184 research outputs found

    Optimization for Manhattan's traffic: ridesharing for vehicles for hire

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    Ridesharing es refereix a l’agrupació de diversos passatgers en un mateix vehicle, principalment com a resposta de l’increment del nombre de vehicles i de trànsit, i l'empitjorament de la qualitat de l'aire que ha estat observat en ciutats grans i altament poblades; i com a mètode per a reduir els costos de les companyies VTCs i els seus clients. Aquest treball simula l’agrupació de passatgers per als VTC de Manhattan; aplicant primer l’algoritme descrit a "On-demand high-capacity ride-sharing via dynamic trip-vehicle assignment" (Javier Alonso-Mora et al, PNAS, 2017) canviant la funció de costos per definir el nivell de priorització entre la disminució del trànsit i l'empitjorament de la qualitat del servei; i aplicant després un algoritme de rebalancing per permetre als vehicles moure’s per recollir en el futur altres passatgers. Finalment, s’analitza l'efecte d'aquests paràmetres en els resultats globals de trànsit a Manhattan, el retard sofert pels passatgers i la mida de la flota utilitzada.Ridesharing se refiere a la agrupación de varios pasajeros en un mismo vehículo, principalmente como respuesta al incremento de número de vehículos y tráfico, y al empeoramiento de la calidad del aire que se han observado en ciudades grandes y altamente pobladas; y como método para reducir los costes de las compañías VTCs y sus clientes. Este trabajo simula la agrupación de pasajeros para los VTC de Manhattan: aplicando primero el algoritmo descrito en "On-demand high-capacity ride-sharing via dynamic trip-vehicle assignment" (Javier Alonso-Mora et al, PNAS, 2017) cambiando la función de coste para permitir definir el nivel de priorización entre disminución del tráfico y empeoramiento de la calidad del servicio; y segundo un algoritmo de rebalancing que permita a los vehículos moverse para recoger en el futuro a otros pasajeros, para distintos valores de ponderación entre el aumento del tráfico por los vehículos vacíos y la disminución de la cantidad de vehículos necesarios. Finalmente, se analiza el efecto de estos parámetros sobre los resultados globales del tráfico de Manhattan, el retraso sufrido por los pasajeros y el tamaño de la flota usada.Ridesharing refers to the pooling of several passengers into a vehicle, mainly as a response to the increase of number of vehicles, rise in traffic congestion and worsening of air quality that have been observed in big and highly populated cities; and as a way to reduce costs for both companies of vehicles for hire and their clients. This work simulates the pooling of passengers of vehicles for hire in Manhattan: applying first the algorithm described in "On-demand high-capacity ride-sharing via dynamic trip-vehicle assignment" (Javier Alonso-Mora et al, PNAS, 2017), changing the cost function to allow different levels of priorization between decreasing traffic and worsening the service quality; and applying then a rebalancing algorithm that allows vehicles to move to attend future requests, for several weights of rise in traffic due to empty vehicles versus the decrease in number of vehicles needed. Finally, the effect of these parameters over the global traffic of Manhattan, the delay suffered by the passengers and the fleet size used is analyzed.Outgoin

    RE-ORG: An online repositioning guidance agent

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    Ministry of Education, Singapore under its Academic Research Funding Tier 2Demo Paper</p

    When Hashing Met Matching: Efficient Spatio-Temporal Search for Ridesharing

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    Carpooling, or sharing a ride with other passengers, holds immense potential for urban transportation. Ridesharing platforms enable such sharing of rides using real-time data. Finding ride matches in real-time at urban scale is a difficult combinatorial optimization task and mostly heuristic approaches are applied. In this work, we mathematically model the problem as that of finding near-neighbors and devise a novel efficient spatio-temporal search algorithm based on the theory of locality sensitive hashing for Maximum Inner Product Search (MIPS). The proposed algorithm can find kk near-optimal potential matches for every ride from a pool of nn rides in time O(n1+ρ(k+logn)logk)O(n^{1 + \rho} (k + \log n) \log k) and space O(n1+ρlogk)O(n^{1 + \rho} \log k) for a small ρ<1\rho < 1. Our algorithm can be extended in several useful and interesting ways increasing its practical appeal. Experiments with large NY yellow taxi trip datasets show that our algorithm consistently outperforms state-of-the-art heuristic methods thereby proving its practical applicability