier-based PAKE protocol among those found in the literature. It is the first provably-secure one-round protocol for verifier-based PAKE in the two-party setting

    Communication-efficient three-party protocols for authentication and key agreement

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    AbstractEncrypted key exchange (EKE) authentication approaches are very important for secure communicating over public networks. In order to solve the security weaknesses three-party EKE, Yeh et al. [H.T. Yeh, H.M. Sun, T. Hwang, Efficient three-party authentication and key agreement protocols resistant to password guessing attacks, Information Science and Engineering 19 (6) (2003) 1059–1070.] proposed two secure and efficient three-party EKE protocols. Based on the protocol developed by Yeh et al., two improved EKE protocols for authentication and key agreement are proposed in this study. The computational costs of the proposed protocols are the same as those of the protocols of Yeh et al. However, the numbers of messages in the communication are fewer than those of the protocols of Yeh et al. Furthermore, the round efficient versions of our proposed protocols are also described

    Security and privacy aspects of mobile applications for post-surgical care

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    Mobile technologies have the potential to improve patient monitoring, medical decision making and in general the efficiency and quality of health delivery. They also pose new security and privacy challenges. The objectives of this work are to (i) Explore and define security and privacy requirements on the example of a post-surgical care application, and (ii) Develop and test a pilot implementation Post-Surgical Care Studies of surgical out- comes indicate that timely treatment of the most common complications in compliance with established post-surgical regiments greatly improve success rates. The goal of our pilot application is to enable physician to optimally synthesize and apply patient directed best medical practices to prevent post-operative complications in an individualized patient/procedure specific fashion. We propose a framework for a secure protocol to enable doctors to check most common complications for their patient during in-hospital post- surgical care. We also implemented our construction and cryptographic protocols as an iPhone application on the iOS using existing cryptographic services and libraries

    On the Use of Key Assignment Schemes in Authentication Protocols

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    Key Assignment Schemes (KASs) have been extensively studied in the context of cryptographically-enforced access control, where derived keys are used to decrypt protected resources. In this paper, we explore the use of KASs in entity authentication protocols, where we use derived keys to encrypt challenges. This novel use of KASs permits the efficient authentication of an entity in accordance with an authentication policy by associating entities with security labels representing specific services. Cryptographic keys are associated with each security label and demonstrating knowledge of an appropriate key is used as the basis for authentication. Thus, by controlling the distribution of such keys, restrictions may be efficiently placed upon the circumstances under which an entity may be authenticated and the services to which they may gain access. In this work, we explore how both standardized protocols and novel constructions may be developed to authenticate entities as members of a group associated to a particular security label, whilst protecting the long-term secrets in the system. We also see that such constructions may allow for authentication whilst preserving anonymity, and that by including a trusted third party we can achieve the authentication of individual identities and authentication based on timestamps without the need for synchronized clocks

    Zero-Knowledge Password Policy Check from Lattices

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    Passwords are ubiquitous and most commonly used to authenticate users when logging into online services. Using high entropy passwords is critical to prevent unauthorized access and password policies emerged to enforce this requirement on passwords. However, with current methods of password storage, poor practices and server breaches have leaked many passwords to the public. To protect one's sensitive information in case of such events, passwords should be hidden from servers. Verifier-based password authenticated key exchange, proposed by Bellovin and Merrit (IEEE S\&P, 1992), allows authenticated secure channels to be established with a hash of a password (verifier). Unfortunately, this restricts password policies as passwords cannot be checked from their verifier. To address this issue, Kiefer and Manulis (ESORICS 2014) proposed zero-knowledge password policy check (ZKPPC). A ZKPPC protocol allows users to prove in zero knowledge that a hash of the user's password satisfies the password policy required by the server. Unfortunately, their proposal is not quantum resistant with the use of discrete logarithm-based cryptographic tools and there are currently no other viable alternatives. In this work, we construct the first post-quantum ZKPPC using lattice-based tools. To this end, we introduce a new randomised password hashing scheme for ASCII-based passwords and design an accompanying zero-knowledge protocol for policy compliance. Interestingly, our proposal does not follow the framework established by Kiefer and Manulis and offers an alternate construction without homomorphic commitments. Although our protocol is not ready to be used in practice, we think it is an important first step towards a quantum-resistant privacy-preserving password-based authentication and key exchange system

    Secure set-based policy checking and its application to password registration

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    Policies are the corner stones of today's computer systems. They define secure states and safe operations. A common problem with policies is that their enforcement is often in con ict with user privacy. In order to check the satisfiability of a policy, a server usually needs to collect from a client some information which may be private. In this work we introduce the notion of secure set-based policy checking (SPC) that allows the server to verify policies while preserving the client's privacy. SPC is a generic protocol that can be applied in many policy-based systems. As an example, we show how to use SPC to build a password registration protocol so that a server can check whether a client's password is compliant with its password policy without seeing the password. We also analyse SPC and the password registration protocol and provide security proofs. To demonstrate the practicality of the proposed primitives, we report performance evaluation results based on a prototype implementation of the password registration protoco
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