601 research outputs found

    HTML5 and companion web technologies as a universal platform for interactive Internet TV advertising

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    In this paper, we propose, design and develop a prototype interactive TV Commercial (iTVC) for the Internet Connected TV using only web technologies instead of propriety APIs or Adobe Flash, which are the most common methods up to date. The main advantage of this method is that developers can use a technology that is, or will be in the near future, compatible with most, if not all, different connected TV platforms, as the adoption of HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript is constantly gaining ground among Connected TV manufactures. We will show that, using these technologies, all of the features of a typical interactive Ad (Advertisement), such as navigation, video, audio, animation etc can be easily achieved and therefore it is a much better choice for authoring universal interactive Advertisements that will work in most platforms instead of re-developing the same Ad for each platform. © 2012 IEEE

    An In-Depth Study of Multimedia Elements for Programme Production in Television Stations in Lagos State, Nigeria

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    Multimedia refers to access of information by a variety of display media elements: text, graphics (vector), images (bitmap), audio (sound), motion pictures (animation) and video. They are weaved into a computer based presentation or TV programmes. Multimedia graphics has played a significant role in design and visual communication; while television is a medium for accessing those designs for disseminating information. Multimedia elements are experienced in day to day activities and also have a critical impact in television programming. This paper therefore aims to examine multimedia elements and its features for the production of programmes in television stations. The area of study is Lagos State, Nigeria. A concise survey was carried out in the study area which uncovers the problems of multimedia production for television; hence, adequate measures to resolve the challenges were proposed. Keywords: Multimedia Content, Media Elements, Linear Mode, Programmes, Visuals DOI: 10.7176/ADS/71-05 Publication date:March 31st 201

    Temporal meta-model framework for Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) development

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    This thesis has developed a Temporal Meta-Model Framework for semi-automated Enterprise System Development, which can help drastically reduce the time and cost to develop, deploy and maintain Enterprise Information Systems throughout their lifecycle. It proposes that the analysis and requirements gathering can also perform the bulk of the design phase, stored and available in a suitable model which would then be capable of automated execution with the availability of a set of specific runtime components

    Accessibility at Film Festivals: Guidelines for Inclusive Subtitling

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    In today's media-dominated world, the imperative for accessibility has never been greater, and ensuring that audiovisual experiences cater to individuals with sensory disabilities has become a pressing concern. One of the key initiatives in this endeavour is inclusive subtitling (IS), a practice rooted in the broader contexts of subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing (SDH/CC), audiovisual translation studies (AVTS), media accessibility studies (MAS), and the evolving field of Deaf studies (DS). This study aims to offer a comprehensive exploration of how inclusive subtitling contributes to fostering accessible and inclusive audiovisual experiences, with a particular focus on its implications within the unique environment of film festivals. To gain a holistic perspective of inclusive subtitling, it is essential to examine its lineage in relation to analogous practices, which is the focus of the first chapter. Inclusive subtitling is an extension of SDH/CC, designed for individuals with hearing impairments, and SDH/CC, in turn, is a nuanced variation of traditional subtitling extensively explored within the realm of AVTS. To encapsulate the diverse techniques and modalities aimed at making audiovisual content universally accessible, the study recognises the term "Audiovisual Accessibility" (AVA). The second chapter explores the interconnection of accessibility studies (AS), AVTS, and MAS, highlighting their symbiotic relationship and their role in framing inclusive subtitles within these fields. These interconnections are pivotal in shaping a framework for the practice of inclusive subtitling, enabling a comprehensive examination of its applicability and research implications. The third chapter delves into Deaf studies and the evolution of Deafhood, which hinges on the history and culture of Deaf individuals. This chapter elucidates the distinction between ‘deafness’ as a medical construct and ‘Deafhood’ as a cultural identity, crucial to the understanding of audiovisual accessibility and its intersection with the Deaf community's perspectives. In the fourth chapter, the focus turns to the exploration of film festivals, with a specific emphasis on the crucial role of subtitles in enhancing accessibility, particularly when films are presented in their original languages. The chapter marks a critical point, highlighting the inherent connection between subtitles and the immersive nature of film festivals that aspire to promote inclusivity in the cinematic experience. The emphasis on inclusivity extends to the evolution of film festivals, giving rise to more advanced forms, including accessible film festivals and Deaf film festivals. At the core of the chapter is a thorough examination of the corpus, specifically, the SDH/CC of films spanning the editions from 2020 to 2023 of two highly significant film festivals, namely BFI Flare and the London Film Festival. The corpus serves as the foundation upon which my research unfolds, providing a nuanced understanding of the role subtitles play in film festival contexts. The main chapter, chapter five, thoroughly analyses the technical and linguistic aspects of inclusive subtitling, drawing insights from the Inclusive Subtitling Guidelines - a two version document devised by myself - and offering real-world applications supported by a case study at an Italian film festival and another case study of the short film Pure, with the relevant inclusive subtitles file annexed. In conclusion, the research sets the stage for a comprehensive exploration of inclusive subtitling's role in ensuring accessible and inclusive audiovisual experiences, particularly within film festivals. It underscores the importance of accessibility in the world of audiovisual media and highlights the need for inclusive practices to cater to diverse audiences

    Application of Extensive Markup Language (XML) for shipping companies

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    Barrierfree Mobility in Asia and Europe

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    The Asia-Pacific Weeks (APW) have been taking place in Berlin for ten years. This year’s meetings are held from 10 to 23 September. The APW provide the opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences between metropolises of these continents with a focus on creative industries and sustainability in urban infrastructure. Infrastructure is the main topic in the discussion about sustainable development of urban space. The main objective of the workshop “Accessibility for all” is the similarity of aging societies in European and Asian countries. The workshop will be part of the Urban Sustainability Conference, meeting „Urban Transport & Mobility“ and should serve as a starting point for new scientific co-operations. Modern societies are characterized by an aging population as a result of the shrinking birth rate and the sagging fertility rate. This development requires new constructional, informational and technical standards regarding mobility. In Germany the percentage share of the elder generation (people older than 65 years) will grow to 30 percent in 2050 from 20 percent today. This process is typical for the whole European region, where the number of elder people will considerably grow between 2010 and 2030 (+ 37.4 percent). This development is comparable to the situation in Japan. The percentage share of elder people will be in Japan about 37 percent in the year 2050. The Peoples Republic of China (PRC) is also increasingly confronted with an aging society due to the One-Child-Policy. The share of the population which is older than 65 years has grown by about 50 percent between 1964 and 2000. Today this is about 8 percent of China’s whole population. Prognoses predict that beside the trend towards aging populations there will be a significant shrinkage of the spatial structure of settlement within the next decades. This process is not consistent in a regional and temporal way. Especially in prospering rural areas migration and aging exist in parallel. Immigration and certain socio-demographic effects (e.g. to start a family in a high age) may relieve the main trend of shrinkage. In particular, this effect is valid for metropolises. To provide mobility for everyone in a long term under these heterogeneous conditions is a new scientific and economic challenge. The social change of our society will also impact the mobility design in the future. Elder people will have a lower income. Wealth will not be described only by rate of consumption. This is also a chance for creation sustainable life styles. Due to these developments the challenges for mobility design are versatile and complex. “Accessibility for all” or “Design for all” describes a new approach to ensure social inclusion of everyone under these conditions of changing society. Existing instruments and scientific approaches of barrier-free mobility will be presented and discussed during the workshop „Accessibility for all”. The subject will be illustrated by using a travel chain as an example. This includes different aspects of a typical journey – (living-) room, building, vehicle and the connecting route. Not only the conventional barriers but also the “hidden” barriers between the single stages of a whole trip will be identified and eliminated by adequate solutions as a result of this approach. The planning of the workshop includes some impulse presentations of following subjects: Barrier-free information Barrier-free vehicles Barrier-free vehicle

    Streaming Automatic Speech Recognition with Hybrid Architectures and Deep Neural Network Models

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Durante la última década, los medios de comunicación han experimentado una revolución, alejándose de la televisión convencional hacia las plataformas de contenido bajo demanda. Además, esta revolución no ha cambiado solamente la manera en la que nos entretenemos, si no también la manera en la que aprendemos. En este sentido, las plataformas de contenido educativo bajo demanda también han proliferado para proporcionar recursos educativos de diversos tipos. Estas nuevas vías de distribución de contenido han llegado con nuevos requisitos para mejorar la accesibilidad, en particular las relacionadas con las dificultades de audición y las barreras lingüísticas. Aquí radica la oportunidad para el reconocimiento automático del habla (RAH) para cumplir estos requisitos, proporcionando subtitulado automático de alta calidad. Este subtitulado proporciona una base sólida para reducir esta brecha de accesibilidad, especialmente para contenido en directo o streaming. Estos sistemas de streaming deben trabajar bajo estrictas condiciones de tiempo real, proporcionando la subtitulación tan rápido como sea posible, trabajando con un contexto limitado. Sin embargo, esta limitación puede conllevar una degradación de la calidad cuando se compara con los sistemas para contenido en diferido u offline. Esta tesis propone un sistema de RAH en streaming con baja latencia, con una calidad similar a un sistema offline. Concretamente, este trabajo describe el camino seguido desde el sistema offline híbrido inicial hasta el eficiente sistema final de reconocimiento en streaming. El primer paso es la adaptación del sistema para efectuar una sola iteración de reconocimiento haciendo uso de modelos de lenguaje estado del arte basados en redes neuronales. En los sistemas basados en múltiples iteraciones estos modelos son relegados a una segunda (o posterior) iteración por su gran coste computacional. Tras adaptar el modelo de lenguaje, el modelo acústico basado en redes neuronales también tiene que adaptarse para trabajar con un contexto limitado. La integración y la adaptación de estos modelos es ampliamente descrita en esta tesis, evaluando el sistema RAH resultante, completamente adaptado para streaming, en conjuntos de datos académicos extensamente utilizados y desafiantes tareas basadas en contenidos audiovisuales reales. Como resultado, el sistema proporciona bajas tasas de error con un reducido tiempo de respuesta, comparables al sistema offline.[CA] Durant l'última dècada, els mitjans de comunicació han experimentat una revolució, allunyant-se de la televisió convencional cap a les plataformes de contingut sota demanda. A més a més, aquesta revolució no ha canviat només la manera en la que ens entretenim, si no també la manera en la que aprenem. En aquest sentit, les plataformes de contingut educatiu sota demanda també han proliferat pera proporcionar recursos educatius de diversos tipus. Aquestes noves vies de distribució de contingut han arribat amb nous requisits per a millorar l'accessibilitat, en particular les relacionades amb les dificultats d'audició i les barreres lingüístiques. Aquí radica l'oportunitat per al reconeixement automàtic de la parla (RAH) per a complir aquests requisits, proporcionant subtitulat automàtic d'alta qualitat. Aquest subtitulat proporciona una base sòlida per a reduir aquesta bretxa d'accessibilitat, especialment per a contingut en directe o streaming. Aquests sistemes han de treballar sota estrictes condicions de temps real, proporcionant la subtitulació tan ràpid com sigui possible, treballant en un context limitat. Aquesta limitació, però, pot comportar una degradació de la qualitat quan es compara amb els sistemes per a contingut en diferit o offline. Aquesta tesi proposa un sistema de RAH en streaming amb baixa latència, amb una qualitat similar a un sistema offline. Concretament, aquest treball descriu el camí seguit des del sistema offline híbrid inicial fins l'eficient sistema final de reconeixement en streaming. El primer pas és l'adaptació del sistema per a efectuar una sola iteració de reconeixement fent servir els models de llenguatge de l'estat de l'art basat en xarxes neuronals. En els sistemes basats en múltiples iteracions aquests models son relegades a una segona (o posterior) iteració pel seu gran cost computacional. Un cop el model de llenguatge s'ha adaptat, el model acústic basat en xarxes neuronals també s'ha d'adaptar per a treballar amb un context limitat. La integració i l'adaptació d'aquests models és àmpliament descrita en aquesta tesi, avaluant el sistema RAH resultant, completament adaptat per streaming, en conjunts de dades acadèmiques àmpliament utilitzades i desafiants tasques basades en continguts audiovisuals reals. Com a resultat, el sistema proporciona baixes taxes d'error amb un reduït temps de resposta, comparables al sistema offline.[EN] Over the last decade, the media have experienced a revolution, turning away from the conventional TV in favor of on-demand platforms. In addition, this media revolution not only changed the way entertainment is conceived but also how learning is conducted. Indeed, on-demand educational platforms have also proliferated and are now providing educational resources on diverse topics. These new ways to distribute content have come along with requirements to improve accessibility, particularly related to hearing difficulties and language barriers. Here is the opportunity for automatic speech recognition (ASR) to comply with these requirements by providing high-quality automatic captioning. Automatic captioning provides a sound basis for diminishing the accessibility gap, especially for live or streaming content. To this end, streaming ASR must work under strict real-time conditions, providing captions as fast as possible, and working with limited context. However, this limited context usually leads to a quality degradation as compared to the pre-recorded or offline content. This thesis is aimed at developing low-latency streaming ASR with a quality similar to offline ASR. More precisely, it describes the path followed from an initial hybrid offline system to an efficient streaming-adapted system. The first step is to perform a single recognition pass using a state-of-the-art neural network-based language model. In conventional multi-pass systems, this model is often deferred to the second or later pass due to its computational complexity. As with the language model, the neural-based acoustic model is also properly adapted to work with limited context. The adaptation and integration of these models is thoroughly described and assessed using fully-fledged streaming systems on well-known academic and challenging real-world benchmarks. In brief, it is shown that the proposed adaptation of the language and acoustic models allows the streaming-adapted system to reach the accuracy of the initial offline system with low latency.Jorge Cano, J. (2022). Streaming Automatic Speech Recognition with Hybrid Architectures and Deep Neural Network Models [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191001Compendi