226 research outputs found

    On-the-Fly Multiparty Computation on the Cloud via Multikey Fully Homomorphic Encryption

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    We propose a new notion of secure multiparty computation aided by a computationally-powerful but untrusted cloud server. In this notion that we call on-the-fly multiparty computation (MPC), the cloud can non-interactively perform arbitrary, dynamically chosen computations on data belonging to arbitrary sets of users chosen on-the-fly. All user\u27s input data and intermediate results are protected from snooping by the cloud as well as other users. This extends the standard notion of fully homomorphic encryption (FHE), where users can only enlist the cloud\u27s help in evaluating functions on their own encrypted data. In on-the-fly MPC, each user is involved only when initially uploading his (encrypted) data to the cloud, and in a final output decryption phase when outputs are revealed; the complexity of both is independent of the function being computed and the total number of users in the system. When users upload their data, they need not decide in advance which function will be computed, nor who they will compute with; they need only retroactively approve the eventually-chosen functions and on whose data the functions were evaluated. This notion is qualitatively the best possible in minimizing interaction, since the users\u27 interaction in the decryption stage is inevitable: we show that removing it would imply generic program obfuscation and is thus impossible. Our contributions are two-fold: 1. We show how on-the-fly MPC can be achieved using a new type of encryption scheme that we call multikey FHE, which is capable of operating on inputs encrypted under multiple, unrelated keys. A ciphertext resulting from a multikey evaluation can be jointly decrypted using the secret keys of all the users involved in the computation. 2. We construct a multikey FHE scheme based on NTRU, a very efficient public-key encryption scheme proposed in the 1990s. It was previously not known how to make NTRU fully homomorphic even for a single party. We view the construction of (multikey) FHE from NTRU encryption as a main contribution of independent interest. Although the transformation to a fully homomorphic system deteriorates the efficiency of NTRU somewhat, we believe that this system is a leading candidate for a practical FHE scheme

    Towards Round-Optimal Secure Multiparty Computations: Multikey FHE without a CRS

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    Multikey fully homomorphic encryption (MFHE) allows homomorphic operations between ciphertexts encrypted under different keys. In applications for secure multiparty computation (MPC)protocols, MFHE can be more advantageous than usual fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) since users do not need to agree with a common public key before the computation when using MFHE. In EUROCRYPT 2016, Mukherjee and Wichs constructed a secure MPC protocol in only two rounds via MFHE which deals with a common random/reference string (CRS) in key generation. After then, Brakerski et al.. replaced the role of CRS with the distributed setup for CRS calculation to form a four round secure MPC protocol. Thus, recent improvements in round complexity of MPC protocols have been made using MFHE. In this paper, we go further to obtain round-efficient and secure MPC protocols. The underlying MFHE schemes in previous works still involve the common value, CRS, it seems to weaken the power of using MFHE to allow users to independently generate their own keys. Therefore, we resolve the issue by constructing an MFHE scheme without CRS based on LWE assumption, and then we obtain a secure MPC protocol against semi-malicious security in three rounds

    On Evaluating Circuits with Inputs Encrypted by Different Fully Homomorphic Encryption Schemes

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    We consider the problem of evaluating circuits whose inputs are encrypted with possibly different encryption schemes. Let C\mathcal{C} be any circuit with input x1,…,xt∈{0,1}x_1, \dots, x_t \in \{0,1\}, and let Ei\mathcal{E}_i, 1≤i≤t1 \le i \le t, be (possibly) different fully homomorphic encryption schemes, whose encryption algorithms are \Enc_i. Suppose xix_i is encrypted with Ei\mathcal{E}_i under a public key pkipk_i, say c_i \leftarrow \Enc_i({pk_i}, x_i). Is there any algorithm \Evaluate such that \Evaluate(\mathcal{C}, \langle \mathcal{E}_1, pk_1, c_1\rangle, \dots, \langle \mathcal{E}_t, pk_t, c_t\rangle) returns a ciphertext cc that, once decrypted, equals C(x1,…,xt)\mathcal{C}(x_1, \dots, x_t)? We propose a solution to this seemingly impossible problem with the number of different schemes and/or keys limited to a small value. Our result also provides a partial solution to the open problem of converting any FHE scheme to a multikey FHE scheme

    On the Security of Multikey Homomorphic Encryption

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    Multikey fully homomorphic encryption (MFHE) scheme enables homomorphic computation on data encrypted under different keys. To decrypt a result ciphertext, all the involved secret keys are required. For multi decryptor setting, decryption is a protocol with minimal interaction among parties. However, all prior schemes supporting the protocol are not secure in public channel against a passive external adversary who can see any public information not joining the protocol. Furthermore, the possible adversaries have not been defined clearly. In this paper, we revisit the security of MFHE and present a secure one-round decryption protocol. We apply it to one of existing schemes and prove the scheme is secure against possible static adversaries. As an application, we construct a two round multiparty computation without common random string

    Verifiable encodings in multigroup fully homomorphic encryption

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    This article presents the application of homomorphic authenticators, replication encodings to be precise, to multigroup fully homomorphic encryption schemes. Following the works of Gennaro and Wichs on homomorphic authenticators in combination with the work of multigroup schemes by Kwak et al. we present a verifiable solution for a fully homomorphic primitive that includes the multikey, multiparty and single user cases. Furthermore, we propose a line of research for the future with constrained-resource scenarios

    Efficient TFHE Bootstrapping in the Multiparty Setting

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    In this paper, we introduce a new approach to efficiently compute TFHE bootstrapping keys for (predefined) multiple users. Hence, a fixed number of users can enjoy the same level of efficiency as in the single key setting, keeping their individual input privacy. Our construction relies on a novel algorithm called homomorphic indicator, which can be of independent interest. We provide a detailed analysis of the noise growth and a set of secure parameters suitable to be used in practice. Moreover, we compare the complexity of our technique with other state-of-the-art constructions and show which method performs better in what parameter sets, based on our noise analysis. We also provide a prototype implementation of our technique. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first implementation of TFHE in the multiparty setting

    Homomorphic Encryption for Multiple Users with Less Communications

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    Keeping privacy for every entity in outsourced computation is always a crucial issue. For efficient secure computation, homomorphic encryption (HE) can be one of nice solutions. Especially, multikey homomorphic encryption (MKHE) which allows homomorphic evaluation on encrypted data under different keys can be one of the simplest solutions for a secure computation which handles multiple users\u27 data. However, the current main problem of MKHE is that the dimension of its evaluated ciphertext relies on the number of users. To solve this problem, there are several variants of multikey homomorphic encryption schemes to keep the size of ciphertext constant for a fixed number of users. However, users interact one another before computation to provide their inputs, which increases setup complexity. Moreover, all the existing MKHE schemes and their variants have unique benefits which cannot be easily achieved at the same time in one scheme. In other words, each type of scheme has a suitable computational scenario to put its best performance. In this paper, we suggest more efficient evaluation key generation algorithms (relinearization key and bootstrapping key) for the existing variants of MKHE schemes which have no ciphertext expansion for a fixed number of users. Our method only requires a very simple and minor pre-processing; distributing public keys, which is not counted as a round at all in many other applications. Regarding bootstrapping, we firstly provide an efficient bootstrapping for multiple users which is the same as the base single-key scheme thanks to our simplified key generation method without a communication. As a result, participants have less communication, computation, and memory cost in online phase. Moreover, we provide a practical conversion algorithm between the two types of schemes in order to \emph{efficiently} utilize both schemes\u27 advantages together in more various applications. We also provide detailed comparison among similar results so that users can choose a suitable scheme for their homomorphic encryption based application scenarios

    Policy-Based Non-interactive Outsourcing of Computation using multikey FHE and CP-ABE

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    We consider the problem of outsourced computation that operates on encrypted inputs supplied by multiple independent parties. To facilitate fine-grained access control, it would be desirable if each party could encrypt her input under an appropriate access policy. Moreover, a party should only be authorized to decrypt the result of a computation performed on a set of encrypted inputs if his credentials satisfy the composition of all input policies. There has been limited success so far achieving homomorphic encryption in the functional setting; that is, for primitives such as Ciphertext-Policy Attribute Based Encryption (CP-ABE) and Identity Based Encryption (IBE). We introduce a new primitive that captures homomorphic encryption with support for access policies and policy composition. We then present a generic construction using CP-ABE and multikey Fully-Homomorphic encryption (FHE). Furthermore, we show that a CP-ABE scheme that is homomorphic for circuits of polylogarithmic depth in some parameter mm implies a CP-ABE scheme that is homomorphic for circuits of arity mm and unbounded depth
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