17,927 research outputs found

    Joint Material and Illumination Estimation from Photo Sets in the Wild

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    Faithful manipulation of shape, material, and illumination in 2D Internet images would greatly benefit from a reliable factorization of appearance into material (i.e., diffuse and specular) and illumination (i.e., environment maps). On the one hand, current methods that produce very high fidelity results, typically require controlled settings, expensive devices, or significant manual effort. To the other hand, methods that are automatic and work on 'in the wild' Internet images, often extract only low-frequency lighting or diffuse materials. In this work, we propose to make use of a set of photographs in order to jointly estimate the non-diffuse materials and sharp lighting in an uncontrolled setting. Our key observation is that seeing multiple instances of the same material under different illumination (i.e., environment), and different materials under the same illumination provide valuable constraints that can be exploited to yield a high-quality solution (i.e., specular materials and environment illumination) for all the observed materials and environments. Similar constraints also arise when observing multiple materials in a single environment, or a single material across multiple environments. The core of this approach is an optimization procedure that uses two neural networks that are trained on synthetic images to predict good gradients in parametric space given observation of reflected light. We evaluate our method on a range of synthetic and real examples to generate high-quality estimates, qualitatively compare our results against state-of-the-art alternatives via a user study, and demonstrate photo-consistent image manipulation that is otherwise very challenging to achieve

    In vivo characterization of connective tissue remodeling using infrared photoacoustic spectra

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    Premature cervical remodeling is a critical precursor of spontaneous preterm birth, and the remodeling process is characterized by an increase in tissue hydration. Nevertheless, current clinical measurements of cervical remodeling are subjective and detect only late events, such as cervical effacement and dilation. Here, we present a photoacoustic endoscope that can quantify tissue hydration by measuring near-infrared cervical spectra. We quantify the water contents of tissue-mimicking hydrogel phantoms as an analog of cervical connective tissue. Applying this method to pregnant women in vivo, we observed an increase in the water content of the cervix throughout pregnancy. The application of this technique in maternal healthcare may advance our understanding of cervical remodeling and provide a sensitive method for predicting preterm birth

    Computational multi-depth single-photon imaging

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    We present an imaging framework that is able to accurately reconstruct multiple depths at individual pixels from single-photon observations. Our active imaging method models the single-photon detection statistics from multiple reflectors within a pixel, and it also exploits the fact that a multi-depth profile at each pixel can be expressed as a sparse signal. We interpret the multi-depth reconstruction problem as a sparse deconvolution problem using single-photon observations, create a convex problem through discretization and relaxation, and use a modified iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm to efficiently solve for the optimal multi-depth solution. We experimentally demonstrate that the proposed framework is able to accurately reconstruct the depth features of an object that is behind a partially-reflecting scatterer and 4 m away from the imager with root mean-square error of 11 cm, using only 19 signal photon detections per pixel in the presence of moderate background light. In terms of root mean-square error, this is a factor of 4.2 improvement over the conventional method of Gaussian-mixture fitting for multi-depth recovery.This material is based upon work supported in part by a Samsung Scholarship, the US National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1422034, and the MIT Lincoln Laboratory Advanced Concepts Committee. We thank Dheera Venkatraman for his assistance with the experiments. (Samsung Scholarship; 1422034 - US National Science Foundation; MIT Lincoln Laboratory Advanced Concepts Committee)Accepted manuscrip

    The development of local solar irradiance for outdoor computer graphics rendering

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    Atmospheric effects are approximated by solving the light transfer equation, LTE, of a given viewing path. The resulting accumulated spectral energy (its visible band) arriving at the observer’s eyes, defines the colour of the object currently on the line of sight. Due to the convenience of using a single rendering equation to solve the LTE for daylight sky and distant objects (aerial perspective), recent methods had opt for a similar kind of approach. Alas, the burden that the real-time calculation brings to the foil had forced these methods to make simplifications that were not in line with the actual world observation. Consequently, the results of these methods are laden with visual-errors. The two most common simplifications made were: i) assuming the atmosphere as a full-scattering medium only and ii) assuming a single density atmosphere profile. This research explored the possibility of replacing the real-time calculation involved in solving the LTE with an analytical-based approach. Hence, the two simplifications made by the previous real-time methods can be avoided. The model was implemented on top of a flight simulator prototype system since the requirements of such system match the objectives of this study. Results were verified against the actual images of the daylight skies. Comparison was also made with the previous methods’ results to showcase the proposed model strengths and advantages over its peers